Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2905: China Standard

Chapter 2905 China's Standard

And what is the standard for the highest five-star city?

Needless to say, it is completely based on China's five main cities as benchmarks.

The autonomous ecosystem of the underground city (refuge) in the city can accommodate a permanent population of 5 million people to live for more than a hundred years, the usual permanent population can reach 10 million, and the maximum permanent population can reach 30 million!

This requirement alone has driven many survivor cities in developed countries out of the five-star ranks, because their countries may not have so many people.

But now everyone is using China as the standard.

In addition to these basic living conditions, there are other factors.

The height of the city wall is more than two hundred meters, and the thickness reaches 30 meters. Its strength must be able to withstand the frontal attack of conventional missiles, or the full-strength attack of a Tier 8 strong, or even a nuclear bomb!

It also has nuclear counterattack capability and conventional counterattack capability, and has long-term quasi-god-level powerhouses stationed.

It can resist the invasion of a million-level (unqualified god-level) demon army without support, or for 72 hours.

The above is the standard for five-star cities.

It can be said to be quite strict, and China's five main cities are built according to this standard, and even a few of them far exceed this standard.

After that, developed countries such as the United States also stepped up to build in accordance with China's construction model.

Huaxia also provided the design drawings selflessly, but unfortunately, it is quite difficult to complete such a large project in a very short time.

Because not any country is called an infrastructure madman like China.

Although these countries with rich wealth are targeting five-star cities, it has been half a month since the invasion of the devil.

Only the five major cities of China have reached the five-star city standard!

After five stars is four stars.

In fact, it is about 20% to 40% lower than the five-star ability in all aspects. Like some particularly demanding requirements, such as the main god-level powerhouse, the underground city shelter has an independent ecological supply model and can supply 5 million people.

This kind of requirements that are extremely difficult to meet in other countries have been drastically reduced.

The measurement standard of a four-star city: the autonomous ecosystem of the underground city (refuge) in the city can accommodate one million permanent residents for more than 50 years, the usual permanent population can reach 10 million, and the limit permanent population can be 3000 Ten thousand people!

The latter requires that many urban surface buildings can still be completed. The most important thing is the construction of underground cities. The other is the extremely high requirement of supplying one million people to live for 50 years.

So far, only ten border cities in China have met this requirement. Other regions are Button City in the United States, Moco City in the Bear Country, English City, French City, and the Holy City of Rome, which is built on the Holy See. , The holy city of Greece built by the Greek temple.

In addition to these, there is another four-star main city in Asia except for the accident of China, that is, Osaka Castle in the island country.

The appearance of Osaka Castle was unexpected, but this was the task that Ye Hao assigned to Meeko Himo, and Osaka Castle was also the base of Meeko Himo organization.

It's just that compared to the island country's hundreds of millions of people, this Osaka Castle, which can only sustain the life of five million shelters, is still somewhat insufficient.

And there is also a section in this, that is, according to China's standards, it is the self-ecological supply system of the underground city, which is to ensure that everyone is full.

And the standard of these cities is just not to starve to death...

Although these foreign four-star survivor cities have a lot of water in them, it is invaluable to be able to build such a survivor city with the power of the whole country in just half a month.

But the other standards do not cut corners.

The height of the city wall is more than 150 meters, and the thickness reaches 25 meters. Its strength must be able to withstand the frontal attack of conventional missiles, or the full blow of a Tier 8 powerhouse!

Possess nuclear counterattack capability and conventional counterattack capability, and has long-term tier eight strong garrison.

It can resist the invasion of a million-level (unqualified god-level) demon army without support, or persist for 24 hours.

Afterwards, the Samsung Survivor City will continue to decrease by 20% to 40% on this basis.

Samsung Survivor City’s measurement standard: The autonomous ecosystem of the underground city (refuge) in the city can accommodate a resident population of 500,000 for more than 30 years, and the usual resident population can reach 3 million. The limit resident population can get one Ten million!

And so far, the remaining 15 Huaxia, almost all meet the requirements of the Samsung Survivor City.

This was also the minimum standard set by Ye Hao at the time. In his opinion, a survivor city under this standard would not be able to withstand a large-scale attack by the demon army.

It's a pity that 80% of survivor cities in the world are below this standard. Excluding China's Samsung Survivor City, the number of Samsung Survivor City all over the world has barely reached 20, and the level gap is not small.

These Samsung survivor cities are mainly in some developed cities in Europe and the United States, and they are being transformed according to the existing advanced infrastructure equipment.

In this regard, I have to say that the island countries and the stick countries are much better than the old-fashioned countries in Europe. Their infrastructure facilities have discovered a lot of loopholes this time.

Either the equipment is old or in disrepair!

Closer to home, the city wall of Samsung Survivor City is more than 100 meters high and 20 meters thick. Its strength must be able to withstand the frontal attack of conventional missiles, or the full blow of the seventh-tier powerhouse!

Has the conventional counterattack ability, and has many 7th-tier strongmen stationed for a long time.

It can withstand the invasion of a million-level (unqualified god) demon army without support, or persist for three hours; it can resist an attack by a hundred thousand-level (unqualified god) demon army, or Persist for forty-eight hours.

From this perspective, you can imagine how bad the remaining two-star survivor cities and one-star survivor cities are.

Originally, according to the meaning of Wushuang City and Huaxia, these two grades should not be called survivor cities, but can only be said to be a small refuge, and it sounds better to be a survivor base.

However, these account for 80% of the world's survivor cities, and most of them are in Asia, Africa, Europe, America and other regions.

Some people may wonder, what about Australia?

Ha ha ha, under the previous toss in Australia, almost no one dared to shrink in those small bases, all hiding in their large survivor cities.

Australia has a large area with sparse population, and the original infrastructure is not bad. With the help of the Demon Butterfly organization, the few survivor cities are barely three-star survivor cities, and a few have not yet arrived three-star and can only be regarded as two-star .

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