Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1104: Face punch

Xia Qingmeng and the others saw countless demon-devouring blood spiders flying from all directions, their expressions panicked and tight, and their muscles tightened.

Had it not been for Huang Jianzhi by their side, they would have ran away the moment they saw the Demon Devouring Blood Spider.


Seeing that the demon-devouring blood spider was less than ten meters away from Huang Jianzhi and the others, the air around him suddenly condensed, as if the heavens and the earth were pale.

The demon-devouring blood spiders flying in the air seemed to have pressed the quick-time button, each body was twisted into twine, and blue blood splashed from the body of the demon-devouring blood spider that instantly twisted the twine.

Blood is splashing densely in this space like raindrops. Huang Jianzhi and the others are protected by the mind barrier. The raindrop-like blood can't enter Huang Jianzhi and the others, but it dyes the valley blue.

Xia Qingmeng and the others saw that the Demon Devouring Blood Spider was slaughtered like a violent artistic aesthetic, and they looked at Huang Jianzhi's back with dumbfounded eyes.

Killing hundreds of D-level Demon Devouring Blood Spiders instantly with one thought, is this the strength of a B-level mutant mind ability? It's simply inhuman.

"There are really enough little spiders, one after another after killing them, but they seem to be smarter this time, and they don't rush forward recklessly."

Huang Jianzhi saw a new batch of Demon Devouring Blood Spiders appearing around him, he indifferently shook his shoulders, and moved on, not caring about the newly appeared Demon Devouring Blood Spiders.

The newly-appearing Demon Devouring Blood Spider seemed to be afraid of Huang Jianzhi's existence, surrounding it from a distance, and did not choose to attack.

Xia Qingmeng and the others saw that Huang Jianzhi was so strong that the Demon Devouring Blood Spider did not dare to attack, and they were overjoyed. They felt that they had found the right person. With Huang Jianzhi's help, they would definitely be able to rescue their students and teachers.

Immediately afterwards, they showed the way for Huang Jianzhi, and their classmate and teacher were trapped deep in the cave by the Demon Devouring Blood Spider.

At the same time, Gao Kangyi, who was guarding the only exit, also felt the changes in the Demon Devouring Blood Spider, all of them became extremely violent, and became desperately wanting to break away from his protection.

The other students also felt the changes in the Demon Devouring Blood Spider, and their hearts were extremely tense. Their mentor was their last protective barrier. Once they were breached, they would undoubtedly die.

"Xinghan, don't sleep and hold on to me. Teacher Luo Chen and they will soon bring support, and you will be fine."

"Gu Yushu, hold it back, isn't it just being eaten by a spider. There are no one-legged powerhouses in the world. You will become the strongest one-legged powerhouse in the future."

"Go away,,, I'm fine, take care of other classmates who are more seriously injured than me."

The students of the strongest Tianjiao class have not been killed yet, but the situation is not optimistic. There is one emergency, three are seriously injured and unconscious, and a few lack arms and legs.

"Students, the Demon Devouring Blood Spider has changed. It should be the strong supporter who has arrived. They will stabilize me. We will be able to go out soon."

Gao Kangyi guessed the reason for the movement of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider and happily encouraged the students.

When the students heard what their mentor said, their faces suddenly became happy, and their eyes looked at the world outside with great eagerness over the Demon Devouring Blood Spider who was attacking their mentor.

"High mentor, the Demon Devouring Blood Spider seems to be gradually retreating."

The teacher Kong Zhiqi, who helped to block the attack of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider, saw that the Demon Devouring Blood Spider was gradually retreating, with joy on his face, they survived.

"Well, wait for outside support to pick us up. This is the site of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider. We have too many wounded to go out like this."

Gao Kangyi also saw the Demon Devouring Blood Spider retreating gradually, but couldn't relax in his heart. He checked that the Demon Devouring Blood Spider had really retreated, and he hurried to the urgent student Lu Xinghan, and used his true essence to stabilize his injury.

"High mentor, the supporters are here."

Kong Zhiqi saw four vague figures walking in the distance of the passage, and he realized that he was a supporting person, and he reminded Gao Kangyi.

