Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter Fifty Are you sure you are a computer major?

Add more rewards for such a big tease.


Wen Ming never expected that the first talent he actively recruited was a salesman from a venture capital company.

What made him even more unexpected was that the business that this salesman named Tomdin was in charge of after coming to Apple was not related to financing.

This is Tomdin's latest position as the head of planning for Apple's gaming division.

"Boss, don't worry, I'm single right now. Apart from games and work, there's nothing else that can hold me back."

Tomdin vowed to Wen Ming that he neglected his family because of his enthusiasm for games and movies, and was dumped by his wife in the end. After being depressed for a while, he went to American Century Ventures through a friend's introduction, but he didn't like the job very much.

The position Wen Ming gave him was his favorite position, so he would naturally not refuse.

"I'm going back today to hand in my resignation."

Tomdin and Wen Ming shook hands to say goodbye, and said: "One more thing, boss, you must not sign any agreements with any venture capital companies in the near future. Although I have not been in the venture capital industry for a long time, but You can also see the selling point of this product of Instagarm. When the registered users of this product reach tens of millions, its value will definitely exceed 400 million U.S. dollars. You know, the valuation of this product by our company’s risk control department has already reached $300 million."

Wen Ming expressed his gratitude to Tomdin for his instructions, and also expressed his approval of Tomdin's ability. Of course, the ability mentioned here is only the ability in the game.

Being able to participate in the planning of well-known games such as "Call of Duty" and "Crysis" shows Tomdin's strength. And his previous career as a screenwriter in Hollywood can also allow him to help Wen Ming's Apple Company develop a side business.

After sending Tomdin away, Sith, who got the news, asked a little puzzled: "Are you sure his connections are still useful?"

Sith also inquired about Tomdin, knowing that he no longer had any status in Hollywood. After all, after nearly two years of depression, how could a Vanity Fair like Hollywood, which is changing with each passing day, still agree with him?

Wen Ming said with a smile: "Of course Hollywood will not recognize him now, and I don't need him to help me develop Hollywood business. However, after our Apple company has created a miracle, he will be very highly recognized in Hollywood .”

This is true no matter in any country. When you are not doing well, no one will care about you no matter how brilliant you were before. And when they make a comeback, those bad experiences will become a deed that many people talk about, which is interpreted as not succumbing to fate!

Sith shrugged and said: "If he is really capable, then you can relieve a lot of burden in terms of games."

"Let's wait and see!"

Wen Ming always believes that if you can maintain your love for an industry, even if you are not capable enough, you can still create miracles with enthusiasm. What's more, with him sitting behind the scenes, there is no need to worry about Tomdin's lack of ability. If he gets the job done, there shouldn't be any accidents.

Picking up the phone, Wen Ming saw a few missed calls. When talking with Tom Ding, he turned the phone to silent, which is a respect for others.

"Cui Chuanming?"

Wen Ming instantly became excited, but also a little worried.

Returning to his office in a hurry, after calling the phone back, Wen Ming got a piece of good news that made him jump up happily.

"I'm going to book the tickets now. Are you going? If you go, let me help you book the tickets together?"

Cui Chuanming said that they can go together, which may help Wen Ming get the dinosaur blood sample from Teresa Roy.

Book your flight for tonight.

As for the hotel room, Wen Ming arranged for someone to rent a car to take him to pick up Cui Chuanming and Cui Chuanming's teacher Benjamin Lithschild.

"It seems that there is no Uber in this world? Renting a car is still a bit of a hassle."

Wen Ming is not in the mood to develop Uber now, that is, the rental business of cars and drivers similar to such-and-such special cars and such-and-such express cars. All his moods now are focused on his upcoming meeting with Teresa Roy.

In other words, on a blood sample from a dinosaur.

"Sith, before I come back, buy a few cars. Of course, you need a driver too."

If dinosaur blood samples can be obtained, it means that the project of "resurrecting" dinosaurs will start, and at least 100 million US dollars will be invested. With so much money to spend, buying a few cars is naturally a no-brainer.

"Understood, what style do you like? How about I give you one of the same?"

In Sith's view, a billionaire at Wen Ming's age doesn't even have a car of his own. Let alone a sports car, there is not even a scooter, which is simply unbelievable.

"It's up to you!"


Wen Ming's first meeting with Benjamin made him feel a little surprised. In his opinion, a professor at Harvard University at this age should be more rigorous and serious. He did not expect to be more lively than his student Cui Chuanming.

On the plane, Benjamin chatted with Wen Ming all the way. In addition to imagining the meaning of "reviving" dinosaurs, he also discussed with Wen Ming how to "resurrect" dinosaurs.


Cui Chuanming reminded: "Mr. Wen Ming, although he is also a student of Harvard University, but he is a computer major, you discuss these issues with him..."

Wen Ming has suspended his studies from Harvard University, but a suspension of studies is not the same as dropping out, so it can be said that he is still a student of Harvard University.

Benjamin was a little embarrassed, but Wen Ming had no objection, and began to actively communicate with Benjamin.

Although he believed in Benjamin's reputation, he still needed to personally verify how many genuine chapters Benjamin had. If not, then the project of 'resurrecting' the dinosaurs would still not be handed over to him.

"I think that the genetic samples extracted from dinosaur blood samples are defective. It is absolutely impossible to 'resurrect' dinosaurs with such defective genetic samples."

Wen Ming thought of the technical knowledge from "Jurassic Park", and talked about it with eloquence.

"In this case, we need to use the genes of existing organisms to complement those defective gene samples of dinosaurs."

Benjamin fully agreed, and Cui Chuanming also participated at this time, because he found that what Wen Ming said had something to say and was very professional.

Benjamin said excitedly: "This is the same as my previous thought. Although gene supplementation technology is still in the research stage, it has proved the feasibility of this method. In addition, I think that when breeding dinosaurs, it is necessary to With the help of oviparous animals."

Wen Ming's eyes lit up, and he asked, "You mean, put the completed dinosaur genes into giant eggs like ostrich eggs, that is, turn ostrich eggs into dinosaur eggs?"


Benjamin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly jumped up from the first-class seat in surprise, and said, "Yes, it's an ostrich egg, that's right, why didn't I think of this step before?"

The somewhat high-profile conversation here dissatisfied the other first-class passengers, and the flight attendant came over to remind him before suppressing Benjamin's excitement.

The three discussed in low voices all the way, and the plane finally arrived in New York.

"Let's rest in the hotel tonight, and after recovering our energy, we will go to see Teresa Roy tomorrow morning."

Wen Ming's arrangement was very suitable for Benjamin and Cui Chuanming, because they came in a hurry and didn't have time to take care of themselves.

Cui Chuanming looked at his teacher who was still in a state of excitement, and whispered to Wen Ming, "Do you think you can really rest tonight?"

Wen Ming understood, and said with a smile: "My sleep quality has always been very good."

After walking a few steps, Cui Chuanming stopped suddenly and asked, "Are you sure you are a computer major? Not a biology major?"


ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, roll around and ask for a recommendation ticket.

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