Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 967: Super core

In fact, after knowing the number of participants in Xiaoran, Langba has already understood the gap between the two, 678 within the thousand, and 10,356 after the 10,000, and can easily see the gap. The participant number goes to Before, it means that this participant has been in Prometheus for the longer time.

Each task can make each participant get more or less promotion. The longer you stay, the stronger the participant. Although the participant's number can be replaced, the previous 678 is hanged and becomes the current 678. Xiao Ran, even if the number 001 may be inherited by a new person.

However, although there is such a possibility, the possibility of being able to bump into it is almost nothing. Moreover, Xiao Ran does not care to take out 100,000 battle points as a guarantee. Langba simply thinks about his own idiot. I can understand that Xiao Ran is definitely not a newcomer stage participant like them.

A newcomer can take out 100,000 points of merit in order to give someone an insurance. Is he stupid or you are stupid, not to mention that Langba does not feel that he has any special excellent places, let alone whether there are new people who can take it. Out of 100,000 battles, instead of strengthening yourself.

At the moment of signing the contract, Langba has already divided the two sides' primary and secondary initiative. Xiaoran, Langba, even if it is to get some compensation from the battle point, Xiaolang will never Easy to offend Xiaoran, Xiao Ran is simply a thigh like him.

This kind of thing about holding the thigh is not only the real area, not only the Eich Quartet can do it. Langba can also do the same, although I don’t know why an obvious student’s participant will appear in the newcomer stage. Among the tasks, however, it is not impossible to find out what Langba knows about Prometheus.

It is because of the infinite possibilities of Prometheus that it is possible to make everything that is not understandable.

Xiao Ran thought about how to use it to communicate with Langba in his own heart. It is not impossible to slowly talk out, but the information is too slow and not specific enough. It is not impossible to tell himself directly about the origin. Although things are rare, they are not completely non-existent, so even if they are said, there is actually not much relationship.

However, after thinking about it, Xiao Ran asked: "Can your property show me?"

Langba looked at Xiao Ran and nodded. He clicked on the air two times. Soon, in the eyes of Xiao Ran, the attribute information of Langba appeared.

Participant Number: 10356

Langba (super zone participant)


Shooting (18) affects the shooting ability of the pilot

Fighting (30) affects the fighter's fighting ability

Reflect (30) affects the speed of the pilot's reaction

Spirit (20) affects consumption when using skills

Physique (30) affects physical fitness

Blood: The rapporter can use the driving body as an extension of the body to more fully grasp the driving body. According to the level and category of the driving body, different attributes, reflection, physique, shooting or fighting are added to raise the total upper limit of 25 and the lowest limit of 5.

Awakening skills: rapid impact, the faster the target speed, the higher the melee attack, the higher the attack power can be up to 25 percent.

Langba's attributes are not high. Xiaoran can be said to be bad, but if it is just replaced by a new person who has performed two tasks, although it is not excellent, it can be said to be ordinary, and at the same time Blood and awakening skills, then the strength of the newcomers is not bad.

The introduction of the rapporteur's blood seems to be very vague, but Xiao Ran suddenly understands the meaning of this, that is to say, if Langba is driving a purely defensive body, the body will increase a lot, even the highest. 25.

And if this defensive type of body is also equipped with the main weapon of shooting, then the attributes of the shooting will also be improved, it may become an increase in physical fitness, shooting, reflecting a situation of 5 respectively.

But one thing to note is that shooting and fighting can't be increased at the same time. In the early stage, such a blood is indeed quite a fork, and a versatility is so ridiculous that it is unreasonable.

It can completely increase the ability of the pilot to disguise the increase of the combat effectiveness of the body, but if it is later, then this blood will be a little weaker than the blood with special effects, but the increase of the highest 25 points is also the same. Not to be underestimated.

As for the rapid impact of the awakening skills, if Langba drives the body to fight another target, as long as his speed is faster than the other side and then launch a melee attack, the speed difference is greater, then the effect of his attack is higher, the highest percentage The increase in the attack of the 30 has been quite good.

But if you change to an enemy that is about the same speed or faster than him, then this awakening skill is completely ineffective. In other words, you can only bully the slow guy, but if you match a speedy body. It can also be useful.

