"This breath is very similar to that of the Supreme Emperor of the Martial Arts. Could it be that the place where the Supreme Emperor of the Martial Arts fell is in the lower realm?" Among the famous mountains and rivers in the Sanctuary, there are ancient masters of the Invincible Supreme level thinking deeply.

"The power of Emperor Wu Supreme fluctuates? Could it be that the ruins of that guy appeared in the lower realm?" The sanctuary is vast, and countless prehistoric mythological practitioners are hidden in famous mountains and rivers. At this time, another old man whispered in an inexplicable area.

"What's going on? This powerful breath is the breath of the Nine Heavens of the Supreme Realm? Is it possible that the ancient Supreme has recovered?" Some Taoist years are not enough to touch the history of the Emperor Wu Supreme period. Therefore, the mythical powerhouses in their sects are undoubtedly horrified and shocked.

"It seems that there are powerful relics appearing in the lower realm! In this case, it is necessary to make a good layout and let the disciples go to bring this great opportunity back to the sect." There is a strong background in the sanctuary, In the super holy land that was extremely brilliant many years ago, a group of old men who were once invincible gathered together and discussed.

In the sanctuary, countless forces have made decisions one after another to send their disciples to the three thousand small thousand worlds below to seize this supreme opportunity.

In the Xuantian Great World, Li Dong kept watching the terrifying golden rays of light dissipate, and he couldn't help but set off a storm in his heart.

"That power is really too powerful! I really don't know what kind of fairy feeling it would be like to have such a powerful power." Li Dong said to himself.

After talking to himself, Li Dong's belief became firmer.

With the system, Li Dong believes that it will not take long.

He will definitely be able to have the strength comparable to the golden light master just now, and even surpass it directly at that time. It is not impossible to easily kill the golden light master just now.

Thinking of this, Li Dong's face suddenly regained a confident sunny smile.

Just as Li Dong smiled, Xuantian Great World and countless other human races in the other three thousand small thousand worlds were still in shock, and they did not react.

A Kongming voice that seemed to emerge from the long river of ancient time suddenly sounded leisurely, and it was introduced into the ears of countless people in the three thousand small thousand worlds.

"I am the Supreme Emperor of the Sanctuary, and the invincible powerhouse of the Nine Heavens of the Supreme Realm. I once ruled nearly one-tenth of the Sanctuary. Now that I have fallen, all my treasures, cultivation experience and inheritance are put into Among the relics I have arranged, all those who have cultivated in the Void Realm and are over a hundred years old can enter my relics and participate in my inheritance selection after half a month."

When the voice of the Supreme Emperor of Emperor Wu came into the ears of countless powerhouses in the Three Thousand Small Thousand World,

Immediately it caused countless people to wonder, what kind of realm is the Void Realm? Shouldn't the strongest be Dao?

Some experts from all walks of life who knew about the Void Void Realm beat their chests and feet, hating that they were not Void Void Void Realm, and could not go to the Emperor Wu Supreme Ruins, which was obviously a great opportunity, to grab the opportunity and the inheritance.

In the Xuantian Great World, Li Dong heard this voice, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Above the Void Realm? Isn't this relic equivalent to being exclusively supplied to me?"

"After all, apart from my comparison, among these three thousand small thousand worlds, there are still people who can break through to the Void Realm? Especially if they are under the age of 100."

Li Dong had a good idea in his heart, among the three thousand little thousand worlds.

Except for Li Dong, let alone the Void Void Realm within a hundred years old, even if it were given a few thousand years old, there would not be a Void Void Realm martial artist.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Dong ignored these things.

Continue to feel the second-level power of the Chaos Domain with one heart and one mind, to get acquainted with this incomparably powerful yet unfamiliar vast power.

In this way, a storm competition is going on invisibly.

At this time, countless forces in the Sanctuary are sending people to prepare the passage, calling the disciples in the sect to walk down the different ancient paths guarded in the three thousand small thousand worlds to come to the lower realm to compete for this opportunity.

