
Zhou Hao was thrown heavily on Luomeipo and fell on all fours.

"Oh, I'll go, you two are really good, so cowardly!" He clutched his aching butt.

The female corpse just now was him, and he was the female corpse just now.

He is wearing a suit of women's clothing, and the scratches on his face are healing. The **** openings that have just opened up are now recovered with only small scars. After a while, even these scars will disappear.

Pretending to be a female corpse, this is his escape plan.

Seeing the weird and gloomy surroundings, Zhou Hao knew that the women buried here were all women who had been killed by him, so he reverently worshipped, and his heart would be overwhelmed.

He had already inquired, and then went out here at Luomeipo. There was no one all the way, and he could walk out of Wanmeiju smoothly.

In addition, now that there is such a terrible thing here, no one wants to come here to enjoy the plum.

Zhou Hao arbitrarily walked through the snowy plum forest. As everyone said, there were very few people here. He went all the way and never saw any outsiders appear.

After a while, the eyes suddenly opened up, and finally there was a scenery that was not plum trees, and this was out of Wanmeiju.

However, unexpectedly, just after coming out of Wan Mei Curie, he ran into a team of knives and swords!

When those people saw Zhou Hao, they couldn't help but rushed up to catch him!

"Is there someone guarding here too?" He muttered, not hesitating at the moment, and set his posture to fight this group of people.

But when the two sides were about to approach in a fierce manner, he saw one of the group of people wearing a purple veil very familiar, but he looked like a purple leaf!

"Ziye!" Zhou Hao called.

The gang stopped when they heard the sound and put down their swords.

The person wearing the purple veil hesitantly looked at Zhou Hao, who was dressed in women's clothing and had a disheveled hair, with very uncertain eyes.

Zhou Hao quickly tucked up his hair, revealing a complete face, and said, "It's me!"

Ziye's eyes lit up when he saw this face, and said in surprise, "Young Master!"

After finishing speaking, I was pleasantly surprised to the few people nearby: "It's the Young Master! It's the Young Master!"

After hearing this, a group of people were excited, and knelt down on the spot, bowed their hands and respectfully said: "See the young master!"

A short-bearded man with a cold face looked at Zhou Hao and said excitedly: "Young Master, his subordinates have finally found you!"

Zhou Hao frowned: "Are you?"

The man with short beard solemnly respected his hand and replied: "Kill Li Sha, I have seen the Young Master!"

"You are Li Sha!" Zhou Hao was shocked and said, "You are finally here!"

When Li Sha saw that the Young Master couldn't recognize himself, he seemed very sad, because when Zi Ye found him, he told him about the Young Master's amnesia.

He didn't believe it at the beginning, but now facing the young leader, the other party can't recognize himself!

It seems that what Ziye said is right.

He hurriedly pleaded guilty to Zhou Hao, and said, "It's because the subordinates are late, please be punished by the young master!"

Zhou Hao waved his hand and said, "It came just right, so what punishment is there?"

Li Sha paused and said, "If it wasn't for Li Sha that was no match for Zhao Tu on that day, how could he be wronged by the Young Master..."

Speaking of the end, he looked down and looked very guilty.

Zhou Hao was surprised, and said, "In other words, you sent me to Taixuanzong? Not Zhao Tu?"

Li Sha nodded and said: "Only the leader and I know that the saint is hidden in Taixuanzong, so when Zhao Tu attacked, I sent the young leader to Taixuanzong, Zhao Tu and the others have never found the young leader! "

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