Xia Dongjie hung up his mobile phone and went out for an instant. In less than a minute, he brought back a peculiar jade, which was exactly the space punctuation Xia Dongxiong left at home.

Without the need for others to say anything, Xia Dongjie quickly entered the real yuan into the jade to activate the space punctuation.

Less than a few seconds after activation, the space on the left side of the room fluctuated greatly, and a tall and straight middle-aged man in military uniform appeared.

"Please hold my hand, I will take you to the military area now."

Chen Xingda knew General Xia's family and paid a military salute to the people in the room as soon as he showed up. He knew the situation was urgent and didn't say any kind words, and asked everyone in the room to hold his hands hand in hand.

"Tianwu, come here..."

Xia Chaoshan and the others did not leave Huang Tianwu behind and asked him to come and hold hands.

Huang Tianwu knew that the third uncle was in an accident, and he was a little worried. After all, it was his mother's third brother, and the Xia family accepted him in this way. He was also quite concerned about the third uncle's situation and immediately held Xia Dongjie's hand.

Chen Xingda saw a strange young man, and he didn't care. He could teleport up to ten people at a time, less than ten, he was still very relaxed, and the people in the room disappeared in the next second.

Jingkou Military Region

Outside the critical ward, Xia Dongxiong was walking back anxiously in the corridor, looking at his third brother who was lying on the ward through the glass from time to time.

Whenever he saw the pale and bloodless face of his third brother, his anxious and struggling expression was obvious.


Chen Xingda showed up with the Xia family and Xia Dongxiong. Seeing his family, Xia Dongxiong went forward quickly as if he had found the backbone.

"Where is Dongwen, where is he?"

As soon as Lai Linqing arrived, he couldn't wait to know the condition of his third son.

Xia Dongxiong saw that there was an extra young man in his family, and he didn't care. Seeing that his family was so anxious, there was no nonsense, and he took them to the glass window.

"Wen'er, my child..."

The Xia family saw Xia Dongwen lying on the hospital bed through the transparent glass, and their emotions were constantly fluctuating, especially Lai Linqing, she almost couldn't help breaking in.

"Qing'er, take control, don't disturb the genius doctor Duan who is treating Dongwen inside."

Xia Chaoshan held his lover's hand, suppressed the ups and downs in his heart, and worked hard to stabilize his lover's emotions.

"Chaoshan, losing Yun'er has already made me extremely painful. If I lose again, I, I will..." Lai Linqing was so anxious that tears were almost streaming out.

"It's okay, it will be okay, Dong Wenfu has a big life, and it will be okay." Xia Chaoshan comforted his lover peacefully.

"Dongxiong, how did your third brother's injury come from?" Xia Chaoshan asked Xia Dongxiong, controlling his emotions.

"The third brother was injured in a foreign land. As for how he was injured, we don't know."

"The third child was discovered by the Bright Hunting Group, one of the top five A-level hunting groups. When it was discovered, the third child was left with only a breath."

"It happened that a member of the Bright Hunting Group knew the identity of the youngest, so he immediately sent the youngest to me." Xia Dongxiong immediately replied.

"Foreign Land!!! How could this kid be so disobedient that he sneaked into the alien land without telling us."

"I warned him a long time ago. There are many dangers in a foreign land, and he will die if he is not careful. He treats my words as nonsense, me, me,,,"

When Xia Chaoshan heard the word "foreign", he was immediately angry, but when he saw Xia Dongwen lying on the bed dying, his heart felt uncomfortable again.


Huang Tianwu squinted his eyes slightly to make grandpa feel so emotional. Then this foreign land is definitely not easy. Although it is very curious what the foreign land is, the situation of the third uncle is very serious now, and the foreign land problem should be left behind.

"Dad, what is the specific situation of the third uncle, can genius doctor Duan stabilize the third uncle's injury?" Xia Qingmeng asked urgently.

"The heart has been broken, the internal organs have shifted, and the spine has cracks. This is the preliminary diagnosis of the genius doctor Duan," Xia Dongxiong said with difficulty.


