Unlimited Upgrade

Chapter 324 The world trembles!

After sighing a few times, he regained his mind, and Li Dong did not continue to observe this matter.

Sitting cross-legged on the dragon chair, Li Dong said to the system:

"System, raise the Chaos Domain to the second level."

As Li Dong's voice fell, the system's prompt sounded immediately.

"DiDi! Raising the Chaos Domain to the second season requires one billion training experience points, are you sure?"

Hearing the sound of the system, thinking that he still has two billion cultivation experience points left, Li Dong said with confidence:


A voice fell.

Infinite mighty force immediately acted on Li Dong.

Around Li Dong's body, a layer of realm formed silently.

The field that suddenly appeared was the field that Li Dong had condensed in front of him with the small gray-white grinding disc in his body and the power of devouring.

Feeling the powerful power in this field, Li Dong's heart suddenly shook.

A mysterious and incomprehensible rune suddenly appeared from an unknown place like a torrent, rushing towards Li Dong's soul.

At the same time, a strange change occurred in Li Dong's dantian.

The power of swallowing and the small gray-white grinding disc exist in the dantian at the same time, and they are in a state of ingenious balance.

It looks as if the field has directly stabilized.

Li Dong can use it directly in the future, and he doesn't need to find the feeling again, so that the two forces can be united by confrontation.

The changes are more than that, and the power in the field has become stronger and stronger.

Just like that, time passed quickly.

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Dong's external domain suddenly shrank inward, and instantly shrank to the surface of Li Dong's body.

At the same time, a circle of strange patterns suddenly appeared on Li Dong's body surface. These patterns were similar in length to the runes that poured into Li Dong's soul, and they looked full of some kind of strange nobility.

Feeling the sudden increase in strength, Li Dong's eyes suddenly lit up.

At this moment, the system prompt sound also rang.

"DiDi, the upgrade is complete, and the Chaos Domain has entered the lv level."

Li Dong completely ignored the system's prompt sound.

At this point, he was already immersed in the wonderful experience of this moment.

Li Dong could clearly feel it as the field shrank to his own skin.

All aspects of his quality have been explosively improved, as if the power of this field can be displayed in another form.

call out!

Li Dong's figure broke away from the courtyard in an instant.

After Li Dong left, the cracks in the space just left behind by breaking the sky did not heal as usual, and soon healed automatically under the protection of the heaven and earth mechanism.

On the contrary, a black and white flame surrounded the space crack, as if it was burning the space crack, making its healing speed dozens of times slower than normal.

It took dozens of times longer than before to get back to normal.

In a wild mountain forest 100,000 miles away from the imperial capital.

Li Dong's figure appeared out of thin air.

Looking down at the forest below, Li Dong noticed the strangeness of the crack in the space behind him.

"What is this black and white flame burning around the edge of the space crack? Could it be that the power of this field will actually spread out with my physical movements?"

Li Dong stared suspiciously at the space crack whose recovery speed was extremely slow.

After observing that the space crack returned to normal, Li Dong came up with a guess in his mind.

However, this speculation Li Dong is not sure whether this is the case.

Therefore, Li Dong's soul power swept towards the wild jungle below, and when he found that this was a no-man's land with no human beings, his face couldn't help showing a touch of excitement.

I can just use this piece of land to verify my conjecture.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Dong looked at the desolate mountains and forests below, and his figure flashed in an instant, like a teleportation, and appeared in the mountains and forests below in the blink of an eye.

Flying in the void in front of him hadn't found it yet, but when Li Dong landed in this wild mountain forest, he found it.

This mountain forest is nothing to see from the upper perspective, but after being down-to-earth, you can feel the towering height of these ancient trees.

One by one, almost none of them is less than 200 meters in height.

Seeing this, Li Dong's face flashed with excitement.

Immediately, a punch slammed into the ancient tree in front of him.


The fist touches the ancient wood.

A mighty and inexplicable mighty force surged out in an instant, directly blasting all the ancient trees within a radius of several kilometers into nothingness, leaving nothing left.

It was as if nothing existed within a few kilometers around it.

Looking at the scene caused by this punch, a look of surprise appeared on Li Dong's face.

This is not because the power of the second-level Chaos Domain is too strong, but because it is too weak.

It is completely different from the powerful power that you perceive!

In Li Dong's perception, the power of this field in himself is extremely powerful.

However, after this punch was thrown, the power it caused was not particularly powerful.

Thinking of this, Li Dong couldn't help sitting down cross-legged, looked at his hands, closed his eyes and began to think deeply.

In an endless chaotic void outside the three thousand small worlds.

At this time, a terrifying change suddenly occurred.

An extremely splendid, golden light with endless majesty exploded from the unknown, and ran away in all directions.

The unparalleled power swayed nine days and ten places, and while the mighty three thousand small worlds, the Sanctuary also suffered a certain fluctuation shock.


Countless little thousand worlds trembled under this inexplicable force, and various visions occurred.

At the same time, Li Dong, who had been cultivating with his eyes closed, also stood up abruptly, exuding an extremely terrifying coercion, which directly caused the ancient trees in the entire wilderness to be invincible. The bottom was broken, and countless milky white resin splashed out.

"What the hell is going on? Why do I feel like the whole world is shaking?"

After sighing a few times, he regained his mind, and Li Dong did not continue to observe this matter.

Sitting cross-legged on the dragon chair, Li Dong said to the system:

"System, raise the Chaos Domain to the second level."

As Li Dong's voice fell, the system's prompt sounded immediately.

"DiDi! Raising the Chaos Domain to the second season requires one billion training experience points, are you sure?"

Hearing the sound of the system, thinking that he still has two billion cultivation experience points left, Li Dong said with confidence:


A voice fell.

Infinite mighty force immediately acted on Li Dong.

Around Li Dong's body, a layer of realm formed silently.

The field that suddenly appeared was the field that Li Dong had condensed in front of him with the small gray-white grinding disc in his body and the power of devouring.

Feeling the powerful power in this field, Li Dong's heart suddenly shook.

A mysterious and incomprehensible rune suddenly appeared from an unknown place like a torrent, rushing towards Li Dong's soul.

At the same time, a strange change occurred in Li Dong's dantian.

The power of swallowing and the small gray-white grinding disc exist in the dantian at the same time, and they are in a state of ingenious balance.

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