Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1074: What are you looking at

"The young master of the Kang Group, Kang Chenfei, regarded me as his love rival at school. These days, he has been targeting me."

"I didn't expect that they were not only targeting me, but also targeting my family. Damn, the Kang Group is too much." Huang Tianwu said with a bit of angrily.

"Rival? Great! Which girl?"

"Is it beautiful?"

"When will you bring it home?"

Huang Jianzhi directly asked for three consecutive questions.

Huang Tianwu glared at Huang Jianzhi on the opposite side, his indifferent eyes seemed to say: Leave me alone, you dead otaku.

Huang Jianzhi can understand the look in the eyes of the youngest. This youngest is not only in the youth and rebellious period, but also has a little bit of chicken intestines.

In the past, when I met, I chose to ignore his eldest brother. Now, when I saw him, I wrote on my face full of discomfort. Are you complaining that his eldest brother lied to him?

"Rival in love! There is still this matter, but it is also unlikely. Even if Wuer, you and the young master of the Kang group are fighting for a girl at school, the Kang group has no reason to attack our company in an all-round way."

"The consumption of financial, material, and resources is not a simple number, and there is no reason to get this level of affairs for the two of you juniors."

Huang Chengde frowned and felt that it was not that simple, and there must be other reasons.

Huang Tianwu also fell into deep thought when he heard his father's words. He felt that his father was right, and that their younger generation's affairs were not enough to cause the elders to go to war.

There may be other reasons, but besides this reason, he really can't think of anything else.

Huang Jianzhi watched and ate quietly without speaking. In this way, the room where the three of them dine was quiet.

"Wu'er, what is that girl's name? Where is it from?"

Huang Chengde thought for a long time but couldn't think of the reason for the Kang Group to attack his company. He rubbed his temples and turned to ask Huang Tianwu about the girl.

"She is Lin Yudie, from Kyoto, and her family is mysterious, but I'm sure her family must be very strong."

"She is a genius girl. She broke through to an intermediate warrior in her second year of high school. Now she is one step short of becoming a senior warrior. I believe she will definitely be able to break through to a senior warrior before the college entrance examination."

Huang Tianwu was a little shy and embarrassed when he heard the information his father asked the girl. But thinking that Lin Yudie had boldly hinted to him, he had any hesitation, so he told his father about the girl.

"What is going to break through to a senior warrior? I saw her in the park, okay, she is about to break through to a warrior, this silly brother,," Huang Jianzhi thought to the third child silently.

"From Kyoto, the family is mysterious and prominent. It is not impossible for the Kang group to fight us because of that girl."

"But Wu'er, are you sure you want to chase that girl? The Kang Group is one thing, and that girl's family is another thing. You will probably have to pass the girl's family in the end."

Huang Chengde knew that most of the people from Kyoto belonged to the Absolute Family. It would be difficult to marry their daughters. He didn't want his son to take risks in his heart.

"Dad, I want to try!" Huang Tianwu said with firm eyes.

"If you like it, just do what you want. Dad will support you."


"Old man, in the face of the suppression of the Kang Group, what should you do, I don't want to be a bankrupt young master." Huang Jianzhi saw that the topic gradually faded away, so he pulled the topic back.

"The Kang Group is much stronger than us in all aspects. If we fight with formal means, I will still be able to fight the Kang Group attack and prevent our company from going bankrupt."

"What I am worried about is that they use force to make trouble behind their backs. They have consultants for the mid-term military masters. Our company hires the strongest security consultants only for the late-warriors, and they cannot compete with the Kangshi Group in terms of force."

Huang Chengde didn't want to talk about the problems facing the company, but he also had to prepare his sons in advance.

When Huang Tianwu heard his father say that Kang's group had a mid-level martial arts advisor, he couldn't help but turn his eyes to his elder brother, his eyes were indescribably complicated.

He read the news a few days ago. The C-class fierce beast, Roaring Rat, appeared in Ancheng and destroyed it, and was killed by the post-war security advisor of the Lingwu Society.

When he first saw the news, he was really in a mixed mood.

His elder brother is a powerful late-stage martial artist, and a twenty-five-year-old late-stage martial artist.

Are there any strong martial artists in their twenties? Answer: Yes, but most of them belong to the early stage of martial arts, and these people are evildoers in the eyes of others, and they are rare and pitiful in the country.

In the later stage of martial arts, most of the strong men are born in their thirties and forties. These are also talented figures who can do it.

But his eldest brother did it at the age of twenty-five, and his identity was still the security consultant of the Lingwu Society. He was a bit deceitful, and his eldest brother had many things to hide from him.

Hearing his father said that the company lacked everything, he lacked the force to contend with the Kangshi Group. The first reaction was that he wanted to prove to his father that Huang Jianzhi was a powerful late-stage martial artist.

Just think about it, he gave up, he has no evidence, the image of the eldest brother has been deeply rooted in his father.

Suddenly I told my father that my eldest brother was a powerful late-stage martial artist, and my father would definitely say: Don’t make trouble, don’t you know who your eldest brother is? He's idle all day long and doesn't want to make progress. He is a powerful late-stage martial artist, so I'm really hell.

Although Huang Tianwu did not testify that Huang Jianzhi came out on the spot, his heart was stabilized.

The eldest brother is a good salted fish, but the eldest brother is not stupid. Once his company goes bankrupt, the money to buy comics, game consoles, novels,,,, etc. will be gone, and his otaku life will be gone.

Therefore, once the company has a problem with martial artists, he believes that his elder brother will definitely solve it. With the strength of his elder brother martial artist in the later stage, no surprises, this matter will be stable.

"There is no way for lack of force, but there is no way to solve the problem between us and the Kang Group."

"Wu'er, as long as you can be admitted to Huawu Academy, the matter between us and the Kang Group will be fine."

"If you behave better at Huawu Academy, your affairs with that girl will be almost unimpeded."

"This is the E-level energy agent I strive for. Work hard, I believe you will be able to break through to a senior warrior before the college entrance examination."

Huang Chengde took out the refined wooden box from the bag on the side, opened it, and found four E-level energy agents lying in it.

"Dad, me, I will work hard."

Huang Tianwu knew that his father would have paid a great price for these four E-level energy agents, and he couldn't help but say.

"Each person can take up to three E-level energy doses. If you take too many doses, it will be invalid. So let your elder brother take the fourth E-level energy dose." Huang Chengde took out one of the E-level energy doses to Huang Jianzhi.

"I don't practice martial arts, what's the use for me!"

"Even if it is not used to practice martial arts, if you take it, you can strengthen your body somewhat."

Huang Chengde stared at him, and Huang Jianzhi was helpless to accept it.

"Ding Ding,,,"

Huang Chengde's phone rang!

"What, I know, I will come now."

"Something happened to the company, I passed by first. I may stay at the company and not come back these days."

Huang Chengde hung up the phone, left a few words and left in a hurry.

In a quiet room, there are only big eyes and small eyes.

"What are you looking at!"


Huang Tianwu let out a cold snort, got up and lifted his feet to leave. ..

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