Lai Linqing almost fainted when she heard it, but fortunately, Xia Chaoshan's hands were about to hold her back.

Others were also shocked. Is there still hope for such an injury? It is a miracle to be able to keep a breath to this day.

Huang Tianwu was also amazed at the tenaciousness of this third uncle's life. People whose heart has been broken can still survive until now, and Xiaoqiang's life is not so tenacious.

"Doctor Duan said that the third child should have taken some special natural treasure to make the third child suffer such a serious injury and still hang on to the present."

"But it only lasts until now, the youngest third's vitality is still slowly losing, and the doctor Duan has no way to control it."

"At this moment, the genius doctor Duan is trying to use other methods in it to see if he can stabilize the injury of the youngest. It's only been so long, I'm afraid,,"

Xia Dongxiong's words changed the expressions of the Xia family. They all understood the meaning of Xia Dongxiong's words. This was to make them psychologically prepared.

"No, Wen'er will definitely be fine, definitely not,," Lai Linqing became anxious instantly.


At this time, the door of the critical ward opened, and genius doctor Duan came out.

"Doctor Duan, how is Dongwen, how is his situation?"

As soon as the doctor Duan came out, the Xia family gathered around and looked at the doctor Duan with nervous eyes. They all wanted to know the answer from the doctor Duan, but they were afraid of hearing bad answers.

"Sorry, with his injury, it is a miracle to be able to survive until now. I can't stabilize his injury at all."

Duan's words are true, but he concealed a little. In fact, he can save Xia Dongwen, but the price is too great.

The cost is so great that his healing power level will drop, and his life span will be reduced by more than half. This cost is simply his life.

His current status and reputation all come from his being a B-level healer. With this level of abilities, he can make friends with more bosses.

Once his ability level drops, he is nothing. Maybe this will get the Xia family's greatest favor, but this personal relationship is not big enough for him, really not big enough.

The words of Doctor Duan made Lai Linqing uncontrollable, and ran into the critical ward, holding Xia Dongwen's hand and wept in sadness.

"Genius Doctor Duan, is there really no other way?" The Xia family couldn't help being sad, but asked unwillingly to give up.


"What can you do, genius doctor Duan, tell me?"

When the Xia family heard that there was a way, they looked at genius doctor Duan nervously.

"I can't save him, but one person may be able to save him. His ability is higher than mine. He is also the only A-level healer in the world."

"You mean the Azure Dragon God of War!"

As soon as the doctor Duan reminded him, Xia Dongxiong knew who he was. Just as he wanted to say something, he found that all his family members were looking at the young man who was ignored by him at the scene.

"Dad, the Azure Dragon God of War is special. It's not that whoever invites him will save face. Dad, I can only trouble you to invite him in person. You are a great master and you should be able to invite him."

Xia Dongxiong didn't know who Huang Tianwu was, and he didn't know what all his family members were looking at this young man. Now he was very worried about the third child's situation and eagerly suggested to his father.

"We don't know much about the Azure Dragon God of War. I may not be able to go there, but it will be different if he goes." Xia Chaoshan motioned to Huang Tianwu and said.


Xia Dongxiong and Doctor Duan looked at Huang Tianwu curiously. Is there anything special about this young man?

"Tianwu, grandma knows that you have a very shallow relationship with the Azure Dragon God of War, and you are the only one who can please the Azure Dragon God of War. Grandma begs you to save your third uncle."

Lai Linqing naturally heard the conversation outside and heard the genius doctor Duan say that Qinglong God of War could save her child, he immediately ran out and asked Huang Tianwu.

"Little sister's child,..."

Xia Dongxiong learned of Huang Tianwu's identity from his elder brother Xia Dongjie, and looked at Huang Tianwu with brilliant eyes, perhaps because Huang Tianwu was his sister's child, or because this nephew knew the legendary Azure Dragon God of War.

"Grandma, the third uncle will be fine. I am not the only one who can invite him here, you can all, because your relationship with him is also very shallow."..

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