"Well, then I understand." Zhou Hao muttered.

According to this, Gu Yuntian said the opposite, saying that the black was white and the white was black; he said that what Li Sha did was Zhao Tu's work alone, and he said that Zhao Tu It is said that Li Shao did it.

"What does the Young Master said?" Li Sha asked.

Zhou Hao said, "I know what happened."

"Great, Young Master finally remembered!"

"Let's leave now, I heard that Zhao Tu's people are already on their way!" Zhou Hao said anxiously.

"We were thinking of rushing into Meixiang Tower to save the Young Master, but we didn't expect the Young Master to be so wise, we came out first!" said a short man.

He was Zhang Li who was against Gu Yuntian in Kaizhou.

Hearing this, Zhou Hao couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he remembered the women's clothing he was wearing.

"Let's go, if they find that I have escaped, they will definitely sweep and search people, it will be difficult to leave then!" he said.

Li killed a few people and set off immediately.

Halfway through, they caught a person from Gu Yuntian, killed and put on Zhou Hao's clothes.

Wan Meiju's defense today is so tight, it can be said that no flies can fly in!

What they were guarding against was that Li Sha's group broke into Wanmeiju to **** Zhou Hao, but they unexpectedly realized that Zhou Hao had already slipped out of the small building and rushed back to Taixuanzong with Li Shazhuren.

For now, in southern Xinjiang, only the forces of the Emperor Xuanzong can fight against the forces of Zhao Tu. Coupled with the appeal of Zhou Hao, the young leader, Zhao Tu will not dare to enter the great people of the Emperor Xuanzong.

Zhou Hao left the small building, and even after leaving Kaizhou with Li Shazhong, Zhao Tu's people finally arrived.

Zhao Tu didn't come, only one of Zhao Tu's capable men, Dong Jue, came to pick Zhou Hao on his behalf.


A small group of people came to the heavily guarded Wan Meiju.

There are only seven people in total, they are the "Seven Evils of the Qing Sect", and also the "Seven Evils of the Demon Sect" known by the people of the world.

Before the Qingjiao incident, the seven of them belonged to the second massacre envoy. After the Qingjiao collapsed, the seven followed the butcher Zhao Tu and became his eagle dogs, and they slaughtered many people who were not obedient to the butcher.

Among the seven of them, the leader is Dong Jue, and there are six evils of death, death, separation, injury, defeat, and Xiu under him.

Each of the seven has an unfathomable cultivation base and a heavy murderousness. Wherever they go, they will have corpses everywhere, blood flowing into rivers, flowers and trees withered, and grass will not grow!

Although there are seven people, the momentum has overwhelmed Gu Yuntian's entire Meijiao!

Even Wanmeiju's plum blossoms tremble on the branches because of their arrival, and they want to wither.

Gu Yuntian led a few more proficient people in Mei Jiao to greet him, and the scene was done very well.

Seeing Qisha approaching from a distance, he stepped forward and waited. When Qisha came to the front, he led a few people behind him and shouted in unison: "Gu Yuntian, the leader of Qingjiao, welcome the seven evil masters!"

Qisha leader Dong Juesui looked at Gu Yuntian and asked coldly, "Is the Young Master here?"

Gu Yuntian replied: "The young master is still there, nothing is wrong!"

Dong Jue nodded slightly and said, "I heard that the Li Killing Party will also come to **** people today, are they here?"

With a flattering smile on his face, Gu Yuntian replied: "Rejecting the Lord, I did hear that Li Sha is coming to **** people today, but I haven't seen the slightest disturbance yet. It seems that they knew that the seven evil masters had arrived and they had scared away early. !"

He laughed aloud, and the people behind him also laughed.

It's just that Qisha doesn't seem to think this is something to be funny. They are expressionless from start to finish, as if they are dead in the family.

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