Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1105: Be a mentor

Gao Kangyi looked at Huang Jianzhi in horror, he saw places that others couldn't see, and he could see clearly with that violent punch.

Without any power fluctuations, what broke out in an instant was the true essence of the Grandmaster's peak violent, although it was only a moment, he still sensed it.

Because of this, his entire talent was terrifying. He didn't expect Huang Jianzhi to be a master of the pinnacle besides suspected of being a rare and powerful dual-line B-level superpower.

There are quite a few people in the world who are both masters of supernatural powers and masters of martial arts, but there seems to be no bright face to reach the height of Huang Jianzhi, which makes Gao Kangyi not shocked.

"Mr. Huang, I didn't expect that besides being a powerful supernatural power, you are actually a great master of the pinnacle."

"It's unbelievable. Regardless of the ability or martial arts to reach the (B-level) master level, the resources required are unimaginable."

"Ordinary people will awaken their abilities and practice martial arts, and they will usually choose one of the majors. They will not choose the difficult practice together, because it can't be spent, the cost is too high, and the breakthrough is difficult..."

"Mr. Huang, you are the first person to cultivate together to such a high level. In addition to admiration, you still admire it." Gao Kangyi exclaimed.

When other people heard that Huang Jianzhi was still the pinnacle of Grandmaster, their eyes were once again shocked.

Grandmaster powerhouse and B-level superpower are already the world's top powerhouses, and both appear on the same person.

If it is known to the world, this attention is definitely stronger than the unborn Grand Master and A-level supernatural powers.

"The world is deep. Many hidden bosses are silent and low-key. I'm just one of them."

Huang Jianzhi deliberately simulated the fluctuations of the true essence in that punch, in addition to pretending to be a high-end atmosphere in front of the group of stunned young men, he also used this to achieve his ulterior secret.

Seeing the effect is very good, Huang Jianzhi is secretly satisfied.

"Teacher Gao, come on, Xinghan's situation is not in seconds." At this time, Teacher Luo Chen urgently shouted to Gao Kangyi.

When Gao Kangyi saw that Huang Jianzhi was so powerful, a thought flashed through his head. He was about to say something to Huang Jianzhi. Luo Chen's shout made him worry and hurried to the student Lu Xinghan.

Seeing that the student Lu Xinghan's situation was really bad, he took Luo Chen's hand and poured Zhen Yuan into Lu Xinghan's body to stabilize his injury.

After a few breaths, Lu Xinghan still did not get better.

No need for Gao Kangyi's expression, other people clearly saw that their mentor was unable to stabilize Lu Xinghan's injury at all.

Lu Xinghan's power was too heavy, and he was obviously unable to return to the sky.

"Can you help my classmates?"

Just when the other classmates were depressed and helpless, Xia Qingmeng came to Huang Jianzhi and begged, which made the others look confused.

Others didn't know that Huang Jianzhi was a healer. Luo Chen and Zhang Liangcai knew. Seeing everyone's confused eyes, they whispered to everyone about Huang Jianzhi or a healer.

When everyone heard it, they looked at Huang Jianzhi with amazement. They knew the rarity of people with healing powers, and this top powerhouse was actually a rare person with healing powers.

My obedient ~ mutant mind power, suspected to be a fire-type ability, plus the healing ability, three kinds of abilities, plus the grandmaster pinnacle powerhouse, he may be able to fight against the unborn grandmaster.

For a while, everyone looked at Huang Jianzhi with expectant eyes, and was extremely eager for Huang Jianzhi to treat their classmates.

The few students who lacked arms and legs even looked at Huang Jianzhi with gazes that ordinary people could hardly imagine.

They are martial artists, knowing what it means to have a broken arm and a broken leg, they are fantasizing that Huang Jianzhi can miraculously restore them.

But when they saw the injury on their body, they sighed inexplicably. The world's highest-level healer is B-level.

Those with B-level healing ability can indeed make people grow arms and legs, but those with B-level healing ability have to pay a high price for doing so.

Several years of life may be sacrificed, and the original source may be lost. The price paid by people with different B-level healing abilities varies.

There are not many B-level healers in the world, and all of them are even more national treasures than national treasures. They don't know how much Huang Jianzhi's healing power is, but they think that the strongest will not exceed B-level.

