"Assemble all, I am very satisfied with your performance during this period, but it is not time to relax. There are still three days before the experience ends."

"The training subjects changed in the next three days."

"It's not that you use more deception or tactics to kill the fierce beasts, but the one-on-one stubborn beasts, and even face the most fierce beasts with less.

"This is the final test of the experience, I hope you can all pass, otherwise you will be transferred from the strongest Tianjiao class to another class."

Gao Kangyi saw that the students were almost resting, and gathered all the students. After speaking a few words, I took the students to the depths of the forest.

"I don't know what kind of beast it is. The meat is better than the beast meat I've eaten before."

Somewhere in the forest, behind Huang Jianzhi lies a huge corpse. Although this corpse is already cold, other creatures only need to look at it to know that this corpse was definitely a powerful existence before his death.

But for such a powerful spirit beast, it was unlucky to run into something bad, even if it was cold, it was roasted and eaten by Huang Jianzhi.

"Someone is here, who will it be!"

Huang Jianzhi, who was eating the fragrant barbecue, suddenly narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the dark part of the jungle ahead.

For more than ten seconds, two human figures appeared in Huang Jianzhi's eyes in embarrassment. When Huang Jianzhi saw the incoming person clearly, strange colors appeared in his eyes.

There are three people in total. He has seen these three people before, one is his cousin, one is accompanying teacher, and one is a male student with extraordinary temperament.

The teacher accompanying him was seriously injured and lying behind the male student in a coma. The male student and his cousin were decorated with a lot of color, as if they had experienced a cruel war before.

"Yeah, we met again, what's the matter with you, why are you so embarrassed." Huang Jianzhi smiled and waved.

Xia Qingmeng and Zhang Liangcai brought Teacher Luo Chen out to ask for help, but they got lost.

Six gods and no masters, they rushed in the forest to find a way out, but luckily, they did not encounter other powerful beasts, but instead ran into Huang Jianzhi.

The moment Xia Qingmeng and Zhang Liangcai saw Huang Jianzhi, they were shocked. They recognized the corpse of the spirit beast behind Huang Jianzhi.

B-rank mad soul lion, B-rank spirit beast is also a powerful existence, and the general master later and B-level supernatural powers dare not provoke it.

But there was almost no damage after the battle at the scene, and they were deeply shocked, how strong he was, he could easily kill the B-class mad soul lion.

When they heard Huang Jianzhi say hello, they woke up and looked at each other, and they suddenly noticed.

"Senior, please, save my classmates and teachers." Xia Qingmeng and the others approached for help.

"Don't worry, tell me what happened to you first?" Huang Jianzhi asked curiously.

"The instructor originally wanted to take us to the site of the mutant spider group, but ended up in the site of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider by mistake. We were surrounded by the Demon Devouring Blood Spider Group for a while."

"The Demon Devouring Blood Spider is more ferocious than the general mutant spiders, and they are generally D-level. There are several C-levels, and the Spider King is still a B-level spirit beast."

"At the moment when I was surrounded by the Demon Devouring Blood Spider, the instructor made a decisive decision and tried his best to help Teacher Luo Chen bring the two of us out for help."

"The instructor took other students into a dead-end cave, and guarded the small opening to prevent the attack of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider."

"Although the small opening of the hole can help prevent the attack of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider, the instructor may not last long in the face of the massive Demon Devouring Blood Spider."

"As soon as Mr. Luo Chen brought us out of the encirclement, we were in a coma due to serious injuries. We did not have the guidance of Mr. Luo Chen, and we were too impatient. As a result, we lost our way in the forest."

"Fortunately, I met the seniors, and I am willing to ask the seniors for help. The Xia family must have a good return." Xia Qingmeng asked sincerely.

"Senior, my Zhang family must also be rewarded."

Zhang Liangcai is also from one of the seven strongest families in Kyoto, and he is also a suitor of Xia Qingmeng.

"You can't help asking me for help, right? I'm also wondering. Apart from being a concentration camp for geniuses, a small number of students are also excellent children of major families, so why don't there be guardians."

"What's going on with those big people? If you feel so relieved that your children will come out to practice, you won't be afraid that they will be in danger."

Huang Jianzhi's words silenced Xia Qingmeng and the two of them. They really had no way to ask for help from a stranger like Huang Jianzhi.

Where are they going to ask for help in this wilderness, and their situation is at stake. What choice do they have? At present, only Huang Jianzhi can help them, not who Huang Jianzhi can ask.

As for the protectors, they do have them, but Huawu Academy does not allow them to take them. The reason given by the Academy is that only the strong who grow up in the face of danger are the real strong.

In the beginning, the top families were not very willing, but when the official family fully supported the college's teaching philosophy, the major families had to be willing and unwilling.

"I don't want to make a big report. If you call me cousin, I will help."

"Cousin, please save my classmates and teachers."

Xia Qingmeng was very decisive. As soon as Huang Jianzhi's words fell, she was called his cousin. It was obvious that she was already mentally prepared.

Zhang Liangcai's eyebrows frowned slightly, but he finally said nothing.

"Uh, it's so fast, go and dig out the core of the spirit beast behind me."

Upon hearing the sound, Xia Qingmeng went straight to dig out the beast core of the B-class mad soul lion and brought it to Huang Jianzhi.

"Give it to you, don't refuse, as a small gift."

The corners of Zhang Liangcai's mouth were slightly cramped, and the precious B-level beast cores were given away as soon as they were given away. They were almost envious of him.

"Cousin, the instructor won't last long, can now..."

Xia Qingmeng tangled and complicatedly accepted this precious Class B beast core. Thinking about the situation of the mentor and the others, she couldn't wait to get Huang Jianzhi to rescue him immediately.

"Still wait until I heal your injuries."

Huang Jianzhi waved his finger, and three rays of light instantly enveloped Xia Qingmeng and the three of them. The light disappeared for a moment, and the injuries of the three of them were healed.

"You, you are still a healer."

Xia Qingmeng and they looked at Huang Jianzhi in surprise.

"Normal operation, your teacher woke up, explain briefly, and then we set off." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

Xia Qingmeng and the others looked at each other, and chose to suppress their inner consternation, and briefly explained to the teacher who was still confused when waking up.

"Senior, please come with me, I know the way."

After listening to the student's explanation, Teacher Luo Chen looked at Huang Jianzhi with bright eyes, and after a few words of courteous respect, he set off with Huang Jianzhi.

"Senior, the valley ahead is the territory of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider, do we..."

Luo Chen and the others took Huang Jianzhi to the mouth of the valley full of spider silk caves and stopped, indicating that the site of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider was ahead.

"No, you don't have to do anything, just follow me."

Huang Jianzhi raised his foot and walked in. Xia Qingmeng frowned and looked at each other before finally following Huang Jianzhi in.

As soon as I walked in, there was no figure of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider nearby, until about a hundred meters in, the figure of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider appeared, cutting off the back path.

"Are the spiders growing so big now? Each is the size of a car and there are so many in number. It looks weird and disgusting."

Huang Jianzhi looked at the spider group gradually surrounding them, his eyes a little disgusting.


The dense cluster of spiders didn't seem to be Huang Jianzhi's thoughts, exuding a weird hiss, and all rushed towards Huang Jianzhi and the others. ..

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