Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1073: because of you

"The daughter of the Lin family actually gave the precious C-level energy agent to her classmates." After hearing the ins and outs of what his son said, Kang Zimu gradually narrowed his eyes.

"I'm very satisfied with your decision. You must fight for warriors. You are right to let the dead man pretend to be a robber to grab the C-level energy agent."

"It's a pity that God doesn't make beauty, so that the dead man encountered the C-class fierce beast riot halfway, or the boy knew that he had no way to escape, and deliberately led the dead man to the fierce beast riot and killed him by the hand of the beast Taxi."

Kang Zimu admired his son's actions at the time, and then made a guess about the cause of death of the dead man.

"Dad, that kid seems to be caught by Yudie, what should I do?" Kang Chenfei doesn't care how the dead man died, he only cares about Lin Yudie.

"What about the upper eye, this doesn't mean everything. She is from Kyoto, and she has a noble status. Her family doesn't look down on a mediocre kid."

"But that kid is a little troublesome to get the C-level energy agent. Once he borrows the C-level energy agent to break through to a senior warrior before the college entrance examination, he must be admitted to the Huawu Academy."

"If he shows great potential in Huawu Academy, then her family might see this and won't stop them from being together." Kang Zimu's eyes gradually narrowed.

"Dad, what can I do, or just in case, now send a dead man to kill their family." Kang Chenfei was a little uneasy.

"It's okay to use your brain, Decheng has a good reputation in Ancheng, killing their whole family will definitely lead to an investigation by Lingwushe."

"What we are doing must not attract the attention of Lingwu Society, otherwise death is waiting for us." Kang Zimu suddenly shouted with a serious face.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I was overwhelmed."

Kang Chenfei calmed down instantly thinking about what his family was doing.

"Don't worry too much about that kid, C-level energy agent is not so easy to absorb. It takes half a month for ordinary people to absorb it, and it takes more than a week for geniuses."

"But you can break through after you absorb it. Don't be too naive. There are so many geniuses in the world. There are many people who have absorbed the B-level and A-level energy agents above the C level. But every year, the candidates who break through the advanced martial arts are still so. less."

"This is why, it is talent, it is potential. Not everyone can absorb 100% of the energy agent. Generally speaking, a bottle of energy agent can absorb 10% of it."

"That kid is a low-level warrior, and his talent is average. If he breaks through to an intermediate-level warrior with a C-level energy agent within a month, even if he is lucky." Kang Zimu laughed.

"Dad, let him absorb Class C energy agent like this?" Kang Chenfei said unwillingly.

"Feier, you have been in the intermediate martial arts stage for so long, you don't think you need C-level energy potion more than him." Kang Zimu said with a brilliant eyes.

"Dad, you mean to grab the C-level energy agent, but what do we do?" Kang Chenfei was also a little excited.

"If you want to get something, you don't have to grab it. We can let him take the initiative to give it to us. In Ancheng, our financial strength is stronger than them." Kang Zimu laughed.

"I understand, Dad, suppress them faster. Huang Tianwu consumes one point more C-level energy dose, and I will feel distressed." Kang Chenfei smiled.

"A few days is enough. He doesn't want his Lao Tzu's company to go bankrupt, so he has to hand over the C-level energy agent obediently."

"Even if he would rather his old subsidiary go bankrupt than pay, it doesn't matter. When his old subsidiary collapses, he is nothing, and he has no worries about him doing it." Kang Zimu smiled like a fox.

"Then I'm not idle these days, I challenge him whenever I have time at school, so that he has nowhere to escape."

At this time, Kang Chenfei also felt that Huang Tianwu was the lamb for him to slaughter.

"Just don't beat people to death,..."


"Damn, it's hard to find a good novel, and it turns out to be an eunuch."

"It's so irritating, I really want to kill all the **** dogs in the world with a knife."

It's been two or three days since Huang Jianzhi went out last time. Since the third brother hit him and beat the beast, he hasn't gone home until now, and I don't know where he went to fool around.

The old man didn't go home either. After calling to ask about the result of the blind date, he sighed and there was no answer.

And Huang Jianzhi didn't care about this, so he just did what he should do. As a result, he saw a good-looking novel eunuch, and his mood was not ordinary depression. After a few chattering words, he went to read comics again.

"Ding Ding,,,"

The phone rang!

"I see, I will send a text message to the third child."

Huang Jianzhi got a call from the old man, saying that he would be back for dinner tonight, and asked Huang Jianzhi to call his brother back.

Huang Jianzhi hung up the phone and wanted to call the third child. Forget it, the third child would not answer his phone. After all, the third child is now in the youth rebellious period, he understands.

Sending a text message, without waiting for the youngest to respond, continue to read his cartoons.


The father and son were all sitting at the dining table. Except for Huang Jianzhi, the old man and the youngest were in a completely different state from the last dinner.

The old man's face was haggard, probably because of the company's problems, the third child? The bruises on his face have increased, and he was obviously beaten.

However, the youngest had a lot of bruises on his face, but his eyes were very powerful. As soon as Huang Jianzhi looked at him, he stared at him without speaking, as if he was fighting with his eyes.

The ghost knows what he is fighting against!

"Wu'er, what is the wound on your face?" Father Huang Chengde asked.

"The college entrance examination is coming, and all the candidates in the school are looking for opponents like chicken blood. It's normal in the arena. I also found a lot of opponents to make it like this."

Huang Tianwu lied, his injuries were all because of Kang Chenfei. Either Kang Chenfei challenged him, or the fierce man sent by Kang Chenfei challenged him.

However, he would also like to thank Kang Chenfei for sending him so much experience. Since he was robbed by a man in black a few days ago, he passed out due to pain.

After he woke up, he gradually realized that he was different. He learned everything quickly and made rapid progress.

You don't need to think about him to know that the healer not only helped him heal his wounds, but also improved his talent.

In just a few days, his strength had risen by more than a hundred, which made him dare not even think about it. After giving him a few days, he will be able to break through to an intermediate martial artist.

He was infinitely grateful to the healing supernatural powers in his heart, which gave him new hope.

"Don't fight like that, just do your best!"

Huang Chengde also knows that the school arena is to arouse the blood of the students. He can't stop his son's efforts. He only hopes that his son will not hurt his whole body.

"Old man, what's the matter? Why is his face so haggard? Is there something wrong with the company?" Huang Jianzhi asked from the side.

"It's a small problem, but it's not a big problem, I can handle it!"

Huang Chengde doesn't want the children to know about the company's problems. He can handle it all by himself.

"Dad, is the Kang Group suppressing us!" Huang Tianwu asked, his eyes condensed when he heard the company's problem.

"How do you know?"

Huang Chengde was a little surprised how his younger son knew about this.

"Dad, the Kang Group suppressed us, probably because of me."

"because of you?"

At this moment, Huang Chengde was even more curious about what his youngest son had done, which caused the Kang Group to suppress all aspects. ..

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