Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1134: Not a big problem

Xia Chaoshan and the others looked at Huang Tianwu ignorantly. What did they hear? They had a very close relationship with the born Qinglong God of War, so they didn't know how.

"The external name of Qinglong Ares is Huang Jianzhi, but this is not his real name. His real name is Huang Tianzhi. He is my eldest brother."

Huang Tianwu saw the bewildering eyes of everyone in the house, and did not sell it off, and directly revealed the true identity of the Azure Dragon God of War.


"how can that be!"


When everyone at the scene heard it, they all looked at Huang Tianwu with an unbelievable expression, obviously not believing the news.

"Hey, Tianwu, you are joking with us."

Xia Chaoshan, who seldom speaks, spoke. He couldn't believe that the legendary figure who turned out would be his grandson. He reached an unimaginable level in his twenties. How did this make him believe.

"Child, I know that your relationship with the Azure Dragon God of War is not simple, maybe you can make this kind of joke at will, but now is not the time to make jokes, your third uncle,,,"

Lai Linqing couldn't believe that he would have such a great grandson (the Azure Dragon God of War).

"I'm not kidding, it's true, am I stupid to make a joke at this time!"

Huang Tianwu suddenly smiled bitterly, and he knew that when he announced his elder brother's situation, there would always be people who would not believe it.

When the Xia family saw that Huang Tianwu didn't look like a liar, they began to be half-believing. Could it be that the Azure Dragon God of War is really Huang Tianwu's eldest brother, but this is too incredible.

"No, is the Azure Dragon God of War really my cousin, rather than his special hobbies."

Xia Qingmeng's eyes fluctuated, and her heart was chaotic and she thought to herself, who would let Huang Tianwu's words give her too much shock.

"Tianwu, the amount of information you are talking about is too great for us for a while. No matter whether what you are saying is true or not, the top priority now is to save your third uncle."

"Huawu Academy also has space punctuation. I am now asking someone to activate the space punctuation over there. Tianwu, please contact him and try to get him over. I'm in trouble."

Xia Dongxiong was half-believing Huang Tianwu's words. Of course, he himself hoped that what Huang Tianwu said was true. With such a great nephew, how could he be as simple as having face.

But did he think that such a great nephew would exist? It wasn't that he didn't want to believe Huang Tianwu's words.

The Azure Dragon God of War is really too strong, it is impossible to be only more than 20 years old, how could such a young and old monster exist in the world.

He cares very much whether Qinglong War God is his eldest nephew, but the third brother's situation brooks no delay and needs immediate treatment.

"I will contact him now."

Huang Tianwu took out his cell phone and turned to his eldest brother's number to call, and even deliberately pressed hands-free.

"The third child, how about it, did your grandpa and grandma accept you? If you don't accept it, it doesn't matter. It's enough for you to have a big brother like me, and I promise you won't sell you."

The hands-free mobile phone echoed Huang Jianzhi's cynical voice, which was clearly heard by everyone at the scene.

"It's the voice of the tutor,,, the tutor is really your elder brother, me, me,,,"

When Xia Qingling heard such white words, Mei Tong looked at Huang Tianwu in shock. No one knew how excited she was except herself.

Everyone at the scene looked at Huang Tianwu's eyes differently at this moment. Huang Tianwu said it was true. The Azure Dragon God of War is really Huang Tianwu's eldest brother.

They are also the children of Yun'er (third sister), this is incredible, they have such a great grandson (big nephew), which makes their hearts excited and pleasantly surprised,,,

Genius Doctor Duan had already got the answer from everyone's expressions. He was really surprised and unbelievable. He regretted it a little.

He should say that he can save Xia Dongwen so that he can befriend the Azure Dragon God of War, but it is a bit late now.

"I heard the voice of cousin Qingling. This is the hands-free function. It seems that grandpa and grandma have accepted you." Huang Jianzhi heard Xia Qingling's voice, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Brother, there is something urgent to call for you, the third uncle is in an accident, and he has suffered a critical injury, and now he urgently needs your help from your eldest brother."

"Brother, prepare yourself, there will be a space capable person who will come to you, and he will take you over." Huang Tianwu said with a focus.

"No, I don't need someone with spatial ability to pick it up." Huang Jianzhi refused with a smile.

"Brother, I know you fly very fast, but it takes time to fly. The key is that you don't know where I am. You can't be in Sanjiu's situation..."

"Who said I don't know your location, you have coordinates on your body, I got them, ha ha, who said I can only fly." Huang Jianzhi interrupted the youngest with a smile.

"Magnetic Hiss"

The phone was hung up, and Huang Tianwu and others wondered how Huang Jianzhi hung up the phone. There was a space distortion two or three meters to the left of Huang Tianwu.

"This, how is this possible,,, get away, there are monsters in the distortion space."

Chen Xingda was frightened. He is a B-level space teleporter and can affect space, but he can't distort the space. A-level space ability may be able to do it, but he is not sure that he can do it.

Xia Chaoshan and the others immediately pulled Huang Tianwu over and guarded Xia Qingmeng and the others, their eyes fixed on the dark waves of space distortion.


The space was ripped apart by the void of human hands and lined into a hollow. This scene made Xia Chaoshan and the others stunned, and Huang Jianzhi walked out of it leisurely.

"Brother, (mentor),,,"

"Why are you so far away from me, am I terrifying!" Huang Jianzhi looked a little bit amused when everyone was on guard.

He is the Qinglong God of War, Yuner's child.

When other people heard the voices of Huang Tianwu and Xia Qingling, they naturally knew the identity of the stranger who appeared on the scene, their guards were completely put down, and they all looked at Huang Jianzhi in amazement.

"Big brother, how could you..." Huang Tianwu was very curious about how big brother played.

"Hehe, you don't really think that I have only three powers, brother, brother, when will you grow up a little bit, be a low-key person, you have to learn from me at this point." Huang Jianzhi smiled badly. .

Huang Tianwu pulled his face down when he heard this. Is it really okay to have such an annoying eldest brother? Why do I want to beat him with every word he said.

At the same time, he sighed deeply, thinking that he had seen everything about his eldest brother, but every time he saw the tip of the iceberg of his eldest brother.

Others heard the Azure Dragon God of War admit that they had more than three abilities, and without thinking about the others, they were deeply amazed by the horror of the Azure Dragon God of War.

"Brother, let me introduce to you..."

"You don't need to introduce them, I have their information, you think I went to the door without checking it out just like you." Huang Jianzhi said.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm sorry to come to visit you now," Huang Jianzhi politely stepped forward and apologized.

"Well, if Yuner knows that her child is so prosperous, she will be able to sleep peacefully under Jiuquan." Xia Chaoshan said excitedly, patted Huang Jianzhi on the shoulder.

"Child, we are very happy if you can visit us. Now your third uncle's situation is extremely dangerous. Can you take care of your third uncle, child?" Lai Linqing said excitedly and expectantly, clenching Huang Jianzhi's hand.

"It's not a big problem, I'll try it."

Huang Jianzhi smiled and nodded, and walked into the critical ward.

Seeing that Huang Jianzhi had no objection, the others followed into the critical ward and looked at Xia Dongwen who was dying on the bed. They all looked at Huang Jianzhi with anticipation. ..

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