Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1141: Scared to kill

Huang Jianzhi thought again and again, still waved Zhao Tianyi's body into fly ash, and his figure went back to the temporary headquarters.

"Zhao Tianyi has been killed by me. Later I will become Zhao Tianyi's appearance and order all members of the Shenlin organization to go out of the city. Look at my eyes and act."

"This is an antidote. Let people make it out first, and then let all the people in Yuanyang City take it after the Shenlin organization is resolved."

"There are three explosive detonating devices under Yuanyang City, all of which are in the hands of the deceased Zhao Tianyi. Don't worry about this, I will solve it."

Huang Jianzhi didn't leave too much, leaving an antidote, then turned around and disappeared, without giving everyone the opportunity to speak.

"Again, there is one more change ability, five abilities."

Everyone in the command center exclaimed, but they calmed down quickly, as if they had slowly become accustomed to Huang Jianzhi's abnormality.

"Why are you still stunned, prepare quickly."

For a time, everyone in the temporary headquarters quickly became busy.

Huang Jianzhi returned to the secret room, his body turned, and his whole person became Zhao Tianyi's appearance, regardless of his temperament and demeanor, he was exactly the same as the real Zhao Tianyi.

Who made Huang Jianzhi read Zhao Tianyi's memory, and it became easy to imitate.

Huang Jianzhi walked out of the secret room and was about to summon the three dead men who controlled the detonating device. As a result, before he had summoned, one of the dead men hurried over.

"It's not good, the leader, the powerful Lingwu Society you control suddenly rebelled against us. Elder Poison Dragon was worried about what happened, and he rushed to suppress it with Elder You." The dead man said hurriedly.

Of course Huang Jianzhi knew the reason why the strong men of the Lingwu Society of Yuanyangcheng rebelled. Zhao Tianyi died and his mind control was gone. The strong men of the Lingwu Society of Yuanyangcheng would certainly resist when he woke up.

"Let the Elder Dulong and Elder You come back. You don't have to be in charge of the people in the Lingwu Society. I have already negotiated with the Azure Dragon God of War. Yuan Yangcheng will return it to them, and we will leave Yuanyang City."

"Assemble all the members of the organization, and believers must also call. If anyone questions the order of this seat, it will be resolved on the spot." Huang Jianzhi ordered.

"Yes, the leader."

After all, a dead soldier is a dead soldier, no matter how strange the master's order is, he must accept it.

"Wait, take the three detonators up and hand them to this seat."

The deceased did not hesitate at all, and led his orders to retreat. After a while, the deceased delivered all three detonating devices to Huang Jianzhi's hands.

As the order was issued, although the members of the Shenlin organization were confused, they still gathered quickly by following the order.

"Master, our previous plan was not to use the people of Yuanyang City to force the Azure Dragon God of War to retreat and get them to agree to our terms. How can we change our minds now."

The most confusing of this order was the management of the Shenlin organization. This was completely different from the previous plan. They all gathered around the leader, who couldn't figure it out, and they were very curious about how the leader suddenly changed his mind.

"Lingwu Society also has A-level psychic abilities, and the former Yangcheng Lingwu community powerhouse I controlled suddenly rebelled against us, and it was the enemy's A-level psychic control ability."

"The enemy's ability is comparable to me, I can't help him, he can't help me, but there are too many strong people in Lingwu Society, and the stalemate continues, which is extremely detrimental to us."

"So I controlled a body to go out of the city to negotiate with the Azure Dragon God of War. Although the negotiation did not go well, he still agreed to let us leave, provided that the people of Yuanyangcheng could not be harmed." Huang Jianzhi imitated Zhao Tianyi's temperament and said with a demeanor and so on.

"Master, is this what Qinglong God of War deliberately said in order to deceive us out of the city?"

The management of Shenlin Organization is still a little worried.

"All the people in Yuanyang City are poisoned by our special poison. Only I have the antidote. The detonating device is also on me. Double insurance."