Hollow out the various inheritance resources of the invincible existence known as the overlord of the generation, and bring them back to their respective holy places.

However, just as these forces were moving, the forbidden places in the sanctuary were still sitting still.

Especially Qingtian Canglanhai, which had already reached an agreement with Li Dong, and Li Dong will go to the forbidden area of ​​this place when the time comes.

At this time, Zheng Changsheng, the king of the forbidden land, came out of the gate and directly spoke the decree.

It means that those who are in the forbidden area are not allowed to participate in the competition for the ruins of the Nether!

If you want anything, you can report it, there are forbidden areas, there is no shortage of these!

Ye Chen, a martial artist from Qingtian Canglanhai who was in charge of guarding the Xuantian Great World, naturally also got the news.

Therefore, after getting this news, Ye Chen immediately thought of Li Dong.

However, Ye Chen couldn't leave the ancient road he guarded, so Ye Chen could only hurry secretly in the area he guarded.

I hope that kid hasn't broken through to the Void Realm yet! Otherwise, once you get into this muddy water, the fate between us will come to an end.

The King of the Forbidden Land will never allow anyone who disobeys his orders to join the Forbidden Land.

Li Dong didn't know Ye Chen's thoughts.

After the night fell, Li Dong's face was already showing a look of extreme joy.

There is no way, Li Dong has completed the conjecture in his heart through this afternoon, and confirmed his thoughts.

Sure enough, the second-level power in the Chaos Domain is the same as Li Dong's idea.

But after it is fused to the surface of the skin, this force becomes more powerful just like compression.

Moreover, in addition to this, Li Dong's physical defense is greatly increased, and when Li Dong uses other means of power, he can also get the blessing of the second-level power in the Chaos Domain, so that the power that Li Dong exerts can be increased. Unique effect of the previous layer of Chaos Fire.

After verifying the thoughts in his heart, Li Dong had a smile on his face and his eyes swept around.

Immediately, his eyes converged on a river.

"I'm in a good mood! Get some food to try."

The voice fell, and Li Dong's voice had disappeared from the void and appeared in the river.

In this way, Li Dong took Yaxing to eat a few fragrant grilled fish.

He immediately teleported away from the wild jungle and returned to his imperial capital.

At the same time, in the imperial capital, officials at all levels also received the jade slips sent by Wang Qiaochu, and understood what role they would play in this unified new imperial dynasty.

In this way, everything gradually returned to normal, and the original world shaking was quickly forgotten by these ordinary people.

However, after a week has passed.

In the sanctuary, countless forces have reached an agreement that each force can put different numbers of disciples into the lower realm according to its own ranking.

In this way, countless sanctuary forces brought their powerful disciples directly to the front of a super array that was constructed together after the agreement of the major forces.

This super array is obtained by connecting the ancient roads controlled by the major forces.

That is to say, after starting the formation, anyone who passes this formation will.

They will be teleported immediately, possibly to this world, or to that little thousand world.

All in all, once the disciples of the major forces enter the formation, everything will be random, so as to avoid the influence of forces.

All this, for the people of the three thousand small thousand world, but no one can know.

In the imperial capital, this day.

Li Dongzheng was about to leave and went to the place where the ruins were.

However, above the entire sky, a vision suddenly appeared, resulting in a terrifying change.

The entire sky seemed to change from day to night in an instant, and countless dazzling, star-like light clusters fell from the sky with a roar and whistling sound.

Li Dong's eyes moved with these strange light groups, and his expression soon changed.

Because, Li Dong found that there were thirty or forty light groups watching its posture, and it was obvious that they were about to descend into the Xuantian Great World.

Seeing this scene, Li Dong directly called the eunuch of the imperial court, and asked him to send orders to go on and prepare for possible crises in various places.

After this week of integration of the unified imperial dynasty, this huge machine has been running unstoppably.

Therefore, following Li Dong's order, it quickly spread in the Xuantian Great World.

Of course, these are all later stories.

At this moment, the light clusters above the sky all flew towards Xuantian Great World in all directions.

