Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 823: Weakness is the original sin.

The child panted and ran to the tribal wall.

This wall is very high, and it is covered with thorns coated with black liquid, which seems to be poisonous.

There was a sign written outside the gate of the tribe before.

(The walls around the tribe are covered with poisonous thorns, please do not climb over the walls, the poisoned ones are at their own risk)

"Boy, do you want to run? It's really bad for you to do it this way. You can spank you when I catch you."

The sound coming from behind made the child speed up again, even on all fours, running like an animal.

The speed is faster than those 100-meter flying men in the Olympics.

In the blink of an eye, he ran to the wall of thorns.

Facing the poisonous thorns, the child was not afraid at all. He climbed flexibly among the thorns, and the sharp thorns did not even scratch his clothes.

After a few breaths, the child climbed to the top of the fence, he paused intentionally, and made a grimace at Ye Hao behind him.

"Big villain, let you chase."

After speaking, the child jumped down and jumped over the fence.

But before the child's front foot hit the ground, his waist was grabbed and his limbs vacated.


A clap came.

The child felt the pain in his butt. He turned his head and saw that the man who was still on the other side of the wall appeared directly in front of him.

He also grabbed himself, put himself on his lap, and slapped his ass.


It was another slap.

"Tell you to steal something and tell you to run."

Ye Hao didn't actually try too hard, he just wanted to teach this child a lesson, everything has a price.

When Ye Hao was in Ye's house, because there were no toys, and other children had toys, Ye Hao could only steal them. His mother found him when he took them back. He told the truth under reproach.

As a result, his mother beat him up without saying anything. That was the first time his mother beat him.

What his mother said at the time, as well as the scene at that time, he still vividly remembers.

"Tell you to steal things! Tell you to be disobedient!"

At that time, he shouted unconvincedly; "Why can't I steal? I think people in those martial arts novels can steal. Why don't I believe it? What's wrong with what I stole with my skills!"

As soon as he said something, he regretted it. He was afraid that his mother would beat him harder.

But instead of beating him, his mother told Ye Hao seriously.

"The strong is not called stealing, that is called taking, they have the ability to take it away. But you! Are you capable? Are you capable? Can you bear the punishment after stealing is discovered!"

Mother's words were very strange, Ye Hao didn't understand at the time, but Ye Hao hasn't stolen anything since then.

But now Ye Hao understands.

The incompetent secretly called the thief, the skilled thief, the invincible secretly called the Thief!

The ancients always admire people like thief saints, but forget that the nature of what they do is similar to that of thieves.

No matter what you are doing, whether you are doing right or wrong, as long as you have enough strength, the black will become white, the wrong will become right, and the things of others will also become. your things!

Recovering from the memory, Ye Hao was surprised to find that the child on his lap had not moved.

strange? He didn't make a heavy hand, was he killed by himself?

Ye Hao lowered his head, and saw the child gritted his teeth there, his eyes were a little red.

"Why don't you cry and shout out?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

"My uncle never cries. My master taught me that since I have started, I must understand the consequences, and if I am caught, I must have the courage to bear it. It is a coward's choice to cry and beg for mercy!" Ye Hao was very surprised by what the child said.

At a young age, this kid actually understood the truth that he didn't understand until he grew up. He looked like Meow at best, Xiaoyan and the others were about the same age.

Ye Hao stopped beating. He opened the boy's shirt and saw the dagger and scabbard tied to his back with a rope.

"I'll let you go this time, and I got the things back."

Ye Hao took off the scabbard.

Now the child who was still quiet yelled.

"Don't move my things, you can hit me, but you are not allowed to take things away!" the child shouted.

Ye Hao was taken aback, he looked at the child dumbfounded: "Please, this thing is my good. You stole it from me ten minutes ago."

"No, this is not your thing! This uncle never steals things that shouldn't be stolen. This is my sister's knife. I should steal it back." The child turned his head and shouted at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's eyes sank.

He drew the dagger from the scabbard.

When the child saw the blade, his eyes panicked, and he swallowed, as if he was afraid that Ye Hao would hurt him.

Although I just said those words bravely, in fact, I was still very scared.

"Little devil. I ask you, you said this knife belongs to your sister? Where is your sister now!" Ye Hao questioned seriously.

The child looked at Ye Hao cautiously: "Are you one of them? You are here to chase us down!"

The child turned his head and stopped looking at Ye Hao.

"Don't ask too much, I won't betray my sister. Kill me if you have the ability!"

Their people?

Ye Hao let go of the child.

The child was standing on the ground with his feet, and he looked at Ye Hao puzzledly. Why did this guy suddenly put himself down? Is there any conspiracy?

He muttered in his heart, and at the same time his eyes were looking for a chance to escape at any time.

"Your sister is Asian with long black hair. She likes to wear leather clothes. Her best weapon is a dagger. She doesn't like to laugh. She is nicknamed Ah Ye."

The code name of the last word "A Ye" was seen by Ye Hao when he checked the information of Nightingale in Xiangdu. Although he didn't know why Nightingale kept his name in secret, the child in front of him didn't know what his identity was.

So in order to be cautious, Ye Hao did not say Nightingale, but used the name A Ye.

Sure enough, as Ye Hao expected, the child's eyes changed significantly. He glared at Ye Hao: "You have all the information!"

"I am not your enemy. I came to find my friend this time. Ah Ye is my friend. Can you take me to see her." Ye Hao looked at the child sincerely.

The child sneered.

"Bad guy, do you want to fool me with such a trick?"

Ye Hao knew that this child didn't want to believe in himself at this moment, but he had to pass this child if he wanted to find Nightingale.

Ye Hao stood up, he inserted the dagger into the scabbard and threw it in front of the child.

The child looked at Ye Hao suspiciously, wondering what he was doing.

"I can let you go now, but you must promise me one thing. When you see Ah Ye, tell her for me that a person named Ye Hao is looking for her. You can tell her my appearance. "

"I will always be here waiting for you."

Ye Hao found a stone and sat on it.

The child picked up the scabbard on the ground, and he looked at Ye Hao suspiciously: "You really let me go?"

"Yes. Remember to help me spread the word, I will always be here waiting for you." Ye Hao said.


The child murmured and ran away quickly. He ran towards the river, which was just opposite the town.

Half an hour later, the child appeared in the town instead.

He panted, looked behind him, and muttered in his heart, after going around such a big circle, no one should follow me. After that, he disappeared in an alley.

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