"They dare not lie to us unless they don't care about more than one million lives." Huang Jianzhi pretended to be confident.

The management of the Shenlin organization saw that the leader said so, even if there was an abyss in front of him, he had to follow the leader all the way to the end.

No way, the Lingwu Society has forced them to have nowhere to go. They have only one way to go.

"Master, all members and believers have assembled, please ask the master to order."

"Follow me out of town"

Huang Jianzhi narrowed his eyes and looked at the long line. There were more believers, several times as many as the members of the Shenlin organization. From the perspective of the lineup, there were at least 100,000 people.

Seeing so many scums, Huang Jianzhi was very upset. Who left a lot of grievances on these scums? Obviously, they killed too many people before they got involved.

Huang Jianzhi walked in front of the team with a blank face, opened the gate of the city, and calmly walked out. The Shenlin organization saw that there was no threat outside the city, and saw that the leader was so calm, they were relieved to keep up with the pace of the leader.

In this way, Huang Jianzhi led a long team to two places outside the city. Huang Jianzhi suddenly stopped. The members of the Shenlin organization also stopped. Numerous eyes in the team looked at the leader in confusion, wondering how the leader stopped. Down.

But there was not much time for them to think, the Yuanyangcheng city gate at the rear suddenly closed, and a large number of warriors ran around to surround the long team.

"Master, this..."

The change occurred so quickly that everyone in the Shenlin organization panicked, and they looked at the main leader in a panic, wondering what was going on.

"Who is your leader, your leader is long dead." Huang Jianzhi floated out of the team and changed back to his original appearance in the blink of an eye.

"Qing, Qinglong God of War,,,"

The people in the management of the Shenlin organization were completely panicked when they saw this scene, and they were deceived out of the city by the false leader.

"Surrender. In the face of us, you will only die for resistance. If you surrender, most of you will survive."

"Although in the future it may be possible to stay in prison for a lifetime, or to open up wasteland for the people to take risks, but to live is hope, isn't it?" Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Don't believe him, everyone, he just wants to lie to us to lay down our weapons and let them kill. Even if he says it is true, it is better to die in jail for a lifetime, to open up wasteland and take risks. What is the difference between forcing us to die. "

"Our lives can only be in our own hands. If we want to survive, we took up arms with me to fight them."

Many people confessed their sins and fell into the hands of Lingwu She, either death sentence or life is better than death. They plan to resist to the end and want to inspire more people to resist together with them.

"Yes, falling into their hands is a death, why surrender and fight with them."

"Kill, avenge the leader,,,"


The people of the cult are crazy, and the people who are brainwashed by the cult are even lunatics. What the cult says is what the cult says. For a while, most of the team rushed to the Lingwu Society and the people who defended the headquarters.

"Sure enough, the brainwashed people are just like the puppets. They don't cherish their lives at all. Kill them until they are afraid."

Of course, Huang Jianzhi will not sacrifice the Lingwu Society and the people who defend the headquarters to save the brainwashed lunatics. The brainwashed lunatics are fate, but the Lingwu Society and the people who defend the headquarters are not.

Huang Jianzhi doesn't want to be a Virgin. Sometimes the Virgin is very brainless. He is just a salted fish, a principled salted fish.

With Huang Jianzhi’s permission, the Lingwu Society and the people defending the headquarters also let go of their hands and feet, like tigers and lions pounced into the flock, surrounded by the Shenlin organization are the Lingwu Society and the elites of the defense headquarters. It became a crushing kill.

"Don't do it, I surrender..."

"I, I also surrendered..."


As more people died, the remaining members of the Shenlin organization were finally afraid, and there was one surrender, and they all surrendered one after another.

"This is the bomb distribution map and detonation device buried in Yuanyang City. You will take care of the rest, and the three largest cults in the country may conspire together in the dark. Keep an eye on them..."

After Huang Jianzhi explained to Wei Guangan and the others, he ran to Xianyu again.

The fish is really salty...

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