Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1099: Uncomfortable?

On the helicopter, Lin Yudie kept sternly ignoring her aunt, obviously still angry with her aunt.

"Sister Yudie, don't be angry with the leader. The leader is also for your good. That boy is not weak in talent, but I also don't think he is worthy of you."

"Yes, sister Yudie, you still don't understand the cruelty of this era. Girls choose an era where it is a major life event to rely on, and the strong are respected. Sometimes it is also important to be right."


The members of the Rose Hunting Group don't care about whether things are right or wrong. They will only stand by their head. The head doesn't approve of the boy, and of course they won't agree.

Lin Yudie also ignored Wang Yujiao and the others with a stern face. Her aunt was the murderer who hurt her friend, and Wang Yujiao and the others were the accomplices.

"I didn't say I don't recognize that boy!"

At this moment, the quiet Lin Mengqin suddenly said something unexpected.

These words made everyone on the helicopter looked at Lin Mengqin with a confused expression, not to mention that Lin Yudie couldn't understand what her aunt meant, and even the members of the hunting group that had been with each other for a long time.

"This is the test I gave him. The approach is a bit too extreme, but if he shrinks, it can only be said that he is not qualified." Lin Mengqin said calmly.

"It's just an overkill? You obviously don't want him to approach me!"

Lin Yudie's emotions aroused as soon as he heard it. Then there is such a test, a small part of the body's skin is necrotic, such pain is just a test?

"If one day he is qualified to stand in front of me, I will apologize to him. Now he is just a dispensable little person, and he may not be there in the future."

Lin Mengqin was a little depressed, she thought about her niece all the time, why her niece couldn't feel it.

Lin Yudie put her head aside, obviously not wanting to care about her aunt.


Suddenly, the helicopter vibrated suddenly, making all members of the Rose Hunting Group vigilant.


Wang Yujiao and the others steadied their bodies and looked at their heads with solemn eyes.

"It's the power of mind. Those who have the power of mind are pulling the helicopter to protect my niece."

Lin Mengqin was very knowledgeable and directly judged that Mind was pulling the helicopter, and he immediately flew out of the helicopter and enveloped the outside of the helicopter with flames in an attempt to isolate Mind's pulling.

As a result, the surrounding invisible mental power directly ignored the flame shield and increased its strength to pull the helicopter down. This change made Lin Mengqin's face changed.

"No, it's going to crash, jump out."

Upon hearing this, Wang Yujiao and the others decisively led Lin Yudie and the pilot to jump out of the helicopter.

Lin Mengqin immediately separated several clones, caught Wang Yujiao and the others, and led them to the wilderness below.


The out of control helicopter hit the ground and exploded.

"Head, where is the enemy?"

As soon as it landed, all members of the Rose Hunting Group guarded Lin Yudie, the driver and the group leader, and their eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

"Escape, immediately follow my clone to escape. We were stared at by the old A-level monsters. The power of thinking is boundless, and it ignores my flame shield. Only A-level old monsters can do it."

Lin Mengqin was also a decisive person, judging that it was an A-level mental ability person who shot them, and he didn't have the slightest intention of contending, so he chose to flee.

"What, A-level old monster..."

When Wang Yujiao and the others heard that the enemy was an old A-level monster, all members became nervous, and they did not expect the day when an old A-level monster would attack them.

"Why are you still stunned? Run away."

Lin Mengqin screamed urgently when he saw the members of the hunting group still stunned.

Wang Yujiao and the others didn't think so much when they reacted. They took Lin Yudie and the pilot to disperse and flee. As for the safety of the group leader, they didn't worry much, because they all knew that the group leader had a replacement.

This is a unique feature of the team leader's mutant clone ability, and it has only been many years for a substitute for death clone.

Lin Yudie obviously knew that her aunt had a surrogate for her death. At this time, cooperating hard was the greatest help to her aunt.


The people who scattered and fled directly slammed into the invisible barrier.

"Head, this is the power of mind, the invisible power of mind has blocked us all around."

The members of the Rose Hunting Group happened that they seemed to be locked in a cage by the invisible power of thought. The violence could not break through, and they had no choice but to retreat to Lin Mengqin.

"Get out of the way"

Lin Mengqin opened her full force and slammed her fist on the invisible mind barrier in front of her. As a result, the flames of her dancing wildly were swallowed by the invisible mind barrier, and she was also shaken back a few steps.

"Head, are you okay!"

Wang Yujiao and the others hurriedly came to the head of the group and asked worriedly.

Lin Mengqin raised her hand to signal that she was okay, and her expression was extremely dignified and she scanned the surroundings. At this moment, her heart was shocked.

She has participated in the siege of A-level spirit beasts, and the A-level spirit beasts will be injured in the face of her full blow, but this mind power barrier has not even a trace of vibration in the face of her full blow, which makes her predict how terrifying the enemy is. .

"Head, he, he,,,"

At this moment, Wang Yuyue suddenly saw them on a huge boulder not far to their left. I don't know when a young man appeared sitting on it, looking at them with plain eyes.

Lin Mengqin and the others have also seen young people who do not know when they will appear. They are not stupid. It may be the master who appeared in this strange situation.

Sitting on the boulder is not someone else, it is Huang Jianzhi, an old bad guy.

Lin Yudie didn't know Huang Jianzhi. She didn't send anyone to investigate Huang Tianwu's family because she thought it was so impolite.

"Senior, I don't know how our juniors offended you, so that you actually did it to us personally."

Grandmaster and A-level abilities can both rejuvenate and rejuvenate. Seeing Huang Jianzhi is so young, Lin Mengqin preconceived Huang Jianzhi as a rejuvenating old monster.

Huang Jianzhi did not speak, and hooked his finger to draw Lin Mengqin towards him. Wang Yujiao and the others wanted to do what they saw when the leader was sucked away, but they found that their bodies could not move, and they could not even speak.

"Previous, senior,,,"

Lin Mengqin wanted to say something, suddenly a terrifying sense of oppression pressed her over, making her unable to react and knelt down on one knee.

This was not over yet, Lin Mengqin discovered that her fire-type abilities had disappeared. Before she had time to panic how her fire-type abilities had disappeared, a wave of extremely high temperature hit her.


Lin Mengqin screamed directly.

Wang Yuyue and the others were anxious when they heard the painful cry of the leader, but they couldn't do anything, they could only watch.

"How does it feel?"

"Is it uncomfortable?"


Huang Jianzhi asked what Lin Mengqin had said to Huang Tianwu before.

"You, you,,,"

Lin Mengqin was stunned when he heard such familiar words.

At this moment, she understood that this old monster was for that kid.

Thinking of this, she didn't even have a chance to smile bitterly, and was suffering from the high temperature. ..

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