Healing ability that needs to pay a price, what qualifications do they have to make this strong man willing to sacrifice a price that is not unreasonable to save them.

To put it bluntly, none of them are qualified to stand in front of Huang Jianzhi.

Where can I ask for help?

"You should know that it is okay for a person with healing ability to heal small injuries, but there is a price to heal big injuries, why should I pay a price so much to treat him."

"What good do I have?"

Huang Jianzhi saw that the student could survive for a few minutes, so he asked without rush, his eyes full of playfulness.

"I have a younger sister who is no worse than me. I asked her to call you cousin."

Xia Qingmeng regards Huang Jianzhi as a strong man with bad habits, and likes young and beautiful girls to call him cousin.

She knew that this was not enough for the strong man to sacrifice a lot of money to save her classmates, but she had no choice but to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Why do I want to hit people so much! Do I look like a weird person with bad habits? Oh, forget it, I don't need any price to heal others, just let me do it at my fingertips."

Hearing his cousin's words, Huang Jianzhi's mouth cramped slightly. Seeing the pleading look in his cousin's eyes, he boringly compromised and moved to Lu Xinghan's side.

Gao Kangyi and the others quickly gave up their position to Huang Jianzhi, looking at Huang Jianzhi expectantly. Huang Jianzhi didn't get muddled, his fingers slipped, and the bright light enveloped Lu Xinghan.

In less than ten seconds, the bright light disappeared, the wound on Lu Xinghan's body disappeared, and he woke up in the incredible eyes of everyone.

"That's good, this is too fast."

"It's the first time I see a person with healing ability take action, this method is simply a miracle."

"Xinghan, you guy is really fate, how do you feel!"


Lu Xinghan's awakening made other students excited.

"You, your healing power level is not B-level, you, you are the legendary A-level..."

After all, Gao Kangyi is a well-informed instructor. At a glance, he judged that Huang Jianzhi was not a B-level healer, but the legendary A-level.

"What, Class A,,,"

Because of Gao Kangyi's words, everyone looked at Huang Jianzhi dumbfounded.

"Congratulations, you guessed it, but unfortunately there is no prize. Who else needs treatment, come here, it's free, and the next time you see me for treatment, you will be charged.

Huang Jianzhi thought for a moment that there is no A-level healing ability in the world. He seemed to be the world's only A-level healing ability, and he seemed to be good, and he simply admitted.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Huang Jianzhi's admission. The legendary A-level healer was met by them miraculously.

It's really unexpected!


It's so scary!

"Why are you still in a daze, the few who lack arms and legs, do you want to be a disabled person? If you don't want to, you can quickly climb over for treatment." Huang Jianzhi looked at the stunned people and reminded.

"I, oh, here comes, I crawl..."

The few who lacked arms and legs returned to their senses and crawled towards Huang Jianzhi excitedly.

After Huang Jianzhi helped these few recover, he saw that there were still comatose students who were as colorful as their bodies, so he simply waved his hand to help them heal.

"Cousin, my cousin, you are A-level healer. You said it earlier. It's a blessing to recognize such a bull. Cousin, come to my house as a guest."

After Xia Qingmeng heard Huang Jianzhi admit that he was a Grade A healer, his attitude changed dramatically. He looked at Huang Jianzhi with a smile on his face, like a cat seeing dried fish.

"Girl, what about your ethics! Do you want it?" Huang Jianzhi said silently.

"Cousin loves to make jokes. I call you cousin regardless of the morals, and then you are my cousin, and you can't afford it."

Xia Qingmeng decided to stick it up and couldn't get it down. How could such a big man make him run away? The only A-level healer in the world is too meaningful. She wants to abduct this kind of existence to the family.

"Qingmeng, nonsense, how do you treat the savior."

Gao Kangyi gave Xia Qingmeng a glaring look, directly letting Xia Qingmeng be honest.

"It's okay, I really like her character." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

When Xia Qingmeng heard this, she smiled and wanted to say something, but she was stopped by the teacher Luo Chen next to her.

"I wonder what seniors think of Huawu Academy?"

Gao Kangyi asked a little expectantly.

"its not bad, right!"

"Then senior is interested in coming to Huawu Academy as a tutor?"

Huang Jianzhi:,,,..

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