Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2725: I am her man

Chapter 2725 I'm Her Man

"There are still ten minutes before the end. I hope everyone can guarantee their lives and don't risk unnecessary things."

Yingya's voice sounded again, and what he said was actually to the woman in the glass cover, and he frowned at the woman.

"Sister!" Evely couldn't help calling.

Because at this moment, most of the black dress on my sister's body has disappeared, and it is quite tattered.

This seems to be a situation where the power of the law is a bit difficult to maintain. If Evelyn goes on like this, it may really be the end of the dust.

But Evelyn still clenched her teeth and persisted, but every step she took was very difficult at this moment.

In comparison, the situation of the Black Mist King is not very good. There have been several holes in the shield in his hand, and the armor on his body is also in tatters.

But he had stopped moving forward now, because he was almost five paces ahead of Evelyn.

He even looked over at Evelyn behind him: "Give up, you can no longer surpass me. If you continue to move forward, even if you get to where I am now, you can't stick to the last time."

Evelyn squeezed her fist, her soul had already begun to feel the scorching sensation, but the mentality of reluctance in her heart made her slowly lift her foot.

"Okay, let me come next."

At this moment, a familiar voice rang in Evelyn's ear.

Evelyn turned her head in surprise, she saw a black-robed man appeared next to her, she just showed half of her face.

"you are……"

Evelyn looked at the black-robed man in disbelief, and the black-robed man pulled down his cloak and revealed his smiling face.

"His Royal Highness, the Goddess of Darkness, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Ye Hao looked at Evelyn mockingly.

Evelyn was dumbfounded. Although she remembered who it was when she heard the voice just now, she still couldn't believe that Ye Hao would actually appear in front of her.

"Why are you here!" Evelyn asked incredulously.

"I'll talk about this later, you've reached the limit now. Just stay here and don't move." Ye Hao ordered, and then took a step forward.

Evelyn seemed to say something, but then Ye Hao asked her to shut up honestly.

"Don't talk, just stay here. If you dare to move, believe it or not I will spank you when I go back."

Evelyn was taken aback for a moment, and then she came back to her senses and couldn't laugh or cry. What was going on with this guy, she hadn't seen it for more than a year, so she dared to speak to herself like this.

The most important thing is that when he spoke just now, he didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting in his heart.

Just when Evelyn was stunned, Ye Hao had already walked to the side of the Black Mist King.

"Who are you?" The King of Black Mist looked at Ye Hao in surprise. He couldn't believe that this person who appeared suddenly could walk to his side so easily.

Ye Hao smiled and pointed to Evelyn behind him: "Her man!"

The Black Mist King was stunned.

The others in the audience were also stunned.

The man of the dark goddess Evelyn?

It’s strange, how come I’ve never heard of this before? Didn’t Evelyn have a special preference and only like women?

Evely was also shocked when she heard the words of the black-robed man just now.

Could it be that the reason why he pointed himself just now was because he knew his sister?

But she had never heard of her sister knowing such a man.

Evelyn was stunned at this moment, and she felt shy in her heart.

What's the matter with this guy? Why did he suddenly say such things? He wanted to embarrass himself on purpose.

But he can actually walk to that position unharmed, how did he do it?

When he was on the Earth plane before, he was clearly just a quasi-god.

"What do you mean!" The Black Mist King stared at the unknown person.

"I don't mean anything, I'm her man. I naturally want to get what she wants. I'm sorry, I'll go one step ahead."

With that said, Ye Hao overtook the Black Mist King, put his hands in his pocket, and walked to the front of the Black Mist King calmly.

The Black Mist King's eyes widened, and he looked at him in disbelief that he was surpassed by this guy, and he still looked so relaxed.

How could he be willing, he gritted his teeth and started to move forward.

At this time, his armor and shield began to burn, because the previous position was already his limit.

After he took another five steps, it was really difficult for him to move forward, because he felt that his soul was about to be ignited.

"There are still three minutes." At this moment, Shadowfang's voice came.

At this moment, it seemed that the last victor had already appeared, it was this guy who suddenly appeared and claimed to be the man of Evelyn.

"Wait...I suspect that this guy has no laws of darkness at all. Otherwise, how could he walk so easily in such an environment!" The Black Mist King said loudly at this time.

He pointed to Ye Hao: "Look at him, we need to consume a lot of dark laws when we get here, and you look at him! There is not even a breath of law power in his body."

"Yeah, it's really weird. I've been following this person before, indeed, I have never used the law of darkness."

"This person shouldn't be able to move forward so easily."

"I feel that this is very likely, otherwise you think about it, even the Black Mist King and Evelyn can't survive, how could this guy be so easy."

Others also began to question Ye Hao.

Faced with so many people's doubts, Yingya couldn't ignore it. He looked at Ye Hao, who was walking in the front, and said, "Participants, please use the law of darkness.

Otherwise I will disqualify you. "

The Black Mist King looked at Ye Hao's back provocatively, now he wants to see how this guy is.

He certainly won't have the law of darkness, otherwise it would be impossible to walk so easily.

"Ha ha ha, a group of frogs at the bottom of the well. Without the power to comprehend the purest law of darkness, I question the power of others?"

Ye Hao didn't turn around, but a mocking laugh came.

"Well, today I will let you see what is called the law of darkness. The truly powerful law of darkness does not only linger under the light, but can swallow the light."

Ye Hao raised his hand, and in the next second a huge black law emerged from his arm. The scale was as large as a sea tide.

And the power of these dark laws did not gather at Ye Hao's side.

Instead, they are heading towards the core of the power of the Sun Law in the center!

And it didn't look back at all.

The power of these dark laws began to weave into a huge net, which wrapped the central solar law core little by little, and finally completely wrapped it in a black ball.

This space once again fell into a dim environment.

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