Seeing this, Li Dong's eyes locked on a light group in the sky above, his figure flashed, and he grabbed it directly.

Obviously, Li Dong intends to directly detain a light group in his hand to find out.

Let's see what the situation of this light group is and what is the profound meaning? !

At the same time, countless warriors in the Xuantian Great World looked up and saw this strange light group that was already very close to the Xuantian Great World.

"What are those light balls? Why are so many falling towards our world?" Some people from the remote and small towns in the former Dali Dynasty exclaimed.

"What a terrifying aura and power, what exactly are these things? Could it be that the new emperor's life will bring disaster and attract the wrath of the sky to punish him?"

"Suddenly there is such a terrifying and strange vision of light in the world. Obviously, it is not a catastrophe and evil that has come to our world, that is, a super opportunity has come. If this is similar to the golden light that appeared a few days ago. Match, this is great luck!"

Countless people from the Xuanhuang Emperor Dynasty uttered their inner exclamations in all parts of the Xuantian Great World.

However, Li Dong has no intention of paying attention to these.

At this time, Li Dong's figure had already broken through the altitude of 10,000 meters, and an invisible giant hand with terrifying power, as if to pick up the stars and the moon, grabbed directly towards a light group above, aggressively.


Li Dong's big hand of vitality failed to stop the light group, and directly blew the terrifying force carried by the light group into a ball of vitality.

This is actually quite normal, because this is the power of the super formation arranged by the invincible powerhouses of countless superpowers in the sanctuary. If even Li Dong, a person who is n levels away from them, can destroy it, it will be ridiculous. .

"What? It actually dissipated my Yuan Li hand directly and turned it into a mass of Yuan Qi?" Li Dong looked at this moment with a look of surprise.

For Li Dong, the feeling of invincibility is really lonely.

However, at this moment, Li Dong clearly felt it.

The power carried by this light group is far stronger than his.

However, although Yuan Li's big hand was blasted away, Li Dong did not relax his attention.

Since it can't block you, stare at you until you hit the ground.

Naturally, you can know what the strange thing this light group is and what it represents.

Thinking of this, Li Dong's eyes have been closely following the light group he just planned to intercept.


There was a sudden rumbling sound on the ground, and a super crater that was hundreds of meters below the ground within a thousand miles was directly blown up.

As the aftermath dissipated, smoke and dust suddenly shot out.

In the void, Li Dong's figure flashed here.

Looking at the countless dust flying below, Li Dong's eyes have been fixed on one place.

Immediately you can know what your light group is.

In the big pit below, a beautiful woman about twenty-three years old, covered with a white veil, appeared from the light group at this time.

After the figure of the woman appeared, the light group dissipated directly as if it had completed its mission.

"Is this one of the three thousand small thousand worlds? The air smells bad! The concentration of vitality is far lower than that of the Sanctuary." One of the alternate saintess, named Huang Yaoer.

At the moment when the woman's voice fell, her beautiful eyes suddenly looked towards the sky.


It was as if the eyes collided invisibly.

Li Dong just happened to meet Huang Yao'er's gaze.

"A person ran out of that weird light group? And compared the Sanctuary to this place."

"Could it be that in the sanctuary, those big forces sent the Tianjiao of the Void Realm under the door to let them compete for the inheritance and treasures of the Emperor Wu Supreme in the ruins?"

Li Dong boldly looked at Huang Yaoer's eyes and thought in his heart.

If this is true, Li Dong can almost foresee it.

Xuantian Great World is better with him.

Those other small thousand worlds, it is estimated that after the appearance of these geniuses from the sanctuary, they will inevitably suffer great damage.

Of course, Li Dong doesn't care about his thoughts in other worlds.

After all, it is not easy to live on your own, and you have to become stronger.

There's no time to worry about the life and death of those irrelevant people.

Below, Huang Yao'er also felt a sense of shock like a storm in her heart at this time.

Huang Yao'er clearly understood that the person who looked at her in front of her was obviously still a teenager. 15

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