Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 968: Different super zone task rules

"Real area?"

After Langba heard Xiaoran’s words, he was a little confused. He had to follow his thoughts. Xiaoran might be a participant who used special props to enter the novice stage world. I didn’t expect to be not only the novice mission world, but also It is a participant from the real area outside the super zone.

Can't help Langba sit up straight, and both eyes look up and down Xiaoran: "The real area of ​​Prometheus? Is it the same place as the Super Zone?"

Xiao Ran nodded: "It should be the same, perform a task every month..."

"No." Langba once again leaned forward slightly, and said to Xiao Ran, shaking his head and saying: "We only used four missions a year. I went to Prometheus for the ninth month. But only after the third mission was executed, how many times do you have to perform?"

When Langba’s words came out, even Xiao Ran felt that he was somewhat stunned. Even Xiao Ran could still feel that Langba’s eyes seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. What kind of meaning is that revealing the pitiful eyes? Your kid is Are you sorry for me?

At this time, Langba’s heart was also somewhat gratified and emotional. He only used four tasks in one year, but he performed many tasks and caused him many dangers. Now he is sitting opposite himself. This person, in the same time, has already performed three times more tasks than he did, and he is almost born to die.

Xiao Ran did not look at Langba, but was thinking: "Four missions? The rest period of each mission in the Super Zone has three months. Although there is no life limit in Prometheus, there is no real elapsed time. Concept, but the difference is too big."

"Compared with the real area, although the participants in the super area have great limitations on the body, once the corresponding body is obtained, the advantage can be much larger than the real area, if the four years of the year The second task is to make a difference between the leveling and the real area, but there is still something wrong."

"Because the task phase is actually the same, if the task rhythm of the two districts is the same, then it is like the one-month rest period of the real district is stretched to three months in the super zone, otherwise I should It is only in the ultimate mission that I will meet the super-participants, but what is the point of this? In addition to the longer rest period, there is no change compared to the real area?"

At this point, Xiaoran can't figure it out. Even if there is no concept of time, then time is chaotic and should not be met. Xiaoran frowned and asked: "Is the task fixed four times a year?"

"A maximum of three months of rest must be carried out once." Langba nodded. After thinking about it, he suddenly reached out and a white paper appeared in his hands and was directly thrown to Xiao Ran: "This is a newcomer." Baodian, your question should be able to get answers from it."

Xiao Ran reached out and took the book that Langba had thrown over. He fixed his eyes and looked at the big characters on the cover of the white leather: Super Zone Newcomer.

"Thank you." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and listened to Langba's book after shaking his hand. He did not waste time searching for his doubts in the face of Langba.

"After the previous topic, I came from the real area, so the situation in the super area is somewhat unclear, just like the number of executions of the task is very obvious."

"My current level is roughly equal to the super-epic level. In the real area, it is divided into a B-class body. However, because of the limitation of the super-zone, I probably only brought a body equal to the ordinary level. In the real area, it is divided into D-class, but it can play a body that exceeds D-class power."

"Epic level!" Langba suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at Xiaoran with a stunned look. For the current Langba, the epic level can be regarded as a legend, not to say that a sword can cut off the earth. However, it is no problem to easily and easily destroy a small country.

Xiao Ran thought for a moment, when the task of the world intruder, he opposed the epic super body Idian, a body that was damaged due to damage, but possessed the metamorphic energy and shield, so it should It can also be regarded as the top existence in the epic level. Perhaps it is difficult to break the defense against other epic super-systems.

"It is only slightly equivalent to the epic level. After all, there is still a big difference between the real system and the super system. If you encounter an epic super enemies, the biggest possibility is that I can't help him, and he can't help me."

"To say that the short-term outbreak is destructive, the super-system is obviously a big advantage. After all, the participants in your super-zone have the requirements of strength, so if you can delay for a long time, I think I should have a bigger Advantage."

After hearing Xiaoran's words, Langba's eyes on Xiaoran became more complicated, but they also had more happiness in their hearts. Fortunately, they had not had the thighs and the thighs became enemies.

Seeing Langba’s eyes, Xiao Ran just smiled and continued:

"In addition, I have two teammates who are currently carrying out other tasks. In addition to the body that I brought, we have already got the second body. If you saw the battle three days ago, you should probably Determine the strength of the body, within a month we will also get the third body, which is also my exclusive use of the body, should be able to make my strength play a bigger role."

"That is to say that we have four people now?" Langba's eyes lit up. It is not a bad thing for the team members to be more serious. At least in the next task, it is more convenient and safer. Langba is also busy asking: " What is their strength?"

Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "On top of you, each of them has the ability to complete this task alone, so don't worry about this, then this task will be arranged by me, how do you see it."

"Yes, this time the mission is based on you." Langba nodded without thinking about it. A student who was led by a student could do more than he did.

"That's good." Xiao Ran nodded and thought about his own attributes, but only a simple attribute was sent to Langba, and said: "In order to make you feel at ease, you can also check my attributes, but other I will not show you anything, please forgive me."

"I understand." Langba nodded. The basics of a senior pilot's skill bloodline have been fixed. Those things are the cards of senior pilots, but as a newcomer, although the blood is fixed, but the skills can be Re-matching, the degree of confidentiality naturally does not reach the level of Xiaoran.

When Langba saw the property of Xiaoran, the attributes of more than 80, 90, and even 100 made Langba stunned. He also confirmed that what Xiaoran said was true, and the last breath in his heart was loose. It’s down.

"Okay, I have seen the attributes of mys, so I will explain them to you for the next task."

"First of all, it is to protect our target security. In addition, I have reached a cooperation agreement with a local power in the world, a force of justice, so we will work before the main task 2 is officially released. It is closely related to this power."

"This force will also be the best helper for our future missions, so temporarily assisting them and improving their overall strength is what we need to do at the moment. For this reason, there should be no place for you to help. But if the other party has a need, maybe I will let you help in the past."

Langba quickly shook his head: "I have no problem with this."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "When the girl woke up, she left here and moved to me to have a look at each other. Although it was only a temporary contract, at least in this world we are considered a team. The members, what really happened, can't run you, can't run me."

"Yes." Langba nodded and thought about it: "But if you live with you, I am not used to it, and this girl can't leave my sight."

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "You can rest assured that this is a team, but I also have my own mission goal, will not grab her, then I will arrange you next door to me, but that girl is now The situation, you don't think it's not suitable for staying with you."

"But there is insurance for that 100,000 points of merit, and you have something to worry about."

Langba hesitated, and immediately said, "I listen to you."

After almost three hours, the girl opened the door of the bedroom and walked out a little. Xiaoran stood up after the girl smiled, and returned to her room with Langba and the girl. In the residence, the arrangement of the two people has already planned.

The girl either temporarily lives in the home of the Thousand Birds, or rents the house next to the Thousand Birds to let her stay, and Langba, let him stay next door until the main task is completed, but wait until the main line After the start of the second task, Langba will be arranged in the Mithril. As for staying on the son of Danu, or going out to perform the task, look at the arrangement of Tessa.

Now, in a short period of time, there should be no other situation. What Xiao Ran needs to do is to wait until the end of the main task, and wait for Luo to make the deformation fighter made by him.

Now that I know the need for strength, I can really play the power of the super-system. So Xiaoran will not force himself to use λ-DRIVER. Compared with the more flexible aircraft, it is really suitable for him. Body.

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