Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2552: Lion Kingdom

Chapter 2552 Lion Kingdom

Ye Hao did not expect that the earth species would also appear in the ancient gods of Egypt, and would also fall into this field.

Ye Hao is not surprised by the emergence of slavery. Although this place is revered as the gods and the world, it is because of the large number of worlds that more institutions will appear.

Even if there are some systems that go against common sense or even ethics, Ye Hao will not be surprised.

But the Earth Species was treated like this here, it really made Ye Hao a little unbearable.

Ye Hao watched the motorcade leaving with the golden sedan chair, and looked at the people who carried the sedan chair, gritted their teeth, and endured the humiliation.

Most of them have a numb look in their eyes, maybe they have endured too much humiliation here, or even used to this kind of treatment.

"I am the King Bifitu of the Lion Kingdom. Today is the day for my daughter to recruit. Here I and I announce that all adult unmarried men in the city will gather at the Golden Lion Square.

Anyone who violates or hides will be sentenced to death after being found! "A deep voice sounded throughout the city.

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. The king really felt sorry for his daughter.

In order for his daughter to recruit satisfactory men, it is mandatory to gather all adult unmarried men.

Just as Ye Hao was thinking about it, a large number of soldiers appeared on the street.

These soldiers are holding a kind of utensil in their hands. There is a mirror on the utensil with many light spots in the mirror.

The captain of the soldiers with the utensils pointed at the surrounding buildings.

The soldiers behind him went in and hurried a group of men out after a while.

"Hey, unfortunate. I don't want to marry such a woman as a wife."

"Who says no? Who knows if such a woman will find another man again, her identity is there again, and she can't beat or scold her."

"If the princess's possessiveness is stronger, then I probably won't even have the chance to come out and have fun."

In the shop where Ye Hao was located, the young men sighed and shook their heads.

But in addition to these dissatisfied people, there are also some interested people.

"Hey, you people are short-sighted. Who is that princess! That is the only princess in the lion kingdom. After King Bifitu becomes a god, then her husband is not the king of the lion kingdom!" "

"That's right, even if this woman is really bad. But don't forget, becoming her husband is equivalent to owning the cultivation resources of the entire Lion Kingdom.

When the time comes to step into the holy realm, the gods are just around the corner! "

Several men cast their eyes light, as if they had already seen the days when they were soaring.

They didn't care what would happen to this princess, they only cared about their own future.

But no matter what, soldiers soon arrived in their tavern, urging them down to the Golden Lion Square that King Bifitu said earlier.

"Why are you all staying here? Didn't you hear the will of His Majesty the King just now? All the unmarried men will go to the Golden Lion Square now. If anyone dares to conceal their identity, they will all be sentenced to death later!" The soldier threatened.

A group of unmarried men could only get up and leave the tavern, heading to the Golden Lion Square.

Ye Hao sat there and didn't move.

"Aren't you going?" The maid serving Ye Hao looked at Ye Hao and asked curiously.

"I have a wife." Ye Hao said lightly.

On the earth, Song Ying is his wife.

But at this moment, a female soldier wearing a breastplate and skirt came up to Ye Hao and looked up and down Ye Hao.

"stand up."

Ye Hao looked at each other suspiciously: "I already have a wife."

"Hmph, those regulations are only issued by the kingdom, and the princess has also issued her will. Anyone we like, whether with a wife or not, must go to the Golden Lion Square." The female soldier raised her head and said.

At this time, Ye Hao noticed that the lines on the opponent's armor were very similar to the lines on the pyramid-shaped sedan chair just now.

It seems that this person should be the soldier commanded by the princess.

Ye Hao's appearance is actually quite good among these desert people, after all, compared to the links here, life on earth is tantamount to being spoiled.

Coupled with Ye Hao's temperament from the inside, although it is not very amazing, it is definitely a man of style.

One glance will not be noticeable, but a few more glances will reveal its charm.

Ye Hao's face was sullen. He didn't want to make a lot of noise, but now that he is pushing his nose to his face, he can't bear it.

"Why? You still want to resist the decree!" The female soldier glared at Ye Hao, and the surrounding soldiers also surrounded her.

Ye Hao stood up abruptly.

The female soldier had put her hand on the waist knife around her waist, and the surrounding soldiers were also ready to take Ye Hao.

"Isn't it just going, why bother with a knife and a gun?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Huh, I thought there were so many kinds. But it's just a bitch, go." The female soldier looked at Ye Hao contemptuously, turned and walked out of the shop.

When Ye Hao walked out of the shop, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

In outer space above an altitude of 10,000 meters.

There are three main gods floating in the universe.

"I scanned this star field and found nothing special." A female Egyptian **** opened her eyes and shook her head.

"Master Horus has said that this person has a strong ability to hide aura. It's useless to scan like this, you need to find the past planet by planet." The companion next to him said.

Another obese main **** said: "You said, this thief stole Lord Horus, what kind of treasure, so that Lord Horus wanted to catch him so eagerly, and made such a request."

"Are you stupid, this is not necessarily something from Lord Horus." The female Egyptian Lord God whispered: "It may also be something that Lord Horus wants with this person.

Fatty Lord God's eyes lit up: "You mean, this guy has something good enough to make Horus-sama."

"Okay. Be quiet. Lord Horus, don’t guess, just do our own thing. There are twelve planets in this star field, and it takes two hours to scan one planet thoroughly. time.

Each of us is responsible for four. Remember that after you find the person, don't worry, you must notify us first! Lord Horus said, although that person only has the strength of a high-level quasi-god, his strength is amazing! "The male lead said solemnly.

Then the three of them assigned their princesses.

"Cut, isn't it a high-level quasi-god. I am the lower main god, and the quasi-god is very different from the main god." The fat main-god muttered contemptuously, and then flew to a planet.

That planet happened to be next to the planet Ye Hao was on.

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