Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2343: Fall of Cardinal City

In the play of Lin Qiangwei and Sun Yan, the iron-clad ships of Chiyang City took the iron-clad ships of Beiyan City and started to drive towards Cardinal City little by little.

I have to say that this scene is a bit like a calf pulling a cart.

The iron-clad ships of Chiyang City and the iron-clad ships of Beiyan City are not at the same level.

The iron-clad ships in Beiyan City are almost two to three times larger than those in Chiyang City.

Because one is a combat ship, the hull is equipped with combat weapons and can accommodate up to one thousand people.

The iron-clad ships in Chiyang City are transport ships, and they pay attention to speed and transportation.

The transport space in its abdomen is not small, and at the same time its speed is faster than that of combat ships. If not, it is estimated that the iron-clad ships in Beiyan City will not be able to be pulled at this time.

Closer to home.

When there were still ten kilometers away from Cardinal City, Lin Qiangwei notified Ye Hao, and Ye Hao came to the deck.

After Ye Hao arrived on the deck, his face sank.

Lin Qiangwei and others noticed that Ye Hao's expression was unusual.

Lin Qiangwei asked cautiously: "Young Master Ye, what's the matter? Is it because of physical discomfort?"

"No, the atmosphere here is not right." Ye Hao said solemnly.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Isn't it normal here." Sun Yan looked at the void around him, nothing special.

"A heavy smell of blood, and the aura of annihilation of the soul." Ye Hao raised his hand and pointed to the front of the bow: "Just ahead."

Lin Qiangwei and Sun Yan were shocked. In front of them... Isn't it the Cardinal City?

Sun Yan smiled somewhat comfortingly: "You are the one who worried about Ye Gongzi, this is more than ten kilometers away. How can you smell blood, and even if it is blood, it may be the blood of the devil. We. You can be more vigilant."

"It's not a devil, it's a human." Ye Hao said solemnly.

He didn't want to explain more, he was a blood race, although in the void, the blood race's ability was somewhat weakened.

But it is still very simple to smell human blood within ten kilometers.

You know that on the earth, Ye Hao can find the owner of this blood within a radius of 300 kilometers based on the smell of blood!

"General Lin, you have ordered the boat to stop here first. All members are on alert, let's go and take a look first." Ye Hao spread his wings behind his back.

The good old swordsman Ximen Jiansheng was arranged to stay behind again.

Sun Yan didn't believe in this evil, so she insisted on going.

So Sun Yan also experienced the shock of Lin Qiangwei's speed just now.

But this feeling was quickly covered by another feeling.

Ye Hao and others came to Cardinal City, an island city.

Ye Hao looked at the scene below and said, "This is the Cardinal City?"

Lin Qiangwei and Sun Yan did not speak.

Because they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

The entire Cardinal City has been in ruins, the walls have collapsed, and the buildings in the city have been messy.

There were corpses, blood, remains of battle, and the remains of soldiers everywhere.

In the center of Cardinal City, where the City Lord's Mansion was located, the entire City Lord's Mansion had disappeared, and a large hole was dug directly through the island.

A pothole appeared in the center of the island, surrounded by purple crystal stones.

It seems that this should be Lin Qiangwei mentioned earlier, the central core of the island city, amethyst.

"This...this...how is it possible.... We...we must have been caught in the devil's vision." Sun Yan was unwilling to believe the scene before her, her eyes were bloodshot.

"This is not an illusion, all of this is real. These people should die eight hours ago at the latest." Ye Hao said.

"Eight hours ago?" Lin Qiangwei was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened: "Could it be that the distress signal was not sent by the people from Cardinal City?

It was those demons who deliberately lured the reinforcements of Beiyan City to come over, and then designed an ambush! "

Ye Hao nodded: "It should be that way, and only this way can explain what happened."

"Cardinal City has fallen, this is no small matter. This must be reported to the main city!" Lin Qiangwei said solemnly.

"A city has fallen, is it so serious?" Ye Hao asked.

Lin Qiangwei nodded heavily: "Yes. As I said before, the Black Great Wall is a perfect line of defense, blocking the passage of the devil to the earth.

If that city on this line of defense is lost, it will cause loopholes in the line of defense, allowing the devil to take advantage of it.

In the fifty years since the establishment of the Great Black Wall, some small cities have also fallen. According to regulations, the Black Great Wall Alliance will enter the highest level of defense.

And component joint forces, in the shortest time. Use the spare amethyst island to build a brand new city and restore the stability of the defense line! "

"Since there is a countermeasure, that's fine." Ye Hao nodded, and then he flew down and walked into the pothole.

"These amethysts are really amazing. They can provide you with an island suitable for human survival. Those demons seem to have destroyed the core amethyst."

When he curiously touched those amethysts with his hands.

A voice rang in Ye Hao's ears.

[Unidentified energy source found...began to detect]

What a familiar voice, Ye Hao didn't know how long he hadn't heard it.

[The detection target is determined to be'Space Amethyst', and the detection range is ten kilometers... it can absorb 50,000 skill points...]

Ye Hao's eyes widened, fifty thousand skill points!

One amethyst that was destroyed most of them had fifty thousand!

If this is a complete amethyst, wouldn't it be as many as three to four hundred thousand!

Ye Hao immediately absorbed these amethysts.

[Current skill points: 75498]

After Ye Hao settled and accepted the unexpected gift, a thought flashed through his mind.

He suddenly appeared beside Lin Qiangwei and Sun Yan who were watching the miserable situation of Cardinal City.

"I have a not-so-good idea." Ye Hao said sternly: "I think the devil should not just attract the reinforcements of Beiyan City and ambushed it.

If I were the leader of the devil, at this time Beiyan City was missing a part of its power. I would definitely try to attack Beiyan City and turn it into the second Cardinal City. "

When Ye Hao said this, both Sun Yan and Lin Qiangwei's expressions changed.

Sun Yan immediately retorted: "This is impossible. The strength of North Yancheng is higher than that of Cardinal City, and in the past six months, Cardinal City has been injured, with a fighting population of less than 3,000.

But our Cardinal City has as many as six thousand, even if I take away one thousand, there are five thousand! The devil cannot easily break Beiyan City. "

"Then I asked me, how many demon army is needed to break Beiyan City?" Ye Hao asked directly.

Sun Yan hesitated for a while, and then categorically said: "At least fifty thousand demons are needed, and five or more eighth-order demons are needed!

With this amount, Beiyan City can still hold on for at least 24 hours! "

Ye Hao closed his eyes.

Time recall

After a few seconds, Ye Hao opened his eyes, and he said: "What about an army of 100,000 demons, thirteen eighth-level demons, and a demigod-level demon?

How long can Beiyan City last? "

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