Unlimited Upgrade

Chapter 323: Jie Yun and Wang Qiaochu

After communicating with Concubine Zi, Li Dong returned to his courtyard.

Sitting on his courtyard dragon chair, Li Dong's face showed a thoughtful look.

Today, through a short period of observation and testing, Li Dong found that there are many virtuous and talented people among these courtiers, but there are also some old antiques who are skilled in the world.

For how to arrange these old and new officials, Li Dong already has a plan in his heart.

It is to directly copy the county system, but the county system that Li Dong is going to use is not just the county system under the unified centralized system of the Qin Shihuang period.

On the contrary, Li Dong's system also combined the advantages of the later Han and Tang Dynasties, plus the improvements made to this system in the New Huaxia period.

Then according to the historical background of Xuantian Great World, a new centralized system with Xuantian Great World's characteristicism was made.

Thinking of this, the thoughts in Li Dong's brain were as fast as lightning and extremely agile.

Soon, a flash of light flashed in Li Dong's eyes, and he took out a jade slip exuding a pale green luster from his hand, and began to scatter a trace of spirit and record it upright.

Wang Qiaochu, the commander of the Royal Secret Guard Command Office, is the same product.

Yuwen Buhao, the commanding general of the imperial guards, is equivalent to the second rank.

Wang Kebuxuan, the provincial councilor of Zhongshu, is equivalent to the third grade.


In this way, Li Dongyang eloquently wrote all the arrangements for the ministers into this jade slip.

After writing, Li Dong's thoughts moved, and he summoned Jieyun and Li Xiu.

Looking at Jieyun and Li Xiu in front of him, Li Dong said:

"Prepare the two of you. Give me each of the lists in this jade slip to make jade slips and send them to their respective houses."

"At the same time, you are also supervising some of those noble families and some other high-ranking old officials with me. Don't let these people make trouble here."

After the voice fell, Li Dong's face showed a calm and calm look.


The bottom of Jieyun's heart below was pitch black.

Dirty and tiring work is thrown out and handed over to me, Jieyun! You are happy, I am tired!

However, when he turned his head to think of a certain person, Jieyun's heart suddenly came to a plan, and he respectfully said to Li Dong with an indifferent expression:

"Your Majesty, please rest assured on this matter, I will do it well! I will make you extremely satisfied."

Hearing this, Li Dong didn't say much and signaled the two to step back.

After seeing the figures of Jie Yun and Li Xiu disappear, Li Dong's mouth curved slightly higher.

The fluctuations in Jieyun's heart just now could not be concealed in Li Dong's terrifying strength, and he gave Li Dong an insight directly.

Therefore, Li Dong knew very well that Jieyun had obviously found some scapegoat.

However, Li Dong didn't care much about these.

After all, as long as he can fulfill his orders and not do things that make him uncomfortable.

Others, Li Dong has no interest or time to manage.

Although Li Dong's views on these are very indifferent, but at this time there is someone who is suffering.

Inside the palace, the residence of the royal guard.

At this moment, two voices flew straight down from the sky.

"Brother Wang, the big brother is here, but you still haven't come out to greet him!"

Before the person had landed, Jieyun's voice had already come down from the sky far away.

Hearing the familiar voice of Jieyun, Wang Qiaochu in the Imperial Guard Office couldn't help but covered his face with black lines. He really wanted to beat this Jieyun!

Unfortunately, the strength he does not allow!

Thinking of this, Wang Qiaochu couldn't help but walk towards the outside, to meet the Jieyun who called him his brother without his consent, and became his eldest brother.

"Brother Wang! This time my brother came here to give you a mission. If you do it well, Your Majesty will definitely reward you greatly." After Jieyun saw Wang Qiaochu who came out to greet him, he was very fast and took the initiative to greet him. said.

Hearing this, Wang Qiaochu felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, Jieyun handed over a jade slip exuding a pale green light, and said to Wang Qiaochu:

"Brother Wang, this jade slip contains His Majesty's arrangement for the distribution of officials. You have to work harder. Make these jade slips one by one and send them to the corresponding people."

This jade slip contained arrangements for Wang Qiaochu, but Jieyun sent the jade slip to Wang Qiaochu without any worries.

Because Jieyun is very clear that the jade slip was set by Li Dong, and if he does not surpass Li Dong's strength, don't even think about changing what Li Dong recorded on it.

After Wang Qiaochu heard what Jieyun said, he immediately knew that he was in trouble, and he was pitted by Jieyun again.

However, following closely, Wang Qiaochu was overjoyed again.

Some are curious about what position they will hold in the next great unified imperial dynasty.

After all, it stands to reason that he is a servant of the dragon.

Taking the jade slip from Jieyun's hand, Wang Qiaochu's spiritual power surged and probed inside.

Immediately, one by one bright golden fonts with a strong coercive force jumped out, appearing in Wang Qiaochu's field of vision.

Looking at these job arrangements, Wang Qiaochu's heart could not help but be full of respect for Li Dong.

This His Majesty is really good, he is indeed Mingjun!

To be able to remember so many officials, you must know that His Majesty these officials only met once in the court after leaving the customs.

Thinking of this, Wang Qiaochu's eyes couldn't help but search.

Immediately, seeing his name in the first row, his eyes lit up.

Wang Qiaochu, the commander of the Imperial Guard Office, is of the same rank.

A row of large characters came into view, and Wang Qiaochu couldn't help but feel extremely excited.

Equivalent to the same product.

It is equivalent to raising Wang Qiaochu directly from the third grade to several levels, reaching the peak of the pursuit of officials.

Therefore, Wang Qiaochu's heart suddenly shouted: "Your Majesty's grace! Heaven's grace is mighty, long live my emperor, long live!"

Jieyun and Li Xiu naturally didn't know about these thoughts in Wang Qiaochu's heart.

However, Li Xiu, who was becoming more and more human, exchanged glances with Jieyun at this time, and they all revealed a ray of light.

It's done! It's time to run.

Thinking of this, Jieyun is still the bad guy and said:

"How's it going? Brother Wang, big brother and second brother are enough to take care of you!"

"So, you have to finish this errand next, or your Majesty won't spare you."

Hearing this, Wang Qiaochu said with a tenacious look:

"Thanks to His Majesty's grace, this matter is bound to be done well by our king, and please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

In Li Dong's courtyard, the innocent Li Dong's soul power swept this scene, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Jieyun can do it! Unexpectedly, Wang Qiaochu was coaxed in just a few words.

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