Chapter 1657

A traffic policeman saw a black commercial vehicle parked in the illegal parking area.

Immediately walked up and knocked on the window.

"Sir, I'm sorry. You can't park in this place, please..."

Before the traffic police had finished speaking, a certificate was placed in front of him.

"Comrade, we are performing a special task." Tang Cheng rolled down the window and looked at the traffic police in front of him.

The traffic police took the certificate and flipped through it, his face instantly flushed. This... isn't this a special certificate in the legend.

The traffic police handed back the certificate to Tangcheng, stood up straight, and saluted Tangcheng: "Comrade, what can I do for you."

"No. Our car will stop here for a while, during this period I don't want anyone to disturb us." Tang Cheng said.

"Okay." The traffic police immediately turned and left, and at the same time sent a message to colleagues patrolling the surrounding area, asking them not to check the car parked at this location.

When the car window was rolled, Tang Cheng glanced at his watch, and the time indicated on it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

He turned his head to look at Ye Hao and Situ Qiao'er who were busy behind him.

"This is the center of Xi'an City, and it is easily accessible. If there is an attack in that place, we can rush to it as soon as possible. But...what if the prisoner escapes before we arrive?" Tang Cheng asked worriedly. Tao.

"I have made my forty clones distributed in the streets and alleys of Xi'an City. Unless the prisoner can really make the target disappear instantly, I can rush to the target point within ten seconds." Ye Hao said calmly. .

At the same time, his eyes kept looking at the decoys in more than a dozen surveillance pictures on the screen.

"I'm going to the bathroom on the 27th. There is no one in the bathroom and there is still a blind spot for monitoring!" Situ Qiaoer suddenly said.

"Nightingale, I have sent a mobile phone number to your computer, and a transformation device that I made. You immediately dialed that mobile phone number with voice 147. I also sent the content of what I said. Follow me Write it."

Ye Hao just finished speaking, and when he moved his finger, there was movement in the computer in front of Nightingale.

Nightingale is not slow either. Although investigating camouflage is not her specialty, she is at least a killer, not much worse.

The call was made quickly.

At the same time, Ye Hao called out a monitoring screen, and a man in a suit happened to walk outside a bathroom.

The man in a suit stopped and took out his mobile phone. When he saw the number, his expression was a little flustered, and he subconsciously walked into the bathroom.

"Devil, why are you answering the phone now? I don't care... I just want to talk to you... Am I more important than your yellow-faced wife?" Nightingale made a charming voice with her voice changer. Talking according to Ye Hao's notebook.

"Keep talking, now there are two people in the bathroom. Talk until you leave the bathroom on the 27th." Ye Hao said.

Nightingale made an OK gesture.

Situ Qiao'er glanced at Ye Hao and continued his work.

The grandson Yu, who was on the side, looked at Ye Hao in surprise: "You are so good at this. Doesn't anyone have no privacy in front of you."

"It can be said that as long as it is the information left on the Internet, I can find it. Modern people almost cannot do without the Internet, and any secret will be revealed in front of the Internet." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Devil." Changsun Yu whispered, and vowed in his heart that he would never rely too much on the Internet again.

This is simply moving a person naked in front of others, with no privacy at all.

As time passed bit by bit, everyone gradually became busy, and even Tang Cheng and Changsun Yu joined in.




21 o'clock

Gradually, the time when Ye Hao and others predicted that the most likely accident had passed.

Tang Cheng gasped, he looked at Ye Hao behind him: "A Hao, are you sure your judgment is correct. Didn't you say that between 8 and 9 in the evening, the criminal is likely to commit a crime, but Under our surveillance, no one had an accident."

Ye Hao calmly said: "I said before that the people we monitor are only possible targets we know, and this does not include those triple innate martial artists who we don't know but have already arrived in Xi'an City.

So maybe someone has been killed. "

"Then what shall we do now? Continue to monitor here?" Changsun Yu asked after taking a sip of mineral water.

"Go on, the murderer may have done it, but it may also have not done it yet." Ye Hao looked at all normal images: "In addition, Team Tang, you should contact the Dragon Team every five minutes and ask if you have found anyone missing. The case happened."

"it is good."

This waiting means waiting for six full hours.

Xi'an City, 3 AM on June 15th.

The door of the car was opened, and Changsun Yu returned to the car with two large bags of food bought from KFC.

"Eat and drink. Since I finished eating at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, I have basically nothing to eat except water." Chang Sunyu distributed the food to everyone.

When she walked in front of Ye Hao, she sat directly on the table.

"Why? Still staring. Now these goals are either sleeping, practicing, or soaking up girls in nightclubs. Everything that is normal can no longer be normal." Chang Sunyu said.

"It shouldn't be." Situ Qiao'er frowned, as if thinking about their wrong judgment.

"I think what time you said before is just a coincidence." Long Sunyu pointed to the time on the phone: "According to your previous judgment, this crazy criminal will charge one-half or one-third each time. The frequency to decrease the time between committing crimes.

But from the last disappearance yesterday afternoon, nearly ten hours have passed. According to your statement, this period should be three hours, two hours, and one hour.

There have been at least two or three missing cases, but now Xi'an City, let alone a missing case, the police station has not even received a report of a fight. "

Facing Changsun Yu's questioning, Situ Qiaoer was silent.

Could it be that the time of the offender before was really just a coincidence?

"No, it must not be a coincidence. There must be something wrong, or some external factor, which caused the perpetrator to suppress his desire to commit crime." Ye Hao said solemnly.

Chang Sun Yu shook his head.

"Regardless of whether or not there is a problem with time, we are looking for the suspect. We don't even know if he is a male or female, fat or thin, or what he looks like.

I can tell you that we don't have much time. Once the opening time of Qin Ling is determined, we can no longer continue to find criminals here! "Chang Sun Yu reminded.

Ye Hao was silent. He turned off all the monitoring screens and called up the before and after investigation data of the first ten missing persons.

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