Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2711: Huge eyeball

When Ye Hao's consciousness recovered again, he found that he was in a dark star field.

What's wrong with yourself?

Obviously staying with Ze'er and the others at Sin Domain Inn before?

Soon a series of memories came to Ye Hao's mind.

Athena, the ultimate fear, I will let you see.

By the way, Athena said at the time that I should see everything she saw, and then kissed herself.

and many more!

Why did he continue to fly forward uncontrollably?

Only then did Ye Hao realize that his body was not under his control at all.


This hand is not yours!

Ye Hao looked at the spear and shield in his hand, and the armor that faintly appeared in his eyes.

This shows that Ye Hao is now in Athena's body.

"It should be accurate to say that I am now in her body in her conscious memory, existing as the first person. This way I can see everything she sees."

After Ye Hao understood, he waited quietly.

Since he will appear here, it represents what is about to happen here, which is what Athena wants to let herself see.

It took almost several hours to fly.

There is still endless darkness around.

From time to time, I will see several dim and silent planets, without any breath of life.

"Which plane is this place? How could it be so quiet and still so big. At the speed of Athena, at least several star regions have flown." Ye Hao could feel the vastness of this place.

At the speed of Athena, most of the Egyptian gods were already gone.

But at such a long distance, no trace of life was found here.


An unusual light spot appeared in the distance.

Ye Hao was very familiar with this light spot.

That is a huge black hole!

It's very big, too big to imagine.

But what is strange is that this black hole is very quiet and has no traction at all.

If Ye Hao were not very familiar with it, he could be sure that this was a black hole, and he would doubt if it was something else.

Athena slowly approached the strange black hole.

Even this high-ranking main **** must be extremely careful when facing a black hole of this level. If you are not careful, you may be swallowed up.

No one knows what is in the black hole.

Even the controller of the laws of space cannot give others the answer to what is inside the black hole.

Because most people will be torn apart by the fearful traction of the black hole just when they enter the black hole.

So far, even the upper main **** or the **** king level powerhouse has never come out of the black hole.

Athena approached slowly, as if she was studying this strange black hole little by little.

If Ye Hao didn't guess wrong, she might have opened up her consciousness and was constantly scanning this black hole.

This process lasted for several hours.

This is very long for ordinary people, but it is nothing at all for the upper Lord God who has a long life.

At this moment, Ye Hao suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

This feeling was passed on to Ye Hao by this body.

And this source comes from this strange black hole.

Athena's hand was trembling constantly, Ye Hao could feel the thought of her wanting to leave, but her body did not move, as if she was frozen.

Ye Hao felt that his throat was pinched, and his heart was beating constantly, as if he was about to explode.

Although Ye Hao is now in a state of consciousness, he still feels that the blood all over his body is burning, about to explode.

This feeling is really very uncomfortable and very depressing.

Perhaps some people with low strength or poor mood will directly think about suicide.

In just a few seconds, Ye Hao had such thoughts several times in his mind.

And Athena, the owner of this body, was really ready to do so.

The shield in her hand disappeared, and she raised the spear in her right hand, the tip of the spear was already against the armor on her chest.

A crack appeared in the armor, and then blood stuck out.

It is estimated that this armor would not have thought that one day he would be pierced by the master's spear.

Fortunately, Athena grabbed the spear with her left hand in time.

She gasped, her chest was constantly bullied, and the entire armor had been wet with sweat.

Fortunately, Athena has managed to control her suicidal desire.

But at this moment, Ye Hao had a feeling that in that huge black hole, something seemed to be coming out.

Compared with the feeling that was more depressed before, Ye Hao's consciousness was full.

He was very nervous, but also very curious.

He wants to know what kind of creature is hidden behind it!

The two emotions filled Ye Hao's mind, making Ye Hao's mind feel like it was going to explode anytime, anywhere.


Getting closer!

Ye Hao could not feel the loss of time at this moment, he just stared at the huge black hole without blinking.

This process is very painful and very suffering.

Someone once said that waiting... is always the most painful thing in this world.

Ye Hao thinks this sentence is correct.

He can feel that something must come out of this black hole, just next! Just in the next second!

But every time it goes to the next second, nothing happens.

This is simply constantly challenging Ye Hao's nerves, making Ye Hao feel that if he continues like this, he will really break down. This feeling is really uncomfortable, crazy, and suffocating!

Finally, a voice seemed to be talking.

It's coming!

It is about to appear!

The next moment, a huge eyeball appeared in the black hole, staring straight at Ye Hao.

That's right!

It's just a huge eyeball, all over the black hole!

In front of this eyeball, Ye Hao...no! Athena seemed like a trivial dust.

It's as if in reality, even if it comes into contact with human eyeballs, humans will not have any tiny existence that feels like that.

And being stared at by this huge eyeball, Ye Hao felt like he was about to die in the next second.

He was sure that the owner of this eyeball must also be staring at him.

Staring at him, a weak creature.

No...it should be said to be a plaything!

A trivial plaything, a dispensable plaything.

Ye Hao...no!

It should be said that Athena looked directly at this eyeball like this, she didn't make any movement, even her breathing or heartbeat stopped at this second.

That's how she stared at this huge and terrifying eyeball.

In the next second, Ye Hao's eyes went dark!

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