The other classmates stared at them, wanting to know who saved them. Gao Kangyi also stopped instilling true essence and got up to welcome the supporters.

"It's you,,,"

When Gao Kangyi and the others saw that it was Huang Jianzhi who was taking Luo Chen and the others slowly and unhurriedly, their expressions were slightly taken aback. They didn't expect that the person who came to save them was actually a strong man who had met before.

"Who can anyone besides me, in this wilderness, you expect them to find other strong people to support you, do you think it is possible!" Huang Jianzhi said amused.

"Teacher, how are the students?"

"It's a bit..."

Teacher Luo Chen also wanted to learn about the students from Gao Kangyi, and suddenly the cave shook.


The escape route collapsed

"Wh, what's the matter, why the passage collapsed."




The students of the strongest Tianjiao class were still panicked about what happened, but a chain reaction came, the cave shook with excitement, and other passages also collapsed.

"What else, this Demon Devouring Blood Spider King should have just broken through the B-level spirit beast, and his wisdom is not weak. I think it's okay to bully you, but I'm not sure about bullying me."

"It was reluctant to give up our nutritious meal, and simply collapsed its nest and buried us."

"When we are dead, we are digging out our delicious meal enjoyment."

"They are good at digging holes, and there is another B-level Spirit Beast Spider King, who can be reigned in a new territory, and the old lair is used as waste."

"Otherwise, why do you think they retreated so easily." Huang Jianzhi watched the cave collapse without any tension at all.

"What, damn, these **** spiders,..."

"What to do, what should we do, there is no way out."

"Am I going to die here today? So unwilling!"


When the people at the scene heard it, they secretly cursed the spider's cunning, and a small group of students saw that there was no way to escape, and despair appeared.

"Calm down, the cave is gradually collapsing. Except for the shaking of the earth and the mountains, it is not surprising that you have not hit us until now?" Gao Kangyi shouted dissatisfied.

When the others heard it, their eyes brightened instantly, turning their heads to look at Huang Jianzhi with anticipation, and seeing Huang Jianzhi's relaxed and natural smile, they knew that they might be saved.

Suddenly put hope on Huang Jianzhi.

"Mr. Huang, I beg you to take action to save them. They will all become the pillars of the country in the future, and they can't all be here." Gao Kangyi asked with a fist.

"I'm here to save you, stand up, we will go out now."

Huang Jianzhi used his mind to cover everyone and rushed up to the upper soil layer.

For a time, the valley vibrated continuously, and the soil layer was tumbling.


Huang Jianzhi led Gao Kangyi and the others to break out of the ground. Unfortunately, the place where they broke out of the ground was among the group of demon-eating blood spiders on the ground, and they were surrounded again.

Gao Kangyi and the others were extremely happy because they had just broken the ground, but they were suddenly unhappy when they saw the dense group of Demon Devouring Blood Spiders around them.

The two-story Demon Devouring Blood Spider King saw the ordered food break out of the ground, and instantly made strange screams.

More than a thousand demon-devouring blood spiders received the order of the Spider King, and they also made weird screams in resonance. The next second they all rushed towards Huang Jianzhi and the others.

"You are the Spider King, and the voice is too ugly, so let me die."

Huang Jianzhi used his mind to directly violently separate a channel among the dense cluster of demon-devouring blood spiders, and Huang Jianzhi's figure appeared in front of the demon-devouring blood spider king in a flash.

Just punched in the face


Half of the Demon Devouring Blood Spider King was gone.

As soon as the other demon-devouring blood spiders sensed that the spider king was dead, their body suddenly stopped, and they fled with their legs and ran away from their hearts.

"It seems that I blasted the beast core away. It's so bad. It seems that I can't attack the upper body of the spirit beast in the future. I must attack the lower body, otherwise there will be no beast core to gain." Huang Jianzhi looked at the devil-devouring blood spider with only the lower body Wang Ke said regretfully.

The students of the strongest Tianjiao class looked at Huang Jianzhi blankly. This is the strength of the world's top powerhouses, the existence they dream of becoming.

For a time, a small group of students in the strongest Tianjiao class looked at Huang Jianzhi with admiration and glowing eyes. ..

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