"Friend, I'll help you."

At the moment of emergency, 13 members of the Ziyue Hunting Group arrived, and the group leader Luo Kongchen saw the sky-covering tsunami without any delay, so he directly assisted Wang Jianyuan.

Wang Jianyuan saw that the visitor was the leader of the Purple Moon Hunting Group, he was delighted in his heart, and the intensity of the attack increased again.

The violent Zhenyuan turned into a huge giant fist of Demon Falling King Kong and blasted towards the head of the Wannian Dragon Turtle.

Luo Kongchen similarly struck the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Turtle with a lightning strike, and the extremely fast fingerprints broke through layers of barriers and pointed to the life of the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Turtle.

The attacks of the two made the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Turtle without the previous contempt attitude, and instantly stopped the talent of controlling the tsunami.

The limbs and head were all retracted into the turtle shell, and the huge and hideous turtle shell turned, and the projection of the mythical beast Xuanwu spread out on the periphery of the Wannian Dragon Turtle, welcoming the attacks of Luo Kongchen and Wang Jianyuan.


The sound of the screaming impact made the surrounding sea water volley into the air, and the shock wave made the sea disaster raging,,,

Such a scene is really shocking, but everyone on the shore is not paying attention, because they are more nervous about the immediate crisis.

The tsunami did not stop. The Dragon Turtle had stopped its talent to control the tsunami, and the tsunami inertia that could cover the sky and the sun still existed, just as the doomsday swallowed them like the sky and the earth.

"I can do it, I can do it, drink~"

A B-class earth-type supernatural power person looked at the tsunami that swept over him. He was not sure and desperate in his heart, but he did not dare to take a step back.

His two youthful and rebellious children are in the rear defense line, he can't retreat! He gritted his teeth and exploded with all his strength, forcibly controlled the earth to form a long-line tall barrier to stop the tsunami.

"Air Wall"

"Tree Border Wood Wall"

"The Enchantment of Mind"


All the abilities at the scene were in action, and all kinds of abilities turned into defensive walls to prevent the advent of the tsunami, and the warriors did not stop, carrying rows of tall wooden pillars into the ground to form a second line of defense.


The tsunami finally stopped, but natural disasters could not be stopped by ordinary humans. One-seventh of the ultra-long defense front was destroyed by the tsunami.

"No, the sea creatures have attacked from the line of defense destroyed by the tsunami, stop them..."

Everyone on the shore has no time to relax. Once the tsunami stops, the marine life will move.

They had no choice. They didn't even have a chance to be lucky that they were alive. They urgently allocated troops to defend the destroyed one-seventh line of defense.

"Sir, let me go, I need me there."

"Sir, I'm accurate, give me an anti-material energy sniper rifle, and I promise that they will get headshots one by one."

The destroyed one-seventh line of defense required troops, and people from all battalions and regiments applied for it, even Huang Tianyang’s Ares Squadron was no exception.

"Recruits stay, old teammates follow me."

Huang Tianyang knows how dangerous the defense line destroyed by the tsunami is, and it will become a major invasion point for marine life without accident.

The danger of going there to guard is exponentially greater than in other places, and he certainly won't let the recruits pass.


"This is an order, don't let any crooked thoughts happen, just keep it here for me."

The recruits still want to fight for something, but this is an order and they have to obey it.

Huang Tianyang looked at the old team members who had been with him for a long time with a complicated heart. To put it bluntly, he didn't want his old teammates to accompany him on adventures, but the destroyed place required a lot of troops. He wanted to be selfish, but he couldn't be selfish.

A group of veteran team members naturally saw through the captain's heart, and smiled one by one to assure the captain that they would be careful and not impulsive.

Huang Tianyang hesitated for a while, and time did not allow him to hesitate too much. There was no other way but to set off with a group of old teammates.

"Damn it, how many A-level spirit beasts have they come, and if you add a few more, the line of defense below will probably collapse." Wei Guangan thought complicatedly in their hearts.

They wanted to fight back the ocean abyss creatures early, but when they played against each other, they knew that their ideas were a bit naive.

These A-level spirit beasts are all powerful and dying, and both of them are very useless to deal with one. It is almost impossible to beat them back, unless a few more great masters come.

But it is really difficult for the country to send a great master over again. The three first-tier cities are attacked by the beast tide and need the support of the great master, and other important strongholds guarding the great master can't leave.

All the great masters who should come are here, and those who don't come are afraid of death. There are also great masters in the hidden family and super powers, and all those who should come are also here.

If you don’t come, no matter how you ask, it’s no use. This is why the country urgently needs high-end combat power.

"Almost broke my defense, human, you are qualified to let me remember your name."

The Wannian Dragon Tortoise is worthy of being the old bastard. I don't know how many years it has lived. It doesn't stutter at all when talking about people. At this moment, it is staring at Luo Kongchen.

"Am I being ignored!"

Wang Jianyuan felt very hurt, this **** old **** ignored him from the beginning until now.

Although he knew that Luo Kongchen, who was in a foreign land, was much stronger than him, but this old **** was also realistic and hurtful.

"Old tortoise, want to know my name, you deserve it too!"

When Luo Kongchen saw the tsunami taking the lives of many compatriots, his heart was already burning with anger. How could he have a good temper with the Ten Thousand Years Dragon Turtle?

"Humanity, you can't win this war. You don't want to die too many people. Let us give us one-fifth of the territory. We let you leave safely."

The Wannian Dragon Tortoise has lived for a long time. After the big wind and waves, Luo Kongchen's tone and attitude did not affect it, and its attitude remained calm.

"Hehe, it's so ridiculous. I want to invade the land. I really don't know what you think. The ocean land is much larger than the land."

"The resources are much richer than the land. Even if your number explodes thousands of times, the sea can easily accommodate you. Why do you still want to invade the land?" Luo Kongchen asked without understanding.

"Humans, don't want to know everything, you have only one choice now, either leave or die here."

Wannian Dragon Turtle did not reply to Luo Kongchen's question, but gave Luo Kongchen a choice.

"Just because you want to kill me." Luo Kongchen sneered and mocked.

"I have several layers of defense. One layer is hundreds of times stronger than the other. What you almost broke is my outermost defense."

"The outermost defense is extremely fragile, but you just almost broke, not completely. It can be seen that you are inferior to me."

Wannian Dragon Turtle forced Ge soaring to the sky.

"I'm not as good as you? Haha,,, the frog at the bottom of the well, you are amazing. Compared with all kinds of creatures in the foreign land, I have seen even more powerful creatures in the foreign land, not to mention you." Luo Kongchen's absolute aura suddenly increased again. Countless times.

"It seems that I was really ignored." Wang Jianyuan was embarrassed by the side, feeling that he was superfluous.

"Well, I look down on you, but you are just like that."

The Wannian Dragon Turtle felt a little solemn from Luo Kongchen's explosive aura, but it believed in its own defense very much, and when its huge body moved, it took the initiative to attack Luo Kongchen.

"Good job"

Luo Kongchen's domineering side leaked, and also tore to the Wannian Dragon Turtle.

As a result, Luo Kongchen and Wannian Dragon Turtle's eyes flashed with surprise when they fought each other, and they were even on the same level.

"You deserve to be a man who has lived in a foreign land, who can stand alone against the ocean abyss, the old **** who has not known how long he has lived." Wang Jianyuan said in surprise.

"Damn, another A-level spirit beast!"

Suddenly, Wang Jianyuan's expression changed. He looked down and saw that a behemoth broke out of the sea and was heading towards the line of defense that had been destroyed by the tsunami. ..

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