Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2906: Abandoned One Star Two Star Survivor City

Chapter 2906 Abandoned One-Star Two-Star Survivor City

Now that they are all withdrawn here, the remaining two-star survivor cities and one-star survivor cities cannot be ignored.

Two-star survivor city's measurement standard: the autonomous ecosystem of the underground city (refuge) in the city (there may be no autonomous ecosystem, just stored food), which can accommodate 100,000 permanent residents for more than ten years, and the usual permanent population can When it reaches one million people, the maximum permanent population can get three million!

And those shelters are actually some air-raid shelters, or underground tunnels, etc., transformed on the spot, very crude.

Compared with the construction of underground facilities, the construction of city walls on the ground is the simplest, because it can be built in the main city with modern technology, and then transported directly by air, just like building blocks.

This is why Huaxia was able to build such a high wall in such a short time, in fact, long before the disaster.

There are already enough city wall modules lying in warehouses everywhere. From transportation to completion, a city only needs two to three days at the fastest and no more than five days at the slowest.

And only a lot more!

There are also modules for building various houses.

The city walls of those two-star survivor cities are 70 meters high and only fifteen meters thick. Their strength must be able to withstand the frontal attack of some conventional missiles, and it has a probability to withstand the attacks of some seventh-tier strong people!

Possess part of the conventional counterattack ability, and has at least one rank 7 powerhouse stationed.

It can resist the attack of the 100,000-level (unqualified god-level) demon army without support, or it can persist for eight hours.

Many people may look at the two-star city after seeing the indicators of the five-star, four-star, and three-star survivor cities.

I must be thinking, is this thing called Survivor City?

Yes, this is the standard established by the Earth Alliance.

And in line with this standard, there are more than 70 two-star survivor cities worldwide!

This is why, when Wushuangcheng and Longzu both opposed it, they finally agreed with this system.

This group of boys is really too weak, no matter if it really doesn't work.

And the one-star survivor city?

It was also after the bitter pleading of some regional countries that they joined it.

During the discussion during the meeting, Long Yi once said: "These one-star survivor cities don't even have decent resistance. After encountering a certain number of demons, they are very likely to collapse instantly.

Even if we want to support, there is no time for support! "

Why does Long Yi comment on the One-Star Survivor City like this?

Please continue to look down.

The evaluation index of the one-star survivor city: the autonomous ecosystem of the underground city (refuge) in the city. Forget about it, this autonomous ecosystem is not needed here, just say the stored food materials.

It can accommodate a resident population of 10,000 for more than one year, the usual resident population can reach 200,000, and the ultimate resident population can get 500,000!

The height of the city wall is 30 meters and the thickness is only 8 meters. Its strength must be able to resist...

No one can be sure of what can be resisted here.

A spell? Or a cannonball?

In front of those Tier 6 Hellhounds, it was as fragile as an iron sheet, and it was impossible to withstand several rounds of attacks.

As for the thermal weapon, how many RPGs or anti-aircraft cannons, or tanks are even thermal weapons, don't think about the others.

Without support, it can withstand the attacks of the 10,000-level (unqualified god-level) demon army, or persist for eight hours.

Eight hours!

That's right, eight hours!

This is still a relatively general figure, because the resistance does not specify what the situation is.

Is the city wall breached as a fall? Is the city occupied by half as occupied? All the buildings on the surface have been destroyed, and can only be shrunk underground, is it a fall?

So many one-star survivor cities can be said to last for less than eight hours at all. Perhaps their walls will be breached in just an hour or even half an hour.

For the next four or five hours, it was just the devil's hunting of their city.

And this is still in the case of a ten thousand demon army?

Perhaps everyone is not familiar with the concept of 10,000, and thinks this number is huge.

Do not!

Now many hellhounds on the frontal battlefield once launch an attack on a large scale, there are tens of thousands of tens of thousands, rarely 10,000.

Coupled with the devil meat ball falling from the sky, or the dark red demon from the black crack that suddenly appeared.

The number of these can easily reach thousands or even tens of thousands.

In other words.

Long Yi's definition of a one-star survivor city is that if the devil meat ball that was destroyed in the air without being obstructed falls next to a one-star survivor city, it will be enough to destroy the city.

If a black crack appeared above, then they would not have any ability to resist.

One-star Survivor City can only occasionally resist attacks like hundreds of small-scale Hellhounds, and they can still do this kind of ability.

The premise is that they have enough thermal weapons!

After all, in such a one-star survivor city, in addition to making bullets, those RPGs all use one and one less.

Must rely on outside support.

Once a very dangerous war will break out, those four-star and five-star cities will be overwhelmed. Who will support these one-star cities?

Nevertheless, these one-star survivor cities are gathering places for survivors in parts of Europe, Africa, Asia and America.

After all, they no longer have the ability to flee further, or they are unwilling to leave the place under their feet.

And for one-star and two-star survivor cities.

The Dragon Group and Wushuang City had discussed future arrangements, because in fact, other big forces also knew that such a city of survivors was really impossible to resist under the attack of the demon army.

And the number of these one-star survivor cities has even reached one hundred and fifty!

If so many one-star survivor cities really send out messages for help at the same time, will it be saved or not?

Finally, the Earth Alliance developed a backup plan.

That is to position one-star and two-star survivor cities as high-risk cities, which can be discarded when necessary.

This is something that only the upper-level leaders of the Earth Alliance know. After all, if such a rule is known to the people below, it will be another protest march.

And on this basis, from the existing two-star survivor cities, select several cities that are suitable for the establishment of a three-star survivor city, and make arrangements for their expansion and other aspects to make their standards at least meet the expression of the three-star survivor city.

In addition, residents who are willing to leave the one-star and two-star survivor cities will be ‘relocated’ in stages and sent to the nearest or suitable survivor city with three or more stars.

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