Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2713: Great Rift Valley

Chapter 2713 Great Rift Valley

Three days later

No. 1 Crime Domain is on a great rift valley.

There are constant wind and waves blowing in the Great Rift Valley, this strong wind and waves, even if the quasi-god-level powerhouse, is estimated to be blown away here.

Athena, Ze'er and Ye Hao stood beside the Great Rift Valley.

Athena used the shield in her hand to prop up an enchantment, and it was not affected by any wind and waves in the enchantment.

"What is this Great Rift Valley?" Ye Hao looked at this Great Rift Valley curiously, there was power in it that made him feel jealous.

"This is a crack in the crime domain. It is said that the crime domain was also formed because of the power gushing from it. Do you know why the crime domain No. 1 is so vast?" Zeer said.


Ze'er pointed to the land under her feet: "Because Crime Domain No. 1 has been'growing' all the time, it has been constantly growing, so its area will only grow larger.

And this ‘grow up’ is because of the power gushing from it. In this Great Rift Valley, it is said that the oldest deity ever fought.

In that ancient era, the master of the gods and worlds was still a giant, and the giant at that time was also called a Titan. "

Ye Hao nodded, he had heard of this legend.

Some people say that the Titans created the gods and the world, and even created the world.

And now all the giants are descendants of the Titan Protoss, but unfortunately they are no longer the Titan Protoss of the year, and their strength is not as good as before.

Not even a giant race is first-class god.

"What we want you to do is very simple. Get in here. Find the brains of the Titans." Athena said.

Ye Hao was a little surprised: "The brain of the Titan Protoss?"

Athena nodded and explained: "The Titan Protoss has an innate ability, that is, the things recorded in their minds will be preserved intact even after the body falls.

People of the same race only need to touch the heads of their ancestors to fully grasp the knowledge inside.

This is why the Titan Protoss was the existence that ruled everything in ancient times. "

"But I don't know how many billion years have passed since, will their bones still exist?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

Ze'er nodded and said: "It must exist, the gods of the Titan Protoss are the most powerful gods, there is no one. Some people even say that the quasi-god Titans can fight against the main gods of other races that have the power of laws alone. The strong.

Their bodies can resist the erosion of time, and the flesh and blood of those dead Titans may disappear, but their bones will never disappear. That is the strongest thing among the gods.

Even now, if you can find the bones of a Titan Protoss, they are all materials that can be made into at least the main **** level weapon! "

Ye Hao's eyes lit up. If he said that there were such good things in it, he would take them out and equip them with Wushuang City.

"We only need the brains of the Titan Protoss, as for the other things you get, as long as you can bring them out, let you handle them." Zeer seemed to guess what Ye Hao was thinking, and said directly.

Ye Hao stared at the Great Rift Valley: "How do I get down?"

"Just jump straight down, in the world in the Great Rift Valley, because the battle that year directly shattered the order of time and space, it was a place of real silence.

Remember, even then you can't stay there for too long. "

Athena took out a lamp, an old oil lamp.

Athena took out a spar and put it in the oil lamp and lit the oil lamp.

"The fire in it is burning because there is no concept of time. So you have to rely on this fire to judge. Once the fire is going out, you have to come out anyway!" Athena said solemnly.

Ye Hao took the oil lamp and looked at the sacred fire in surprise.

He has the law of soul, but he feels that it is actually the soul of a quasi-god-level powerhouse!

With Divine Soul as the fire, it is estimated that only the first-class Divine Element can do it.

"How do I come out then?" Ye Hao asked the last question.

"do not know."

Ye Hao was taken aback for a moment, he looked at Ze'er and Athena: "What did you just say."

"We don't know how to come out." Athena said in a deep voice.

Ye Hao was surprised: "How is this possible? Although you haven't found anything before, there are still many people who have come out alive. How could they not know how to come out."

"I really don't know, we also asked them, but the answer they gave was that they were completely out of their heads, and they did not know when they appeared outside." Athena explained.

Ye Hao clutched his head, it was good to dare.

There is too little information.

"I have no choice, right." Ye Hao smiled helplessly.

Zeer smiled and looked at Ye Hao: "I know you are not repentant. If you can find what we want from it, I can let the goddess Athena accompany you.

She is a goddess who has lived for tens of millions of years. "

Zeer also pointed at Athena jokingly.

When Ze'er said this, Ye Hao subconsciously looked at Athena, and had to say that Athena's figure is still quite good, thinking about kissing her before.

This made Ye Hao a little excited.

"Did you think of the previous kiss? Congratulations, that was the first kiss of our goddess Athena to a man, not a woman. After all, she is a male and female killer." Zeer said without concealment.

Athena's brows were already twitching, she stared at Ze'er coldly: "If you talk nonsense here again, how about I kick you down?"

Ze'er shook her head quickly, and then motioned Ye Hao to work hard with her eyes.

Ye Hao let out a long sigh, he first adjusted his state to the best.

Then his eyes turned black, black wings appeared behind him, and the laws of demons continued to emerge from him.

At this time, Ye Hao wouldn't care about hiding anything in front of Athena.

Athena took another look at Ye Hao.

After that, Ye Hao sacrificed the Kunpeng Law again.

Kunpeng Law may not be very strong in combat, but it is quite non-existent in terms of traveling in the unknown world, and has a strong vitality.

After all, the previous Bone Kun Emperor lived in that forbidden area for hundreds of millions of years.

"I am leaving."

Ye Hao said, then jumped down from the Rift Valley.

Don't think it's so easy to just jump down, because whirlwinds are constantly blowing out of the Great Rift Valley, Ye Hao must use his full strength to keep himself moving forward in the whirlwind.

Gradually, Ye Hao's figure disappeared into the Great Rift Valley, leaving only the whistling wind.

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