Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2342: Sister fell in love with him

Chapter 2342 Sister Fancy Him

"What? Are you here to support?" Lin Qiangwei was a little surprised and Sun Yan answered.

Sun Yan nodded and said, "Six hours ago, we received a distress call from Cardinal City. Cardinal City has a great relationship with our Beiyan City. Our two cities have always had a good relationship.

The wife of the lord of Cardinal City is still my aunt, so we have a close relationship, and will help each other out if there is an emergency war. In addition, the distance is not very far, so a distress system is set up.

We both agreed that one party would send a call for help, and the other would send troops to support it.

My father sent me to lead an iron-clad ship, and a thousand soldiers from Beiyan City came to support it. "

"Then why did you encounter the ambush of the devil here. And you will fall into this coral island group? Sun Yan sister, you don't know, once our iron armored ship enters the coral island group, if it encounters a devil, it will be a disaster!" Lin Qiangwei Asked inexplicably.

Because there are many coral islands in the coral island group.

Once improperly driven, it will cause the iron-clad boat to hit the coral island, and the speed can not be raised at all.

Therefore, when ironclad ships encounter such coral islands, they will choose to detour.

"I didn't even think about entering here. But when we were walking around, suddenly an isolated coral island exploded, and a huge explosion shock wave rushed us into the coral island group.

After that, the demons in ambush attacked us, not giving us a chance to leave. "Sun Yan shook her head and said.

"It's like knowing in advance that you are coming." Ye Hao said.

Sun Yan nodded fiercely: "Yes, that's it!"

"Is such a thing possible?" Ye Hao asked.

"It's impossible." Sun Yan and Lin Qiangwei said in unison.

Sun Yan explained in detail: "It's impossible for the devil to know in advance that our North Yancheng will support Cardinal City and set up an ambush. Those demons who can enter this void are at the Quasi-God level.

Although they have a bit of IQ, they are all with well-developed limbs and simple minds. How can they guess that we will come unless they can predict. "

Ye Hao abruptly said again, "Is it possible that Cardinal City betrayed you?"

Sun Yan and Lin Qiangwei's eyes changed.

Sun Yan stared at Ye Hao straightly: "Young Master Ye, we will not forget your life-saving grace. But please don't insult our members of the Black Great Wall Alliance.

We are all brave warriors who are not afraid of life and death. It is impossible for us to go with the devil! "

"Young Master Ye, Sister Sun Yan is right. If you want to say that one or two people will fight timidly, it is possible, but it is impossible for an alliance city to turn to each other." Lin Qiangwei's tone was softer.

"Okay, just assume I haven't said it." Ye Hao shrugged, and then continued to treat the wounded in Beiyan City.

Seeing Ye Hao's methods, Sun Yan was also shocked.

The severely injured wounded recovered directly.

It's incredible.

At this time, the iron-clad boat in Chiyang City was also in place, and the iron-clad boat in Beiyan City was fixed, and it could be towed.

After Ye Hao treated the wounded in Beiyan City, he returned to the iron-clad ship in Chiyang City.

Old Jian and Ximen Sword Saint came to round with Ye Hao, and Ye Hao briefly explained the situation to them.

"Which... Ye Gongzi."

Lin Qiangwei and Sun Yan appeared behind Ye Hao

Ye Hao looked at the two women, both of them seem to be in trouble.

"What's the matter?" Ye Hao asked.

Lin Qiangwei glanced at Sun Yan, and then said: "Young Master Ye. Sister Sun Yan wants us to accompany her. She wants to go to Cardinal City to see the situation. After all, Cardinal City has sent a distress signal.

We are only 80 kilometers away from Cardinal City in a straight line. If you tow a boat, you can get there in more than an hour. So look..."

Lin Qiangwei didn't dare to make a decision, so he was seeking Ye Hao's opinion.

Ye Hao frowned slightly. If he wanted to go to Cardinal City first, he would definitely waste four or five hours to tow their iron-clad boat to Beiyan City.

Of course he was not willing to Ye Hao who was a little impatient now.

But look at Sun Yan's pleading gaze, and then think about these people fighting alone in another world.

Ye Hao was still softened: "Well then, let's go."

"Thank you Young Master Ye! I thank Young Master Ye on behalf of Cardinal City." Sun Yan bowed deeply to Ye Hao excitedly.

Lin Qiangwei also showed a smile.

There is still a reason why the two of them are happy, no matter what threats Cardinal City faces, as long as Ye Hao is willing to go.

That is a pin, and many problems can be solved!

"I want to take a break, call me when something happens or it's almost here." Ye Hao needs to recover as soon as possible.

After that, Ye Hao went off the deck and returned to his cabin.

"Qiangwei, what is the origin of this Young Master Ye? He is so strong at a young age, so a group of Tier 5, Tier 6, and even Tier 7 demons were killed by him like this." Sun Yanla Lin Qiangwei asked curiously.

For such a man, which woman can not be a little curious.

Lin Qiangwei explained Ye Hao's background.

"He also helped your Chiyang City? He also killed a Tier 8 demon! How strong is he then." Sun Yan was stunned.

"According to Ye Gongzi himself, he is now at the Demigod level." Lin Qiangwei said.

"Demigod!" Sun Yan took a deep breath: "I think he is about the same age as ours, but he is already a demigod. I am only the seventh-order peak now."

Sun Yan thought that she was already a talented person among her peers, except of course the evildoers in the three major cities.

But at this moment, he unexpectedly encountered someone even more evil than evil.

If the evildoers of the three major cities saw this person, it is estimated that those evildoers would be ashamed.

Seeing Sun Yan's surprised look, Lin Qiangwei still had a little pride in her heart. After all, this is the man she likes and can be recognized by more people. Of course it is the best.

Sun Yan noticed Lin Qiangwei's expression, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, "Qiangwei. I just saw you notice that Ye Gongzi's expression is unusual, and she put on this dress directly after the battle.

Tsk tusk tusk... In the past, I knew that before and after the battle, the alarm was not completely cleared, and you would not take off the armor.

Tell me honestly, do you like Ye Gongzi? "

Lin Qiangwei was a little bit embarrassed to be asked such a question directly, and lowered her head subconsciously: "Wh...Where is...I...I just treat Ye Gongzi as an older brother."

"Brother...?" Sun Yan gave a playful smile: "It looks like Young Master Ye is one year younger than you. But it's no wonder that a man like him looks very mature and masculine.

I originally thought that our sister Qiangwei liked people, since you don't like it, then I'm not welcome. How can such a good man be missed.

Although three years younger than me, I believe that Sun Yan can still take him down, and he will be your brother-in-law by then. "

"Brother-in-law? No, no!" Lin Qiangwei panicked subconsciously when she heard this, and directly grabbed Sun Yan's arm, as if trying to fight her.

"Tsk tusk tusk, look at your demo. Still lying to me here, my sister's Taoism is deeper than you, and I can't see through your careful thinking?" Sun Yan said teasingly.

Lin Qiangwei knew that Sun Yan was molesting herself, her cheeks became even more red, and she stared at Sun Yan angrily: "Sister Sun Yan is still so skinny! You bullied me like this when you were a kid."

Sun Yan shrugged and said carelessly: "I'm telling the truth, I do have a good impression of that Young Master Ye. Maybe someday, this young lady will do it, and sister Qiangwei will probably only drink soup. Up.

If you please please me now, maybe I can make you a kid. Let Master Ye go to your room once a week. "

"Sister Sun Yan, you hate it!"

"One time is not enough? Then go twice."

"Ignore you!"

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