Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1140: Helpless

"He is testing our bottom line. Although we didn't let him see anything, he is now like a frightened bird. Once something makes him feel wrong, he will do crazy things."

"We don't have time to wait any longer, we must solve the Shenlin organization as soon as possible, otherwise the people of Yuanyangcheng will just..." Wang Jianyuan said worriedly.

"Let me say that I fired enough harmless smoke bombs directly at Yuanyang City and fascinated all the people in the city, so that there is no need to judge which is ordinary civilians and which is brainwashed believer.

"There are no believers to make trouble. Once we enter the city and control Zhao Tianyi, the rest will be much easier." Wei Guangan suggested.

"This method doesn't work. The smoke bomb is only effective for civilians. The higher the cultivation level, the more able to resist the smoke bomb, and the strongest masters are almost immune to the smoke bomb."

"Plus we don't know where Zhao Tianyi is hiding in Yuanyang City. Once we do this, Zhao Tianyi may detonate the explosives buried in Yuanyang City in the next second." Wang Jianyuan shook his head and denied Wei Guangan's suggestion.

"This won't work, that won't work, don't we just wait like this, to know that it is a cult, we will treat it after a second, and we don't know how many people have died." Wei Guangan said impatiently.

"Stop arguing, I have a way." Huang Jianzhi stood up and moved around and said.

"Mr. Huang, do you have a solution?"

Everyone in the command center looked at Huang Jianzhi curiously.

"Zhao Tianyi is the leader of the Shenlin organization. Control him and let him obediently cooperate with us to relieve the crisis in Yuanyang City." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"This,, this may be a way, but our people can't enter Yuanyang City. It's not clear where Zhao Tianyi is hiding in Yuanyang City, and how to catch it!"

Wei Guangan and the others thought there was a better way for Huang Jianzhi, their eyes were full of eagerness looking at Huang Jianzhi, but when they heard this, they all looked down.

They had long thought about this approach, but the actual situation also made them give up this idea early.

"I know his position. He used his ability to manipulate a body and came in front of me. I have locked his mental power. Now I can clearly perceive his position." Huang Jianzhi smiled with shaking shoulders.

"Really, really, great, I know the position of Zhao Tianyi, what are you waiting for, those with spatial ability, hurry up and cooperate..."

The people in the command headquarters did not expect that Huang Jianzhi could lock other people's mental powers, thinking that this was Huang Jianzhi's ability to support Huang Jianzhi's mutated thoughts, and hurriedly contained the surprise in his heart, surprises and surprises let those with spatial ability come over and cooperate with Huang Jianzhi.

"I don't need to cooperate. I am also a space ability person. Among the abilities I control, space ability is the ability that I am most familiar with and I am best at."

Huang Jianzhi left a faint smile on his face, and disappeared in front of everyone.


"Really, it's unbelievable, he also awakened his spatial ability, which is too..."

"He broke the record again, the world's first person to awaken four kinds of abilities, no, he may have more than four kinds, he is truly a legend."

The Xia family knew that Huang Jianzhi had space capabilities, but the Xia family also had selfishness. They secretly blocked Huang Jianzhi's space capabilities, and even the country did not disclose any news.

It was the first time that everyone in the command center knew that Huang Jianzhi still possessed a fourth ability, or a special spatial ability, which made their jaws unable to close together.

"There is no space fluctuation at all, he is definitely the top existence in the ranks of A-level space ability people." In the command headquarters, the only space ability person said in surprise.

"Qinglong War God's energy control ability is almost incomprehensible, but Qinglong War God himself said that space ability is his best ability. Is my knowledge too short and shallow, or I am really old."

When Wang Jianyuan saw Huang Jianzhi so perverted, he always felt whether he was old and could not keep up with the times.

"I think even if the Azure Dragon God of War cannot break through the Celestial Man or the S Rank, with the strength of the Azure Dragon War God at this moment, he should also be able to compete against the Celestial Man or the S Rank abilities." Wei Guangan felt that his feeling was right.

"Maybe, who knows if Qinglong War God will hide other weird abilities..."


In the secret room

"You, how can you..."

The moment Zhao Tianyi saw Huang Jianzhi appear in front of him out of thin air, he was frightened and his body trembled, and his brain was full of panic as to how Huang Jianzhi found this.

"Who makes you die to come to me to negotiate, so that I can lock your spirit, it is easy to find you, and you will come by a space move." Huang Jianzhi laughed playfully.

"Wh, what, you are still a space capable person, **** it, you forced me..."

Zhao Tianyi was also taken aback when he heard Huang Jianzhi's reply. He came back to his senses and knew that he could not escape, so he simply dragged the whole city to bury him.

With a thought, he was about to contact his outside men to detonate the explosives underground in Yuanyang City, only to find that the space around him was sealed off, and his psychic abilities were completely cut off.

"You, you, haha, this kind of powerless resistance is really unwilling."

"I lost. I won't be wronged when I lose to your monster. I hate why I didn't do it earlier and I have to die and negotiate with you."

Zhao Tianyi smiled very sadly. If he was facing other opponents, he would fight to the end whatever he said, but when he met Huang Jianzhi, he really had no idea of ​​resisting at all.

Physical attacks are invalid, mental attacks are invalid, and even running away,,, isn't it ridiculous to run away in front of those with spatial ability? Zhao Tianyi really had to admit his fate.

"You actually admitted your fate, then cooperate with us to alleviate your sins, the explosives and..."

Before Huang Jianzhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Tianyi.

"Haha,,, I am in vain in front of you, but you want me to cooperate with you, don't even think about it, wouldn't it be wonderful to have more than one million people buried for me."

"Qinglong War God, don't think you won. Above me, there are three big cults. Their resistance is even more terrifying than my control of Yuanyang City. Just wait for the disaster to come."

After Zhao Tianyi finished speaking, he made a ruthless trick on himself, and directly destroyed himself mentally.

"The people of the cult are really frantic, even so decisive to self-destruct."

Huang Jianzhi had long noticed that Zhao Tianyi was going to destroy himself, but he didn't stop it. He was just a scum, and there was no need to waste his time.

"This idiot makes me feel helpless when I think I'm dead. It's pretty beautiful, but it's a pity that I can read the memories of dead people at will."

Huang Jianzhi looked down at Zhao Tianyi's corpse, a strange light flashed in his pupils, and Huang Jianzhi got all the memories of Zhao Tianyi.

"I regret it. It was so cheap for him to self-destruct. He has done so many evil things.

Huang Jianzhi read part of Zhao Tianyi's memory and looked at Zhao Tianyi's corpse with weary eyes, but he didn't do anything. He was dead anyway, and he didn't think much about a corpse.

"The three big cult organizations are indeed conspiring together in the dark. Zhao Tianyi doesn't know what the specific conspiracy is.,, forget it, first solve the Yuanyangcheng matter."..

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