Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2710: Athena's memory

Are there any edges?

Ye Hao really didn't think about this question, because so far no one has found a new position.

In other words, in billions of years, no major new themes have been discovered.

Some bits and pieces of sub-planes, of course not count.

Regardless of how big the gods and the world are, according to the earliest history of the gods and the world, from the most chaotic time to the present, the gods and the world are like this.

At that time, I also knew that there was a plane of earth and a plane of demons.

Only some of them cannot establish a valid connection.

Athena continued: "Assume that there are planes that we don't know in addition to the planes we know. What about the living creatures on those planes?

Is it weaker than us, stronger than us, peaceful or brutal? None of these we can know! "

Ye Hao nodded.

"Then let's make another hypothesis. There are some powerful creatures living on unknown planes, far stronger than any Lord God or God King level we know!

At the same time, in their eyes, we may just exist like ants, but what if such an existence comes to our world? "Athena said solemnly.

Ye Hao nodded: "I understand what you mean. You are worried that there are potential enemies, living in a plane we don't know, and they may appear on the plane of our lives at any time and attack us. That's what it means. Well?"

"Yes!" Athena nodded.

Ye Hao frowned, "But, this is just your guess."

Such a thing, people on Earth realize that they are living in a vast galaxy.

They have also feared, in those unknown places, whether there will be any terrifying creatures that will one day attack them.

"If we say that we have evidence to prove the ultimate fear!" Athena's words made Ye Hao speechless.

He stared at Athena: "What kind of evidence?"

"I heard Ze'er say, you have been to the Demon Plane, you still have one-eighth of the demon blood in your body, right." Athena looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nodded, this matter of the devil's blood could not hide the doctor Ze'er.

"Then I don't know if you have ever heard of the legend about the ancient demon god!" Athena looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's heart was shocked.

How could he have not heard of the ancient demon gods, knowing that half of his heart at the moment is the heart of the ancient demon gods!

But Ye Hao still pretended to be calm and said: "I've heard of some."

"Most of the records about the ancient demon gods are that they are very powerful and brutal, turning the originally peaceful demon plane into an extremely aggressive race.

And I know a more mysterious record, those ancient demon gods are actually demon races living on a remote continent.

But suddenly one day, this continent and the tens of millions of demonic races on it disappeared out of thin air!

No one knows where it went, until tens of thousands of years later, dozens of ancient demon gods appeared on the demon plane one after another! And one of them left such a message.

‘They went to a terrible place. He couldn’t describe the horror in words. He saw his people die one by one. In the end, he also completely lost his mind.’ "After Athena said this, she looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was silent for a while. He looked at Athena and said suspiciously, "You are suspicious. These people actually went to an unknown plane and encountered something in that unknown plane. Only after they came back did they become like this. !

And this position plane is the ultimate fear you mean? "

"Yes, assuming this definition is correct. These dozens of people came back from that plane by chance and brought such a big change to the demon plane.

It was also from them that the war between the Demon Plane and the Gods and Worlds really started.

I've just been to this. What if the creatures living in those places came to us? "Athena said solemnly.

Ye Hao then asked, "Is there any evidence like this?"

"Among the scattered records of the Gods and Myriad Realms, many people have mentioned that they have dreamed of some mysterious places when people stayed in that place.

They can feel endless fear, and their whole body is like immersed in unknown fear! "Athena said.

Ye Hao frowned: "Compared with the previous ones, this is not evidence at all, it can only be said that they are dreaming illusions."

Athena seemed to have known that he would say this for a long time, and she said in a trembling voice: "If I say, I have witnessed this terrifying creature with my own eyes?"


Ye Hao looked at Athena, who could believe that Athena, the upper god, was trembling when she said things.

Ye Hao could tell that Athena was not lying.

"When? Are you sure it's a creature on the position plane, not some other **** king-level creature?" Ye Hao asked.

Athena shook her head mockingly: "I can still recognize these, not to mention the courage of Athena to fight to the death even when facing a god-king powerhouse.

But when facing them, I...my hands are shaking. "

Ye Hao squinted his eyes, he still didn't want to believe such a thing.

"I know you might not believe what I said, since that's the case. Why don't you come and see what I saw at the beginning." Athena stared at Ye Hao.

"Let me see everything you see?" Ye Hao looked at Athena in surprise.

"I used part of my consciousness to record the situation. I can draw you into my consciousness and recall my scene at that time. As long as you see it, you will understand that everything I said is true. !" Athena said solemnly.

Ye Hao glanced at Ze'er next to him: "Is this a necessary process?"

"No, you are the first Athena to ask you to see." Ze'er shrugged.

Ye Hao looked at Athena in surprise.

Athena explained: "We have waited too long, we have experienced too many failures. I have a hunch in your body, in order to make you succeed, and believe what I say, I can show you."

"Then you watch it together?" Ye Hao pointed to Ze'er.

Ze'er shook her head, and there was a wave of fluctuations in her eyes: "I don't want to look at that **** thing anymore."

I didn't expect Zeer to be so resistant.

"Then let's start?" Athena looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao finally made a decision: "Well, what am I going to..."

Before Ye Hao finished speaking, Athena took a step forward and kissed Ye Hao.

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