Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2724: Evely's Epiphany

Chapter 2724 Evely's Epiphany

Hearing what Evely said, the other party didn't say much.

Instead, he took a step forward. The pace was not very fast, but there was no pause, and it surpassed Evely in a blink of an eye.

But he didn't go too far, just a few meters away from Evely, and then turned his head to look at Evely.

This gave Eveli a feeling of being provoked, and she also accelerated her pace.

After all, Evely was also a middle-ranked master god, and the law of darkness was not cultivated in vain. She quickly walked to this black-robed man.

Evely also glanced at the black-robed man specially, her arrogant eyes seemed to say.

See if you see it, I am up too.

The black robe man revealed the lower half of his face, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Then he went forward again for dozens of steps, and he even asked for the last position, surpassing many people.

Eveli's eyes widened, she gritted her teeth and stepped forward again.

But as soon as she took a few steps, she realized that the wings formed by her black law were more unstable.

In the end, Eveli walked to the black-robed man, but this time she didn't have the energy to show off, because it was very exhausting just to maintain the power of her chaotic law.

At this moment, her situation seems to be an orderly intersection, but now there is a traffic jam.

"Stabilize your breathing and change the way the power of law works..."

At this time, the man's voice came from the side. At first, Evely was desperate and didn't listen to him.

But after Evely glanced at him, she was shocked.

Because everyone who walks here at this moment is almost covered by the power of law on their body surface, no matter what way or shape, at least the power of law covers their body.

But this man is not like this at all, he has not released even a trace of law.

Such a person can actually walk here without changing his face.

Evely finally obeyed this man's words, and began to change the operation of the law in her body step by step, and then restructured her law in accordance with the words he had said before.

First, the skeleton, then the wings, let the power of the law between each point be adjusted so that it can reach the point of equilibrium.

Five minutes later, a pair of brand-new black wings bloomed again.

Evely also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling less pressure.

"Who is this man? Only a few simple words have helped me so much!" Eveli was marveling at the ability of this black-robed man in her heart, which made her curious about this mysterious black-robed man. .

But when she looked at her side again, the black-robed man had disappeared.

Eveli looked around, and finally found the figure of the black-robed man in front. At this moment, he was already in the first queue.

The people there are almost all the upper master gods from all the gods.

The black-robed man maintained his own speed, always staying at the last position of the first line, but even so, he still did not release the power of his law, as if walking in his own backyard, following in the first place. Behind the queue.

"There are still thirty minutes." Shadowya's voice came from above his head at this time.

Some people began to leave sweat beads on their foreheads, while some of the power of the law of darkness began to be eroded by the power of the law of the sun, and even wounds appeared on their bodies.

These people all stepped back in time and left the glass cover.

If they stay inside again, terrible things will happen, and their bodies will be ignited by the power of the sun.

At this moment, only half of the original people remained in the hood.

Most of them did not move, but stood still.

In fact, these people know that they do not have the ability to compete for the first place.

They came here just to experience their own law power, and there is no more cruel place to exercise their own law power.

At the same time, it can also show its strength to other gods.

This can be regarded as a way to distinguish between high and low without using combat methods.

"Call ...... call ...... call ......" At this time Yifu Li Wei Chuan also began to breathe, and before re-unite black wings, this time once again felt the burning sensation.

She looked at the second echelon ahead of them, at least the first echelon who walked out of one-third of the path.

There are six people left, and the black-robed man still follows behind him unhurriedly.

It is naturally his sister and the black mist king who take the lead.

"I've reached the limit. If I go further, I will only set fire to myself." With the abrupt experience before, Evely did not go any further this time. She knew that this was her limit.

And what she has to do now is to persevere here, until the end, which is constantly tempering the power of her own laws, and also showing her own strength.

Prove to everyone that the sister of the dark goddess Evelyn is not bad!

While maintaining her own status quo, Evely is also observing the situation ahead.

At this moment, Evelyn and the Black Mist King, who were walking in the front, were only half the distance from the middle sun, and their pace was much slower than before.

"What's the matter? Can't hold on?" The Black Mist King stimulated Evelyn.

Evelyn looked at the Black Mist King with a sneer. She said, "What's this? I can go, but you guy, how do you feel like you are going to dissipate.

I advise you to be more careful, so as not to wait for a dead end... Wait, I forgot that you don't even have a body, where there is no bone.

I think it should be gone. "

Everyone knows Evelyn's poisonous tongue.

The Black Mist King had long expected Evelyn to be like this, and he snorted: "Wait a minute, when you are surprised."

At this moment, the Black Mist King raised his arm, and a thick black shield appeared on his arm, and his speed was raised by a notch again.

Even surpassed Evelyn.

Evelyn looked at the Black Mist King in surprise. She gritted her teeth. As expected, this guy hid his hole cards. It must have been an opportunity in these two thousand years.

Only then has his law power been improved, otherwise he would not surpass himself at all.

But Evelyn's reluctance to admit defeat still made her grit her teeth and persevere.

Continue to follow the steps of the Black Mist King, even if the black robe on her body has appeared incomplete and disappeared.

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