Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2860: Demon invasion! ! !

Chapter 2860 Demon invasion! ! !

Earth Time·December 25th

Today is the day of Christmas, and most places around the world celebrate this holiday, but everyone pays different attention to this holiday.

The western world attaches great importance to this festival, and many countries are very noisy.

In the Eastern world, most people regard this as a festival similar to Valentine's Day. In the streets and alleys, there are those couples who make appointments to spend the festival together.

Penglai fairy island.

Xia Xue panted and walked out of a training ground.

"Senior Xia Xue!"

"Senior Xia Xue!"

People passing by all greeted Xia Xue respectfully.

Xia Xue waved her hand casually, adjusted her breathing, and walked towards the living area of ​​Penglai Fairy Island.

"Look, that's Senior Xia Xue, one of the quasi-god-level powerhouses in Huaxia District!"

"I heard that Senior Xia Xue has an ancestor-level bloodline of the Western blood race, and when it becomes a blood race form, that combat power report!"

"Senior Xia Xue is my idol, she is in the top ten on the global battle list!"

Enviable voices from many people came around along the way.

Xia Xue herself was actually used to these compliments, but she didn't care too much.

In their opinion, the strength that they are proud of is what makes Xia Xue ashamed.

She couldn't help but raised her head and looked up at the stars, the man she had vowed to follow.

At this moment, he was already in the place he couldn't reach.

Compared with his realm and cultivation speed, what is his talent? The baby walks.

I don't know if I have a chance to fight with him in my life.

Just as Xia Xue was thinking about these things, the watch on her wrist suddenly rang with red dots.

Seeing this red light spot, Xia Xue's expression immediately became serious.

This is a communication device issued by the Earth Alliance to all powerful people above the Saint level who have joined the Alliance. As long as they are on the earth, they can transmit signals even if they are several kilometers underground.

The red signal means that there is a very dangerous situation.

Earlier, when a strange beast appeared somewhere on the earth, an alarm would be issued, and the nearby strong man would be responsible for solving it.

But at this time, the alien beasts on the earth had already been eradicated, and the red warning light hadn't been on for a long time.

What will it be this time?

Could it be that there are other animals that have slipped through the net.

Xia Xue took out something similar to a mini earphone from the watch and stuffed it into her ear.

"This is Xia Xue, what happened?"

There was a hasty sound from the earphones, as well as footsteps and harsh alarms.

"Now the first-level red battle alert is announced. All combatants who have been notified are requested to gather at the nearest battle camp! I will send the battle camp next to you to your watch!"

A red combat alert?

Xia Xue's expression immediately became serious.

She still remembers the meaning of this battle alert system. When this alert rule was formulated, five levels were set.

From low to high is from five to one.

The five-level battle alert means that a holy-strength alien beast or threat has appeared in a certain area on the earth.

The four-level battle alert represents the appearance of a small-scale holy-strength strange animal or threat in a certain area on the earth.

The three-level combat alert means that there is a disaster or a strange animal that may threaten a large state on the earth!

The second level of combat alert means that there has been an event on the planet that may affect the safety of the entire planet.

The highest level of combat alert means that there has been an event that is likely to pose a threat to the entire planet!

Representing the enemy's combat realm, it may be a quasi-god or even a stronger existence, and the number is limited!

How could this be?

This alarm never appeared.

It is too late to think so much now. Fortunately, the place where Xia Xue is now is Penglai Xiandao, Penglai Xiandao itself is a wartime command post!

When Ye Hao was developing the alliance system, one of them was that every major state and every country must prepare for the worst.

To put it nicely is the wartime command post.

To put it bluntly is the survivor base!

So far, China has at least three survivor bases, located in Penglai Xiandao, Wushuang City, and the Imperial Capital where the Dragon Group is located.

This is still because of China's current strength.

For some countries in Southeast Asia, it is good to have a survivor base. In some small countries, only a few countries can form a survivor base, and so far, more than half of the survivor bases have not reached the standard for combat level.

Closer to home.

Xia Xue almost felt the wartime command post of the Penglai Xiandao Survivor Base in a few seconds.

Here is purely militarized management, you can see soldiers in military uniform coming in and out.

And Xia Xue entered and exited here unimpeded, because everyone knows that this quasi-god powerhouse of China is also known as the patron saint of China!

"Head Xia Xue!" A middle-aged officer saluted Xia Xue, with more than a star on his shoulder.

However, there are already regulations within Huaxia that official or assisting officials like Xia Xue will be called according to the rank of marshal in the army.

It's just that they don't have the right to directly command a large army.

Seeing that the officer in front of him who was enough to be her father called her chief, Xia Xue was still a bit uncomfortable, and she had said that she didn't need to shout like that a few times before.

But no matter how disciplined people are, that's why Xia Xue doesn't like the relationship here.

"Uncle Chen, tell me what's the situation now? Why was the first level red alert issued suddenly? I didn't feel any danger around me?" Xia Xue frowned and asked.

She is a low-level quasi-god, and she has entered the ladder of God, and her current perception can sense most of the earth, but now she has not sensed that there is any danger on the earth.

"Look at this first, this is an image taken by our alliance military satellite!" Officer Chen pointed to the screen.

I saw a few photos on the screen. The photos were a group of dark objects. Some appeared on the snow-capped mountains, some above the sea, and some happened to appear in the city.

"What is this? When was it filmed?" Xia Xue frowned and looked at these things.

"It was five minutes ago. So far, there have been six places. They are in the Bermuda Triangle, a city in the central area of ​​Australia, near the island sea, the Alps, the snowy mountains in the northern part of the bear country, and the Yellowstone volcano in the United States!" Officer Chen said.

Xia Xue's expression was serious: "Have you sent someone to investigate, what exactly is this?"

"Any detection equipment has no effect. The U.S. sent a power team to enter, but the space around the black air mass is distorted and cannot be entered at all!" Officer Chen said.

At this moment, a correspondent next to him suddenly said: "It's not good. Many monsters have emerged in the black air mass in the central urban area of ​​Australia.

Those monsters are madly attacking that city, and Australia has already sent abilities and other fighters to support it! "

Next, various other black air masses also issued various similar things, without exception, some monsters appeared.

Xia Xue clenched her fists, she had a very bad premonition: "Have you photographed the appearance of those monsters?"

"The picture is being transferred, but the locals said...the appearance of those monsters is very similar to the demons in that popular game!" said the contact person.

Now, Xia Xue felt his brain buzzing.


Is it really here?

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