Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 824: Mouse totem

The night was getting deeper, and the moon was hanging high in the sky.

Ye Hao was still sitting on the stone beside the wall, his face wrinkled slightly.

It has been nearly five hours from the afternoon to the present, why the kid hasn't come back, the reasonable Nightingale knew that he would definitely come to him when he came.

Had I been fooled by that kid again?

He doesn't even know Nightingale?

With such a question, Ye Hao waited for a while.

His ears moved slightly and he looked into the darkness.

Although the voice was very soft, Ye Hao still heard the sound of footsteps, gasping, and the sound of water dripping on the ground.

Ye Hao got up and walked in the direction where the sound came from.

Walking out about fifty or sixty meters, Ye Hao saw a small figure creeping on a dark ground.

Ye Hao stepped forward quickly and turned the figure over.

Take a closer look if this is the kid before.

But at this moment the child has fallen into a semi-conscious state, with a lot of scars on his body. The sound of water dripping before is the movement of blood dripping from the wound on his forehead to the stone.

Was he attacked?

A bad premonition rose in Ye Hao's heart. Before he could think about it, Ye Hao directly exchanged the Primary Healing Talisman from the system store.

Although the Holy Healing technique can be used, the situation of Nightingale is unknown. Bobby in the small town before also said that the Nightingale was injured. When he saw Nightingale, perhaps the Holy Healing technique was still useful.

[Exchange for Primary Healing Charm, consume forty skill points]

[Current remaining skill points: 307]

The light of the primary healing charm in his hand slowly penetrated into the child's body, and the wound on the child's body began to slowly heal.

[System task: Help Nightingale complete her task. Reward: fifty skill points. No punishment

[System task: Before leaving Australia, the identity of Nightingale must not be revealed. Reward: Lucky gift pack immediately. No punishment

[System task: Return to the castle of the Judson family within the time limit. Reward: Random item packs. Failure penalty: Not allowed to leave Australia within ten years. 】

A series of system prompts sounded in Ye Hao's mind. According to the system's consistent urination, it is absolutely nothing good to post so many tasks.

At this moment, the child woke up. He suddenly opened his eyes and shouted in panic.

"Sister... Sister, run!"

"Calm down." Ye Hao calmed the child's emotions.

The child woke up from the panic. After seeing Ye Hao, he hurriedly grabbed Ye Hao's arms: "Please, save my sister. If you don't save your sister, your sister will have an accident."

"Calm down and don't panic. Where is Ah Ye now?" Ye Hao directly clamped the child under his arm.

"Over there. The grassland to the north of the town!" The child pointed at the other end of the town.

"Okay, I'll rush over now, you tell me exactly what happened on the road!" Ye Hao moved his feet and jumped out.

Intermediate speed enhancement!

It was so fast that it was almost comparable to a high-speed car.

On the way, the child told what happened.

After he left Ye Hao before, he carefully returned to the town to find Ah Ye.

After finding Ah Ye, he gave Ye Hao's name and appearance and the dagger to Ah Ye.

Ah Ye immediately prepared to come to Ye Hao.

But as soon as they walked out of their hiding place, they were ambushed. Ah Ye asked the children to run first, using herself as a bait to attract those people.

"That group of people are very strong?" Ye Hao's speed increased again, and the huge wind and waves made the child unable to open his eyes.

"Very strong. But Sister A Ye's strength is not weak, if she... she hadn't been injured before, that group of people could not be Sister A Ye's opponent!" The child's face showed a look of guilt.

"You have nothing to say! How did Ah Ye get injured, and who are you? What did you do to get you to be chased." Ye Hao frowned and looked at the child.

The child bit his lip with a hesitant expression on his face.

"When is the time now, you are still hiding with me here."

When the child gritted his teeth, he closed his eyes. "I said. I belong to the Demon Butterfly organization. This time Sister Ah Ye and I came out on a mission and attacked a private flight that was going to transit in Australia. There were islanders on it. There were three ninjas, and more than twenty. Shinobu, at least five teams!


Ye Hao's expression stunned.

"Three Shinobi! Is your organization crazy? Arrange for the two of you to attack such a target, isn't it asking you to die!"

Three Shinobi? That's the equivalent of the next triple innate powerhouse! Still three people!

And Nightingale's strength is nothing more than the pinnacle of Qi Refining Realm, and the body still has old injuries that have not recovered.

"I said the same at the time, but Sister A Ye insisted on performing this task, and I was worried that she would follow her. However, our task was successfully executed and we won the task items from the target."

"But the other party was chasing us, and during the period, Sister A Ye was severely injured by one of them in order to protect me."

"During this period, we have been wandering around in central Australia, and the communication equipment we carried was broken, and we could not contact the organization. The ninjas have been chasing us!"

Ye Hao couldn't calm down for a long time, so he rushed to do such a difficult task, not only did it, but also completed the task.

Perhaps such crazy things can only be done by Nightingale.

"After all that, what's your name? You joined Demon Butterfly at such a young age?" Ye Hao looked at the child curiously.

The child stuck out his tongue at Ye Hao.

"If you want to take care of it, I can tell you. I'm a totem, I'm not weak."

Ye Hao looked at the child in surprise.

"Do you have a totem?"

The child nodded.

"Then what totem are you?" Ye Hao asked.

The child hung his head for a long time before uttering two words.



Ye Hao almost lost his balance.

"There are totems like mice?"

"Why can't you have it, let me tell you, the mouse is amazing, I used to go along with you before! It's just..." the child said frustratedly: "It's just that the frontal combat ability is too weak."

Ye Hao remembered the time when the kid stole his own things before.

He understood why this guy wouldn't let himself find out.

It is estimated that this mouse totem has the ability to conceal people and increase speed, which led to Ye Hao's things being stolen.

"Here we are."

Ye Hao stopped, his face became solemn.

He felt several waves of powerful energy in an area in front of him.

"Then let's go over!" The child said anxiously, looking like he was really worried about Nightingale.

"I'll go, you stay."

Ye Hao put the child on the ground.

"No, I want to go too!" The child quit.

He pointed to the child and warned: "I'm telling you, there is a possibility of Shangren in front. Don't interfere, otherwise it will only add chaos to us, and even kill your sister Aye."

Although not reconciled, the child nodded.

He looked at Ye Hao expectantly: "You must save Sister A Ye. As long as you save Sister A Ye, I can apologize to you when I stole your things before and let... let you spank!"

This kid is very interesting. Ye Hao patted his head: "Well, I will bring Ye... Ah Ye back. Stay here and stay safe by yourself."

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