Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1656: The clue appears!

Chapter 1656 Clue Appears!

At 6:30 in the evening, after dinner, Ye Hao Tangcheng and others left Tangmen Villa early.

Go back to the car.

"Oh, I still don't have a clue after eating a meal. Miss Situ, A Hao, do you have any clues?" Tang Cheng scratched his head and interrogated Ye Hao and Situ Qiao'er behind him irritably.

Nightingale sat quietly in the passenger seat.

Zhang Sunyu marked the tenth place of the incident on the map, and then posted a photo of Tang Wenzong, the tenth missing person, on the blackboard.

"I originally thought that we could find some clues from the tenth missing person, but the place where the tenth missing person went missing was not found at all."

"Hey, two detectives. Can you give us something practical. So far, there are no useful clues." Chang Sunyu looked at Ye Hao and Situ Qiao'er with some impatientness.

"Who said there is no clue. Now the clue is already in front of us." Situ Qiao'er looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao stared at the photo on the blackboard, with a curved line showing through his mouth.

"Hey, do you all know the clues?" Tang Cheng looked at them excitedly.

Nightingale's gaze also cast over.

Ye Hao and Situ Qiao'er looked at each other, and said at the same time: "You know too."

"Hey, two great detectives, Holmes, can you stop playing mysteries here, just tell me if you have a clue. It's too dark!" Chang Sun Yu pointed to the dark sky outside.

"I said, the clue is already in front of us." Situ Qiaoer pointed to the photo in front of him.

Chang Sunyu looked at these photos up and down, and said in a puzzled way: "Is there any clue. These ten people have no relatives and no reason, they don't know each other, there is nothing similar in appearance, and their ages are also different. It’s very big, from the twenties to the sixties."

Situ Qiao'er shook his head, her best friend has a talent for martial arts, but she just can't use her mind.

"Time." Ye Hao said from the side, his fingers tapping on the desktop.

"Time? What time?" Changsun Yu asked in confusion.

Situ Qiao'er said: "Time to commit the crime!"

Afterwards, Situ Qiaoer walked to the blackboard and started with the first photo.

"Chi Wensheng, the first missing person, March 25. Chen Xiaoyu, the second missing person, April 22. Zhang Huiqing, the third missing person, May 15th. Zhu Congjun, the fourth missing person, May 24 Day. Zhou Panpan, the fifth missing person, June 2.

Li Jiehua, the sixth missing person, June 8. Wang Jing, the seventh missing person, on the evening of June 11. Lin Wanxia, ​​the eighth missing person, at noon on June 13. Wang Daoming, the ninth missing person, at 8 am on June 14.

Tang Wenzong, the tenth missing person, at 4 pm on June 14. "

Situ Qiao'er arranged the missing dates of all the missing persons, and then began to write numbers on the blackboard, writing a number between each missing person.






"Look carefully, from the first missing person to the present, the interval between disappearance of each missing person is shortening." Situ Qiaoer pointed to these numbers and said.

"What does this mean? This may be that the person is addicted to crime." Chang Sunyu shrugged.

"The numbers can speak. From these numbers, it can be inferred that the time for each crime is decreasing by one-third to one-half of the time.

The seventh missing person was only two days away from the eighth missing person, and the eighth to the ninth one was only one day, and today the tenth Tang Wenzong only took less than half a day! "Situ Qiao'er said with a blank eye: "This shows that this prisoner will still commit crimes in the recent period!"

And just tonight, the estimated time of the crime should be around 20 to black at night! "

"Even if we know the time of his crime, we don't know where he will do it. Moreover, there are so many martial arts people and Xi'an City is so big, it doesn't mean that you are looking for a needle in the sea." Changsunyu said.

"The second clue, what the missing persons have in common." Ye Hao said again.

Situ Qiao'er pointed at ten people again: "Yu'er, take a closer look. Can you not see such obvious clues."

Chang Sunyu walked to the blackboard, looked at the ten people, and then looked at their information.

She subconsciously said: "This...it seems like there is nothing but the target's getting stronger and stronger..."

"Strength!" Changsun Yu's eyes lit up.

Situ Qiao'er nodded, and she said: "Ten goals, from the beginning to the end, although some of the strength gaps are not very large. However, there has never been a decline in the strength of the target.

The tenth goal, Tang Wenzong, is inherently triple.

Now in Xi'an City, including the congenital triple, the martial artist with the congenital triple level or above, I think the scope of the sub-target should be greatly reduced. "

Tang Cheng said excitedly: "Now, we will protect these targets that may be attacked, so we can know how the criminal committed the crime, and we can also arrest him!"

"Do you think that the martial artist with the innate triple level or higher will let your dragon group send someone to protect it? And it doesn't include some secretly hidden." Ye Hao looked at Tang City.

Tang Cheng's expression became stiff, and the people who had dealt with martial arts people the most knew their tempers very well.

Although they are afraid of the existence of the dragon group, they are also very taboo about the dragon group.

The most important are those warriors with some strength, who are willing to be the target of others' surveillance.

"However, I have built a simple monitoring system in the computer. All the warriors with innate triple levels or above that can be found within Xi'an City are all monitored by the face recognition system." Ye Hao tapped the keyboard.

"But... if there is a blind spot for surveillance! These ten people were all attacked in the blind spot for surveillance!" Chang Sun Yu said.

"Then we don't let them enter the blind spot of surveillance alone during dangerous times. I will use hackers to forge text messages or voices at that time to keep them within the scope of surveillance, or prevent them from appearing alone. Happening.

If there are people in the blind spot that you cannot control, you will have to rely on your Tang team to find these people to drink tea in the name of investigation by the relevant department. "Ye Hao said with a smile: "It should be no problem to delay a little time!" "

Tang Cheng nodded: "This is no problem."

"Why is it so troublesome? Why don't we just gather them directly." Changsun Yu was puzzled.

"Sister Yu'er, why your IQ is not online at this time. These are all decoys, how can we catch the culprit without them!" Situ Qiao'er said.

Zhang Sunyu's eyes lit up, and she pointed to Ye Hao in surprise: "You are too courageous. These innate martial artists, you are all used as bait."

Ye Hao shrugged, looking indifferent.

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