Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1658: Waterworks!

Chapter 1658 Water Plant!

Ye Hao kept rumbling, and he read a piece of information dozens of times.

Situ Qiao'er next to him was also rethinking any possible clues.

Long Sun Yu, who was still leaning on the seat, was sleepy.

In fact, Changsun Yu is not sleepy, but she hates such boring things, and such things easily make her sleepy.

It's like a student who doesn't like English, he has just woke up and came to school, but even if it is, as long as the first class is English, he can fall asleep.

Time passed again and again.

The rays of dawn once again illuminated the city.

"I found it!"

Suddenly Ye Hao shouted excitedly.

The scared Chang Sunyu stood up directly from her seat, but she forgot that she was still sitting in the car and hit the roof directly with her head.

"I'll go." Zhang Sunyu clutched her head, she glared at Ye Hao: "Hey, what are you yelling for."

"I roughly guessed what the criminals used to make the missing people disappear!" Ye Hao's eyes shone brightly.

Situ Qiao'er immediately asked: "What?"

"Look carefully at the scenes of all the ten cases. One thing that exists!" Ye Hao pointed to ten pictures of the scenes.

"What do the ten cases found?" Tang Cheng began to recall, but soon he shook his head: "No. The ten cases found have nothing in common."

Situ Qiao'er didn't expect it for a long time.

Ye Hao pointed to the drink that Changsun Yu put in front of him: "Water!"

"Water has appeared at the scene of the ten cases. I suspect that the prisoner may have some way to use water to capture people remotely, and the scene of the crime is not the first scene! It's just the scene of the disappearance!"

"Wait...you wait a minute. Let's not talk about whether that prisoner can do this with water. But no matter how I look at it, there is no water in some of the crime scenes."

Chang Sunyu stood up and pointed to the photos on the black spots one by one: "Ten cases were found, four of which were rainy days. This can be interpreted as water. The other two are on the lake, which is also OK. Said it was water.

But the remaining four seem to have nothing to do with water.

The fifth missing person, Zhou Panpan, was on the roof of the hotel. There was no rain at that time, so there was no water. "

"What's on the rooftop of the hotel?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Water storage container!" Situ Qiaoer said directly: "Every large and regular hotel has a water storage container on the roof for storing or heating water."

Zhang Sunyu was taken aback for a moment, and she reluctantly said, "The seventh one, Wang Jing who disappeared in the park! And the Wang Daoming who we went to the site to investigate yesterday morning! There is no..."

"There was an abandoned toilet in the blind area of ​​surveillance that Wang Jing was in at the time. Although it was abandoned, the water pipes can still be used normally." Nightingale focused on investigating the disappearance.

"The alley where Wang Daoming disappeared. I remember that a fire hydrant broke down the night before and a lot of water came out. It was repaired two hours before we went." Tangcheng flipped through his notebook. , I was a little excited.

After all, I finally found a clue now.

"No wonder there were some traces of wet dew on the ground at that time, but because of the rapid evaporation of water in June, we did not pay attention." Situ Qiaoer said.

Chang Sunyu pointed to the last photo on the blackboard: "What about Tang Wenzong, Tang Wenzong disappeared in his room..."

Several people looked at Changsunyu, and Changsunyu stopped before speaking.

Her eyes widened: "The bathroom!"

"Now, at least it can be determined that the ten missing locations have one common factor, that is water!" Ye Hao said.

"But water is really common, and it cannot be said to be related to water just because of this." Tang Cheng said with some worry.

"Then if the water sources in these ten places come from a factory that processes water sources, is this still a coincidence?" Ye Hao tapped on the computer, and a water system drawing appeared on the screen.

The water system of the ten cases was marked by Ye Haote, and everyone could clearly see that the water pipes of the ten cases were finally gathered in a place marked by a building on the east side of Xi'an City!

"Xi'an Water Group No. 4 Factory." Ye Hao said the name of this place.

Tangcheng started the car, slammed the accelerator, and called out the location of the No. 4 factory that Ye Hao said.

In the early morning, a black commercial car drove out of the city.

"But by what means did this criminal use water to take people away?" Changsun Yu asked suspiciously.

"There are too many magical methods in this world that we have never seen or knew. If you enter the Qinling Mausoleum, you may also see something you have never seen before." Ye Hao said.

There are so many things that I have seen in the past two years that Ye Hao believes that everything is possible to discover.

Even if there are angels, demons, and aliens appearing now, Ye Hao would just be a little surprised, and then face calmly.

Ten minutes later, under the bright sky, a black business car stopped at a roadside.

"Is it really not called support?" Tang Cheng looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao shook his head: "There is not enough time to wait for support. The other party hasn't done anything for such a long time, and I don't know if something is wrong. I can't be sure if the murderer is still here. We can't delay.

In addition, the opponent's strength is quite high, and reinforcements of ordinary strength only increase casualties. If I can't deal with it, unless you can find a strong person around Tier 6 to support. "

Tangcheng is speechless, this is right, Ye Hao's strength lies there, if he doesn't balance it, the ordinary support will be cannon fodder.

When Ye Hao got out of the car, he saw Changsun Yu and Situ Qiao'er and Tangcheng were also preparing to get down.

He discouraged: "You'd better stay in the car. This time the enemy dares to attack the innate triple. The strength must not be low, and I suspect it may not be a single crime.

If you go in together, there may be danger. "

Tang Cheng patted Ye Hao on the shoulder: "Since I know the danger, it is even more impossible for me to let you go by myself. This time I ask you to come. I cannot leave everything to you. I feel at ease. Nibbled bread and drinking Coke here."

With that, he got out of the car while checking his equipment.

Immediately afterwards, Changsun Yu and Situ Qiao'er also came down.

When Zhang Sunyu saw what Ye Hao wanted to say, she immediately said: "Don't talk nonsense, since they are here, staying in the car does not exist."

"You don't have to worry about us, just like encountering a strong enemy, we at least have the means to protect ourselves." Situ Qiaoer said.

Ye Hao shrugged helplessly. As for Nightingale, she had already come down. She was hidden by the tree, her aura was hidden. If she didn't look closely, she probably wouldn't be able to find her.

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