To put it simply, it is a hard-to-hard collision to see who is the skill of the cow. Although it is not useless for a pilot like Xiao Ran, but the meaning is not great, Xiaoran has mastered the characteristics of the outbreak, and can achieve the same degree of attack.

After understanding the blood and awakening skills, Xiao Ran continued to look at it. The next general-purpose general-purpose driving and the d-class general driving technology in the real area are completely different. A d-level skill called cohesion is somewhat interesting.

Cohesion, d-level skills, lv: 2, condense energy to a point to attack, improve the attack effect by 3 percent, each time consumes 2 points of spiritual value.

Crash, d-level skill, lv:1, 3 per cent of the impact attack effect, with a slight shock effect, each time consumes 3 points.

But the last skill, that is, the description of the outrageous and the meaning expressed in it made Xiaoran look a little bit bleak, and seemed to find the reason why he could not really start the λ-d day ver.

Strength: special skills, passive skills, can not be upgraded, the higher the strength, the higher the attack effect, affecting the control of the super-system, affecting the body's own skill, affecting the performance of the body, being influenced by emotions, beliefs, thoughts, mentality, subconsciousness, etc. Influence, the Super Department has its own conditions for the use of skills, and the growth is uncontrollable.

"This skill is the core skill of the super zone?" Xiaoran saw this skill description and then stunned. The mind is very incomparable: "Pneumatic? The higher the value in the game, the higher the attack and defense. Can you use the power of a single blow when you burn it?"

"Some of the body's temperament is not enough to use the power that can not be used? That is to say, I can not use λ-d day ver, because my strength is not enough?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and gently rolled his eyes, then clicked the plus sign after the skill description, and then a series of texts jumped out again.

"The strength is divided into strong, normal, weak.

The weak gas index is below zero, the body attack effect within -10, the performance is gradually reduced to 20%, -10 to -20, the body attack effect, the performance is reduced to 50%, -20 to -30 The effect of the body attack, the performance is gradually reduced to 80%, reaching -50 will not be able to start some of the body.

The normal index is one to one hundred, 30-60 strength can play the normal function of the body, 30 to 0 strength, the body attack effect, the performance will be weakened, up to 10%, can only use the normal attack can not use the body Bring skills.

Pneumatic power 60-100, the body attack effect, performance will be improved, up to 15%, can consume the power to use the body comes with a trick.

The strong gas index is more than one hundred. Each increase in strength increases the performance of the body, and the attack effect is one percent; the performance of the body, the upper limit of the attack effect is determined by the driving body.

Current strength: 15. ”

After seeing the updated description, Xiao Ran didn't know what to say. The things described were simple. If you are weak, don't fight. Normally you can participate in the battle. If you are strong, then you will always fight. It is the rhythm of burning. The more burning the fire, the more it burns to the sky.

What's more exaggerated is that in a strong state, every increase in strength can actually increase the body by one percent. If the strength reaches two hundred, it is equivalent to increasing the body to a level of 15 percent. The super-classical body completely crushes the rhythm of the authenticity d body.

If there is no upper limit, then is it that powerful can destroy the world? Xiaoran feels that this special skill is too exaggerated. If you encounter a particularly easy-to-burn super-zone participant, just drive an epic super-system, then Participants in the real department simply didn't have to play.

No wonder Xiaoran is the first time to get information about the super department, Prometheus is a special warning, the general super body can get such a high-powered force in special circumstances, this special situation is probably this strength Relationship.

The more I saw this, the more I felt that the quality of the participants in the super department was far more than the quality of the participants in the real area, and I was more expecting the retention time of the super area after the end of the mission.

"But it can't be said that the strength can grow indefinitely. After all, the body of the super system has great limitations. According to the description, the skills that are used in the body need to be exhausted. If you want unlimited reinforcement, it should not be So simple."

Xiao Ran thought about it and closed the property of Langba. He said: "I think you should also see it. I am not a newcomer stage participant in this mission world. In fact, I am a participant from the real area. It will appear in this world because of the relationship of a prop."

(Super is to burn! But can't burn easily.) (~^~)

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