Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter Fifty-One: Different Gambling

It's not the first time Wen Ming has come to New York. When he first traveled to this world, he was in the city of New York.

Compared with the confusion at that time, Wen Ming now has a goal and a career, but he has no idea about his future. Whether he lives or dies depends on this meeting.

Because of sufficient cash flow, and in order to show their wealth in front of Benjamin and Cui Chuanming, not only did they book first-class air tickets when they came, but the hotel they stayed in was also an international five-star hotel chain.

Although the price is expensive, it also has certain benefits. For example, Wen Ming and others are now taking the Rolls Royce arranged by the hotel to meet Teresa Roy.

"If you like it, when the dinosaur is 'resurrected' successfully, I will give you two a car."

Although Benjamin and Cui Chuanming did well in academia, they didn't have their own company and focused on academic research, so they didn't enjoy much luxury.

The driver was obviously taken aback when he heard Wen Ming's words, but his good professionalism allowed him to continue driving quietly.

Cui Chuanming, who was sitting on the co-pilot, turned his head and said, "I think this kind of car is suitable for sitting, but not for driving by myself. If it really succeeds, how about giving me a McLaren?"

Wen Ming is naturally very willing to meet this kind of request, let alone one McLaren, so what if there are ten?

"I didn't expect that with your personality, you would like McLaren sports cars?"

Wen Ming laughed and said, "As long as it's not the collector's version of McLaren, it's fine."

Cui Chuanming smiled and turned his head away. Unlike other investors, he and Wen Ming still have a relationship like friends. After all, they are both from China, so they can joke around. Of course, a McLaren is nothing if it does work out.

Benjamin also laughed and said: "My student is different from other Huaxia students. Some Huaxia students only know how to study hard and do research, and some Huaxia students only know how to play with those luxuries. But he can be serious when he should be serious. Relax when it's time to relax, and that's why I chose him."

"As for the delivery of the car, let's talk about it after we get what we need most."

Wen Ming nodded. For Benjamin and Cui Chuanming, success or failure was nothing more than an academic research. For him, it was about his own life.

If it doesn't work this time... Wen Ming secretly made up his mind: I heard that there are many people engaged in violent work in the United States?

There was nothing to say along the way, because many questions are not suitable for talking in the car.

After arriving at Teresa Roy's villa, the hotel's car was waiting outside. As long as you paid enough money, you don't need to worry about whether there are other guests in the hotel who need the car.

An old black man in a suit, representing Teresa Roy, led Wen Ming and others into the villa. After seeing more than a dozen security personnel, Wen Ming doubted the decision he had just made.

If the negotiation fails, can his crooked methods really succeed?

In a reception room of the villa, Teresa Roy, who had been waiting for a while, finally saw the genius Wen Ming.

As for Wen Ming, it was also the first time to see Teresa Roy, a tens of billions of dollars, with his own eyes.

After some introductions, Teresa Roy took the initiative, started the conversation and asked, "I want to know, why did you think of the project of 'resurrecting' dinosaurs?"

Wen Ming didn't have the slightest stage fright either, as long as he could survive, no matter if it was tens of billions of dollars or hundreds of billions of dollars, it would be no problem for him.

"This is one of my wishes. I want to see a living dinosaur before I die."

Wen Ming didn't believe Teresa Roy didn't know about his own pancreatic cancer.

Including Cui Chuanming and Benjamin, they should also know about this matter. After all, Wen Ming's most famous thing in the United States is his life experience of being almost hated by God.

Teresa Roy was not moved in the slightest. At his stage, it was useless to be pitiful. He does charity, but he is not a bad person.

"second question."

Teresa Roy looked into Wen Ming's eyes and asked, "How much money are you going to invest to complete the project of 'resurrecting' dinosaurs?"

Wen Ming did not avoid Teresa Roy's eyes, and replied without showing weakness: "The first phase is 100 million US dollars, which is used to select the site and build the research institution. Subsequent investment will be determined according to the progress of the research. In my opinion, the project needs at least $2 billion.”

Teresa laughed, turned her gaze directly to Benjamin, and said, "You are lucky, someone is willing to give you 2 billion U.S. dollars to play with."

Benjamin and Teresa have been friends for many years, so they naturally knew that Teresa was joking, and said, "Since you don't want to pay me to play, why don't you let others pay me to play?"

Teresa turned her attention to Wen Ming again, and said: "According to my staff analysis, your Instagram can only be sold for 300 to 500 million US dollars, and after selling Instagram, you will not have any other projects. You Can you tell me how you can make $2 billion?"

Hearing Teresa's words, Wen Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Unlike what he had imagined, the topic of the meeting this time was not whether to sell the dinosaur blood samples to him, nor was it to discuss the price of the dinosaur blood samples.

"A month ago, no one believed that I could earn 300 to 500 million US dollars within five years. Now, only one seventieth of the five years has passed."

The time unit of five years made Teresa and the others stunned for a moment, and they understood it in an instant. After successful surgery for pancreatic cancer, the probability of surviving to 5 years is still very high, but after 5 years, the survival rate is less than 2%.

This is the relevant report they got when they inquired about Wen Ming's information.

After a moment of silence, Teresa Roy said: "I can give the dinosaur's blood sample to Benjamin free of charge, and even, I can help this project. For example, part of the research funds, research sites, etc."

Wen Ming was not at all excited, he was waiting for Teresa to say no.

"However, I would like to have oversight of the program."

Wen Ming was not surprised. Cui Chuanming had told him before that Teresa worried that he was a liar.

"What kind of supervisory power?"

Teresa Roy replied: "First, no third organization or individual is allowed to participate in this project. Second, it is not allowed to resell any rights and interests of this project. Third, if your funds cannot keep up research progress, then this project will belong to me.”

Benjamin was furious at the side. These three conditions completely tied Wen Ming to this project. If there was a break in the capital chain, then all Wen Ming's previous investment would become Teresa's harvest.

"How did you become a profiteer now? What about that Teresa Roy I knew?"

Teresa Roy was unmoved, just looked at the silent Wen Ming.

After a while, Wen Ming nodded firmly and said, "I also have a request, that is, on the premise of not violating these conditions, I have the absolute leadership of this project."

Teresa Roy immediately asked: "Are you taking the lead? Do you understand biology? If it's a business, I think we should wait until it's successful."

Benjamin, who was neglected, seized this opportunity and said bluntly: "He is even more talented than you imagined. If he hadn't already made achievements and went through the suspension procedures, I would have accepted him as my graduate student." .”

Teresa glanced at Benjamin, and after realizing that this was not a joke, she stood up and extended her hand to Wen Ming.

"I actually don't want you to give me a chance to make money."

Wen Ming held Teresa's hand and said, "You will make money, but it will never be because of my failure."

The two hands were held together, which made Cui Chuanming next to him a little puzzled. Is this a deal? Why no details?

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