Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1098: Indifference

"There is a hunting guild badge on the helicopter. Which hunting group does your aunt belong to?"

As the helicopter got closer, Huang Tianwu saw the unique badge of the hunting guild printed on the helicopter, and asked Lin Yudie curiously.

"Have you heard of the Rose Hunting Group? My aunt is the head of the Rose Hunting Group." Lin Yudie replied with a smile.

"What, your aunt is the head of the rose hunting group..."

Of course Huang Tianwu knows the Rose Hunting Group. There is no way. Who makes the Rose Hunting group all beauties with a length of 1.7 meters long. Not to mention the super strength, everyone is single, and the suitors don’t know how many and reputation. Can it be big?

"Well, I have a few aunts. This aunt is the youngest but the most capable. At only 34 years old, she has made her own reputation and status."

"However, she has a weird temper and is very repulsive of men. She doesn't even have a cold with her cousin, let alone outsiders."

"Wait, you talk less, if you can not speak, don't speak, don't talk back to her if she says something bad,"

"If you want to call her sister Qin, don't call her auntie, otherwise it's dangerous." Lin Yudie reminded Huang Tianwu what he thought of.

After listening to Lin Yudie's reminder, Huang Tianwu began to become nervous and restrained. It was fine to see Lin Yudie's family in advance, but Lin Yudie's family was very repulsive to men, which made him not nervous.

Once the first impression is bad, it will be troublesome.

As the helicopter approached, Lin Mengqin and his entourage also saw the two on the ground.

Seeing Lin Yudie's body covered in blood, Lin Mengqin couldn't sit still and jumped directly from the helicopter that was still flying.

The other members did not hesitate, and jumped out of the helicopter with the leader. They did not have the ability to fly for a short period of time. Once they landed on the ground, they ran towards Lin Yudie.

"Jade Butterfly, what happened to you? Why is there blood on your clothes?"

Lin Mengqin flew down in front of Lin Yudie. Although there was a power connection, she still carefully checked Lin Yudie's physical condition. When she found that Lin Yudie was in no condition, she breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the boy next to Lin Yudie, she simply ignored it. Thinking of the previous power connection fluctuations, she was very concerned about what happened to Lin Yudie before.

"Sister Qin, the blood on the clothes is because of..."

Lin Yudie didn't call her aunt because Lin Mengqin didn't like being called old by others, so she asked Lin Yudie to call her sister Qin from a young age.

When Lin Yudie saw other members of the Rose Hunting Group rushing to her aunt's side, she told her carefully about what she had experienced.

"Experience and encounter flying beasts that are about to evolve into B-level, forcibly penetrate the body, and A-level healers..."

"Impossible, there is no A-level healer in the world. Where did our family know about A-level healers?"

Lin Mengqin's status is not low, and she knows more things than ordinary people. There is no A-level healing ability in this world. If there is an A-level healing ability born, she can't be ignorant.

"The only one who can easily recover from an injury like mine is the legendary A-level healer. This A-level healer knows our Lin family, maybe grandpa will know who it is."

Lin Yudie is sure that there are A-level healers, because B-level healers can't cure her severe injuries instantly.

"Maybe you are right. There are people with A-level healing ability in the world, but not everyone is qualified to know. The old man may know this A-level healer who heals you."

Lin Mengqin felt that Lin Yudie had some truth in saying that the existence of A-level healers was not trivial, perhaps she was not qualified to know the existence of A-level healers.

"Hehe, I'm 100% sure that my eldest brother is an A-level healer. The old tortoise, my eldest brother, knows to deceive my feelings and say that he sacrificed a few years of life. I was so touched, this bastard..."

Listening to Lin Mengqin and the others’ conversation, the previous suspicion became affirmation. The eldest brother is really an A-level healer. Huang Tianwu’s mood at the moment is very depressed and very bad.

"Who is he?"

Lin Mengqin looked at Huang Tianwu with judgment. She was not a fool, and she could stand with her niece, and the relationship would be so simple.

The other members of the Rose Hunting Group looked at Huang Tianwu with interest.

They know that their leader doesn't like men very much, whether it's boys or others, as long as they don't like males, there are good shows.

"Sister Qin, he is my friend. I was seriously injured and unconscious. He came out carrying me all the way." Lin Yudie introduced nervously.

"Sister Qin, hello, my name is Huang Tianwu, you just call me Xiaowu." Huang Tianwu said politely and nervously.

"Boy, let me tell you directly, you are not worthy of our jade butterfly, stay away from our jade butterfly, it will not hurt you." Lin Mengqin said coldly at Huang Tianwu.

"Sister Qin, you..."

"Don't talk!"

Lin Mengqin's serious expression made Lin Yudie shut up.


Huang Tianwu looked at Lin Mengqin earnestly and asked.

"Why? Then I tell you why."

As soon as Lin Mengqin's voice fell, a terrifying breath emerged from her and pressed against Huang Tianwu.

Huang Tianwu sank and almost knelt down. He suppressed the fear in his heart and looked at Lin Mengqin firmly, revealing an unconvinced temperament.

But this was just the beginning. A wave of heat that burned the sky and boiled the sea hit Huang Tianwu's face, almost causing Huang Tianwu to cry out in pain.

At the moment when Lin Mengqin's breath pressed towards Huang Tianwu, the members of the Rose Hunting Group took Lin Yudie away from Huang Tianwu and Lin Mengqin.

How far away she was, also prevented Lin Yudie from letting her approach.

As the temperature rose, Huang Tianwu felt that his whole body was being roasted in the stove, his throat became dry, and the moisture in his skin gradually evaporated. This pain was more painful than a thousand cuts.

But Huang Tianwu just bit the corner of his mouth, not letting himself shout.

"How does it feel?"

"Is it uncomfortable?"


Lin Mengqin's indifferent voice echoed.

"Now you know why I said it. Our Lin family is like a world of fire. You are just a small moth. You know what the consequences of moths fighting fire are."

As Lin Mengqin said, her body temperature soared again.


Huang Tianwu couldn't help screaming anymore.

"Stop it, stop it,,,"

Lin Yudie broke away from the obstacles of the members of the Rose Hunting Group and ran over. Seeing her niece running over, Lin Mengqin could only regain her strength.

"Tianwu, are you okay!"

Lin Yudie almost burst into tears and looked at Huang Tianwu. When he touched Huang Tianwu's skin, it made Huang Tianwu extremely painful. It was obvious that a small part of Huang Tianwu's skin had been necrotic.

"Sister Qin, why do you do it!"

Lin Yudie shouted to her aunt in anger and anger with tears in her eyes.

"Didn't he want to ask why? That's the reason I told him. This is the clearing liquid, applied to the necrotic skin, and new skin will grow in about half a month."

Lin Mengqin still took out a bottle of liquid medicine and threw it in front of Huang Tianwu.

"Yudee come back with me, the luggage you left in Ancheng, the servant will help you pack up." Lin Mengqin said.

"You hurt my friend. If you don't apologize to him, I won't go back with you." Lin Yudie looked at Huang Tianwu distressedly, and said with an uneven tone.

"He is not qualified to make me apologize. If you don't go back with me, then I can only kill him." Lin Mengqin threatened.


"Jade Butterfly, I'm fine, you can go back with your aunt." At this moment, Huang Tianwu said hoarsely.

"Tianwu, I'm sorry, I, I..." Lin Yudie rebuked herself with tears.

"It's okay, I will try my best to become stronger, see you at Huawu College."



In the end, Lin Yudie was persuaded by Huang Tianwu to leave.

Huang Tianwu sat quietly on the spot alone, staring blankly at the bottle of clear spirit liquid in front of him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking. ..

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