Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2714: Can he succeed?

Chapter 2714 can he succeed?

Above the Rift Valley.

Athena and Ze'er watched the Great Rift Valley.

"Do you think he can succeed?" Athena asked.

"I don't know, but in him, I saw the most hope and possibility." Zeer said.

Athena was silent for a while, she said: "You didn't tell me, he still has the law of demons."

"You didn't ask me either." Zeer shrugged.

"There are no more than ten demon laws in the entire demon plane, and he, who has only one-eighth of the demon blood, has the demon laws, don't you think it is strange." Athena frowned.

Ze'er chuckled and said: "Why, do you still have a plot that is hostile to the demon race. You must know that fighting with ultimate fear is absolutely nothing.

If the worst result is what we think, maybe we have to cooperate with the devil.

After all, if such a creature appears in our world, all that remains is destruction.

And being ruled by the devil, although the living environment may be a bit worse, at least it will not be destroyed. "

Athena said sternly: "I understand what you mean, if that's the result. Then cooperation with the devil is the most advantageous way.

But just thinking about it feels crazy, how many of the gods and gods of the world are willing to cooperate with demons.

Leaving aside other things, if I put this in the Olympus system, even if I were the upper goddess of wisdom, I would probably be imprisoned and let me rearrange my wrong thoughts. "

Zeer said helplessly: "After all, the truth is often in the hands of a few people. For the future, we can only step on the thorns when necessary."

Athena laughed mockingly: "From the moment I worked with you, I knew that I was on a path of no return."

Ze'er put his arm directly on Athena's waist. Because of Ze'er's size, his hands were actually placed on Athena's hips.

"Is this bad? Could it be that you are tired of me?"

Athena ignored Ze'er's ridicule. She looked at the Great Rift Valley: "How long did it take for the last person who came out alive."

"Three hours, but the man committed suicide ten years after he came out. He is still a third-rate **** in power. The longest stay in the past was almost ten hours, but there was no gain.

At that time, the man was known as the strongest lower lord **** of the gods, and he would definitely be able to step into the **** king level in the future, but unfortunately he was depressed after he came out, and finally jumped into the black hole and committed suicide. Ze'er shrugged helplessly.

"I still remember that incident, that person was fooled by you. Because this is, the Immortal Buddha Divine Element has been investigating you secretly." Athena said.

Ze'er looked innocent: "This is not what I forced him to go down. We are just a normal transaction. I give him what he wants and he does things for me. It's not normal."

Athena did not go on, but silently looked at the Great Rift Valley.

There was a trace of contemplation in Ze'er's eyes: "I hope this kid can come back alive. After all, after so many years, it is rare to see someone as interesting as him.

At that time, if he can come back alive, even if he does not find what we want, we can let him join us. "

Athena folded her arms and said nothing.

"If you don't speak, I will assume you agree."

"Pull your hand out of my armor unless you want to get it down by me."


In the Great Rift Valley.

Ye Hao is still flying down. He has never been in contact with a whirlwind of this level, and the speed of his flight is greatly restricted.

Ye Hao guessed that half of those who disappeared died in this gust of wind, and it was impossible for ordinary quasi gods to stop this gust.

Staying in this gust of wind for a few minutes, you will be directly shredded to pieces.

Suddenly, a hint of agility appeared in Ye Hao's mind.

He unexpectedly realized the law of wind in this situation.

"I didn't expect this kind of good thing." Ye Hao was about to impose the law of wind on himself.

This way, his speed has increased a lot.

It continued to fly for about ten minutes or so, and suddenly the gust of wind on his face disappeared.

Instead, there is a strong traction.

"Puff..." Ye Hao vomited blood directly, and he could even hear the sound of the bones in his body being pulled and broken.

Because he is at a watershed moment.

On one side is the strong wind blowing upwards, on the other side is the huge suction downward.

It's as if there are two strong men holding your hands on both sides, trying to tear you apart.

In the end, Ye Hao gritted his teeth and rushed down, a lot of blood leaked from the pores of his skin.

Had it not been for the Kunpeng Law and the Demon Law, as well as the protection of the current demonized state, it is estimated that he would have been torn in half just now.

"Take what I said earlier, at least two-thirds of the missing people have died here. They didn't live to the ancient battlefield at all." Ye Hao secretly said in his heart.

Under the huge suction force, Ye Hao began to fall continuously. He didn't know where he was going to be taken. All he could do now was to repair his body as soon as possible.

At the same time, gather a reliable stand around your body to prevent any accidents.


Suddenly, Ye Hao's body hit the ground heavily and the dust was flying.

This directly smashed a ten-meter deep hole on the ground.

"What the heck."

Ye Hao fractured both arms, his neck was bent to a strange angle, his figure was quite distorted, and a lot of blood oozes from his body.

Ye Hao could feel that at least half of his body's bones were comminuted fractures.

All the organs were basically shattered, except of course the Heart of the Ancient Demon God.

Even Ye Hao felt that he was about to cough up his brain.

But fortunately, Ye Hao's inner world began to pour in power to constantly repair Ye Hao's body.

After three minutes, Ye Hao's legs had recovered, and he staggered to sit up.

Five minutes later, Ye Hao straightened his head.

Ten minutes later, Ye Hao slowly walked out of the big hole he had smashed into.

When he saw the scene outside, he was dumbfounded.

At the same time he felt his head almost exploding again.

This feeling!

It was exactly the same as what Ye Hao felt in the memory of Athena's consciousness before, and it was even scarier than that.


Ye Hao's eyes were bloodshot, and he only had this kind of thought. He raised his hand and summoned a "Shadow", which turned into a dagger, and pointed at Ye Hao's heart.

Ye Hao held a dagger in his right hand and slammed it into his heart.

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