Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2551: The cheapest slave?

Chapter 2551 the cheapest slave?

Later in the chat, he also learned about the situation in this world, which can also be said to be this plane.

This plane is called the Plane of the Goddess of Sand, which is considered to be one of the main planes of the ancient Egyptian gods and the foundation of the ancient Egyptian gods.

Even if it fell from a first-rate **** to a second-rate god, this plane has always been under the control of the ancient gods of Egypt.

There are more than 100 planets in this subplane alone, and trillions of life forms.

The place where Ye Hao is located is the Sand Lion Kingdom, one of the several great kingdoms on this planet.

What is worth saying here is that the people here believe in the ancient Egyptian gods.

But it does not mean that all planets are one. There are as few as a few kingdoms on a planet, and as many as dozens of kingdoms.

Although they were all surrendered to the rule of the ancient Egyptian gods, the ancient Egyptian gods did not prohibit these kingdoms from fighting with each other.

This is also the system governed by most gods.

Once they become gods, they will be summarized by the gods, and they will no longer interfere with ordinary people's battles.

This system is actually the survival of the fittest, and God was not born out of thin air.

Although the union of gods and gods will give birth to offspring with good talents, this can't make up for the consumption of the gods in battle, and most of the low-level gods are cultivated by the cultivators below.

If competition is forbidden, then there will be very few people who can cultivate.

They don't care how many people will die in the battle of the kingdom. In the eyes of these gods, even if one hundred million people die can create a god, it is a business to make money.

And those gods rarely appear in front of the world, and even some planets have not seen the legendary gods for hundreds of thousands of years.

Even if there is a deity enshrined in the central pyramid of the Sand Lion Kingdom, these civilians would never have seen it once in a lifetime.

"Who is the strongest in your sand lion kingdom?" Ye Hao asked suddenly.

"The strongest, of course, is the king of our Sand Lion Kingdom! That is a demigod-level strong, it is said that it will take a few years to step into the holy realm!" the maid said respectfully.


Under such a system, gods can be created.

While Ye Hao was thinking, there was movement from the street outside.

"Give me a hurry, today is the day of the princess's martial arts contest to recruit relatives!"

"Hurry up for me, even a proud man can't hold up, you trash!"

"Dare to panic with me, I warn you. If you disturb Her Royal Highness, you will all be dragged to the snake pit to feed the snakes!"

A huge golden-triangular sedan chair was carried by hundreds of people, walking along the slow road.

The width of this sedan almost occupies the width of the entire street.

There were hundreds of cavalry in golden armor escorted in front and back.

The vendors on the street picked up the things placed on the side of the road early, for fear that they would block the golden sedan chair and cause a murderous disaster.

Those who are holding the sedan chair move a little slower and will be beaten with whips by the soldiers next to them.

The people who carried the sedan chair were basically full of weed marks.

"They are all Rank 7?" Ye Hao was surprised to find that the people who carried the sedan chair turned out to be Rank 7 experts.

The dignified seventh-order powerhouse turned out to be like this, like a running dog.

And these people can only carry the sedan chair in embarrassment, and endure the insults and whips of the soldiers next to them.

"It's the gold chain on their neck." Ye Hao noticed that these people have gold chains on their necks, with magic circles engraved on them.

It should be these golden chains that blocked the strength of these people.

"It's your Royal Highness." The maid looked enviously at the shadow of the central curtain of the pyramid sedan chair.

"His Royal Highness? This is the princess of your Sand Lion Kingdom?" Ye Hao asked curiously. This princess was too arrogant and even asked hundreds of seventh-tier powerhouses to carry her sedan chair.

Ye Hao glanced at the beautiful shadow in the curtain, her realm was only the seventh step.

"Of course, our king has only such a princess. It is precious to be regarded as the jewel in the palm. Today is the day of the princess's invitation. According to the regulations of our kingdom, women must get married before they are 25 years old.

Hey, I didn't know that that man would be unlucky and lucky to become her husband. Said the maid.

"Unlucky? Why are you unlucky?" Ye Hao puzzled.

The maid said with a chuckle: "You are an outsider, you don't know. This princess is quite famous with us. There are not one thousand but five hundred men who enter and leave her palace.

How could an ordinary woman not marry at the age of 25, because she has never played, plus who wants to marry her.

Although she is a princess, but...this character...who knows how Princess Princess will play after marriage. "


Ye Hao understands, why dare you to say that you are unlucky just now? This is not to marry a wife, this is to give a piece of grassland directly.

"By the way, the princesses of the Sand Lion Kingdom receive such high treatment. The people who carry the sedan chair to the princess are all seventh-tier masters." Ye Hao asked this question.

The maid looked at Ye Hao in surprise.

"My lord, you are really focused on cultivating. I don't know about this. These people are the most inferior slaves." The maid pointed to the group of people who carried the sedan chair and said contemptuously.

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao looked at the maid in confusion. If he guessed correctly, the maid should also be a slave bought from this shop.

And this female slave despised those people, they are really not a seventh-order powerhouse.

"Those people are not our aboriginal people. They seem to come from a place called the plane of the earth. The talents are good one by one, but it's a pity that they come from our ancient Egyptian gods.

Our gods are the most exclusive, and the most important thing is that in the battle that caused our gods to be reduced to second-rate gods, the ancient Egyptian gods hated creatures on other planes the most.

So in our **** system, these earth species are not qualified to work and survive.

The food given to them is worse than the food given to us livestock. Is the most sordid slave.

But I don't know when this princess came to be interested, and specially asked the king to come to these earth species, and trained them to become the seventh-order powerhouse, but their strength was sealed. "

The maid was talking, all the cups in the surrounding rooms burst.

"How is this going."

"Why is my cup broken?"

"Could it be that there is a strong man doing Fa Gong?"

The surrounding guests were all frightened, but the waiter in the shop dealt with it in time and soon calmed down.

"What's going on? Your lord, aren't you hurt." The maid looked at Ye Hao worriedly.

Ye Hao smiled: "It's okay, it's okay."

As the maid sorted the table to shatter, Ye Hao looked at the fading team, a cold light appeared in his eyes.

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