Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2861: Hellhound, Demon Man, Demon Warrior!

Chapter 2861 Hell Dog, Demon Man, Demon Warrior!

Next, photos and videos of these monsters were soon sent over.

There are even videos transmitted by military satellites in good time!

First see the creatures on the photos, and the recorded videos.

Those terrible creatures rushing out of the black air mass, yes! That's right!

This is indeed the demon of the demon plane!

Xia Xue and the others didn't know how many times they had heard Ye Hao describe these things in front of them, and even constructed the shape with divine power for them to recognize.

So when they see these demons at this moment, they can be 100% sure that these are demons.

In addition to those demon warriors in the traditional sense, the most important thing is some creatures like demon dogs.

"The report, Wushuang City's central system sent a piece of information to survivor bases around the world! We are accepting it!" Correspondent Hui reported.

The next moment, a copy of the information appeared on the big screen.

The first thing to begin with is nothing more than confirming that this time it was an attack by the devil and telling the world to enter a state of emergency war.

The command power of the military and combat units of all countries will be handed over by the local Earth Alliance headquarters.

And all localities will use various means to pass information about this unexpected battle to the people.

Regarding these things, the people in the alliance have already made preparations. It can be said that there are hundreds of solutions.

Because they had anticipated that one day, the devil would truly appear on earth.

So at this moment, local broadcasts and news are beginning to report such things, and various local affairs are taken over by the army for the first time.

Although this was a sudden incident in the eyes of the public, everyone was very panicked at first.

This naturally leads to some people with dark hearts who want to take advantage of this time to make chaos. They think that the disorderly end times in the movie is coming.

All order and rules will be destroyed.

People like them can act recklessly in this last days.

But soon, the soldiers' bullets made them the first to be punished.

This is the first new rule announced by local government forces: Any criminal who does illegal things under the current situation can be shot and killed on the spot if the army deems it necessary.

This knows that the chaos that was extremely likely to occur in the movie was obliterated in less than half an hour.

The speed at which the army took over the city was incredibly fast.

After all, in the past actions that the people considered to be ‘exercises’, the military has no idea how many times such actions have been simulated.

At the same time, in the simulated reality game that took the world by storm, everyone who was originally playing the game was disturbed by a pop-up that couldn't exit.

In the pop-up window, announcements made by local celebrities or influential people are recorded.

"Don't panic now, everyone. What I want to tell you is one thing. In fact, all the settings in this game are real.

Those demons, those with supernatural powers, actually exist in this world. It's just being concealed by the upper-level personnel, wanting to let everyone live in peace and harmony.

When this video came out, it meant that our lives were completely broken, and those evil creatures launched an attack on our world.

But don’t worry, we will fight for the survival of you and the earth.

And you can use the life skills learned in this game to survive as much as possible in reality.

In addition, please don’t panic, the local army will pick you up to the local survivor base soon. We will try our best to guarantee..."

Such similar pop-ups in various languages ​​suddenly let at least one third of the world's people understand this matter.

It turns out that the games they have been playing all the time are actually real, just for them to preview something that is about to happen.

It is because of this series of arrangements that when such a danger really emerges, the world is not as bad as imagined.


Penglai Fairy Island Survivor Base

On the big screen, pictures of the three creatures are now displayed, as well as related information materials.

"Hellhound: Tier 7 combat power, without the ability to fly, but with quick action and a large number. Without a command, it will follow the control of the demon man and the demon warrior."

"Devil man: Tier 8 combat power, without flying ability, but with corresponding wisdom."

"Demon Warrior: Quasi-God combat power, with wings on the back, can fly, and has wisdom. It is the strongest demon combat unit that appears on the earth today!"

Looking at the information of the three creatures in front of me, these are all information about the demonic creatures that continue to exist on Earth.

"Then have you figured out the number of demon invaders now!" Xia Xue asked anxiously.

Officer Chen replied: "Demon races are still appearing in the black air mass. If we calculate it according to the current emergence, the number of demon warriors cannot be determined.

But in one minute, at least one hundred hellhounds and ten demons will appear in every black air mass! If it keeps going, then...in the next hour.

Nearly tens of thousands of Hellhounds and nearly a thousand demon people will appear around each black air mass! "

Having said this, Officer Chen swallowed, his arms trembling.

Although he is an army officer, he is very aware of the power of these creatures, because he is also a cultivator at the moment, and because of that game, he has been tested for talent.

It's just that now he is only a sixth rank.

"The number is huge. These devil dogs are a disaster for ordinary cultivators and ordinary people!" Xia Xue gritted her teeth.

Seventh order...

If this were changed before, a single Tier 7 Hellhound would be enough to overwhelm the earth.

"Now all regions have established advance teams for the six black air groups in front of them, and they will send out fighters led by quasi-god-level powerhouses to encircle and suppress the demons." Officer Chen said.

Xia Xue suddenly thought of a question: "The information just now shows that devil dogs and devil people can't fly. What about those black air masses that appear on the ocean, and those demon dogs and devil people that appear?"

"About this, the message from the front is that the two black air masses in the Bermuda Triangle and the island sea began to appear black floating rocks around them, and these rocks are constantly splitting and growing.

And those demons are not afraid of water. According to the current spread of black rocks, they will come into contact with the land of the island country and the land of Bangzi country in two hours, and the land of our country in three hours!

Now our three countries have deployed defense lines in the border area to prevent these demons from invading our land!

But now... the situation of the black air mass in Australia is not so good..." Officer Chen said worriedly.

The black air mass in Australia happened to appear in a city center, so even if the local supernaturalists and rescue teams arrived in time, it would be difficult to prevent further casualties.

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