Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1154: illusion

Wang Jianyuan knew that besides him, no one could withstand this A-level spirit beast. He gritted his teeth and was about to rush towards the A-level spirit beast. Suddenly his face changed again.

Two new A-level spirit beasts rushed out of the sea, and a total of three A-level spirit beasts attacked the defense line destroyed by the tsunami.

Everyone at the scene changed their expressions greatly, and even Wei Guangan, who was entangled with the seven-headed A-level spirit beast, became anxious.

Although they knew that the Commander Qinglong War God was hiding in the crowd, it would be very difficult to face the three A-level spirit beasts.

"Three, three A-level spirit beasts, what to do, high-end combat power can't get out of the body, can people like us stop them."

"Do we have other high-end combat capabilities? If not, then we can only use the last resort."

"Our commander Qinglong God of War, why hasn't he appeared yet, or is he on the front of the three first-tier cities to guard against the tide of beasts."


The appearance of the three A-level spirit beasts raised the hearts of everyone on the shore. They could not stop the invasion of the A-level spirit beasts, let alone three. It was not them. This is the history of the past. Proved facts.

Fear permeated the crowd, but no one took a step back, and a small number of people showed firm eyes.

Ten destructive weapons are hidden in the Strait Line of Defense. This is no secret. Many people know that some people have already made the idea of ​​dying with marine life.

"Knight, the leader must hold one of them anyway."

Luo Kongchen also noticed the following situation, he could not get out, but he brought all his hunting regiments.

Although it was very difficult for the hunting group to hold one of them, there was no extra choice at this moment, so they shouted out that the deputy commander would lead the members to deal with one of them.

The members of the Purple Moon Hunting Group heard the command of the group leader, and did not hesitate at all, the whole group besieged one of the A-level spirit beasts.

"There are two ends left. I will hold one end. The other end should be easily killed by the commander hiding in the crowd. The rest will be easy to handle."

Wang Jianyuan's thoughts flashed, and he was about to drag one of them forcibly. Believing in the strength of the Commander Azure Dragon God of War, his figure was ready to attack one of them.

"Half of the people helped Chief Wang, half of them helped the Ziyue Hunting Group, and the rest was given to me."

At this time, the Bright Hunting Group, one of the top five A-levels, also arrived. The group leader Bai Youwei directly divided his group into two teams, one to support the Purple Moon Hunting Group, and the other to support Wang Jianyuan, and he carried the balance alone.

"It's the Bright Hunting Group, great, we will definitely be able to stop them."

Seeing that the Bright Hunting Group had also arrived, everyone on the shore breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't have to face the irresistible A-level spirit beast.

"Huh, thank God, the Bright Hunting Group has finally arrived."

There are many hunting guilds who come to support the strait. They know the situation of the five A-level hunting groups better than others.

Previously, the four A-level hunting groups were adventuring in foreign lands, but they urgently contacted them but found that two of the hunting groups could not be contacted for some reason.

The other two hunting regiments got in touch, but it was found that the two hunting regiments were too far away in a foreign land, and I didn't know if they could rush back in time.

Now that the Bright Hunting Group finally arrived, it was fake that they were not excited.

Wang Jianyuan, these high-end combat powers, were very happy to see that their side came to the strong again, but they were not relieved yet, because they were not sure that this was all the A-level spirit beasts that had invaded.

"Thank you for coming. With your help, I am more confident to hold it back." Wang Jianyuan thanked half of the members of the Bright Hunting Group who came to help him.

"No thanks, this is what we should do."

Half of the members of the Bright Hunting Regiment tried their best to help Wang Jianyuan as soon as they came up, and they really dragged an A-level spirit beast abruptly.

"Kill me, stop them five hundred meters away..."

The A-level spirit beast was dragged, but the massive amount of marine life below the B-level did not stop, and the main force attacked the one-seventh line of defense that was destroyed by the tsunami.

"Damn, we don't seem to be opponents of this A-level spirit beast."

There was a problem with the twelve members of the Purple Moon Hunting Group and the half group of the Bright Hunting Group besieging the A-level spirit beast. They found that they were not the opponents of this A-level spirit beast.

This A-level spirit beast is unfortunate, it is the strongest of the three A-level spirit beasts, and it is a huge monster whose octopus has evolved and returned to its ancestors.

It has four more tentacles in its ancestors. There are twelve tentacles in total. Each tentacles is flexible and rigid, and it can be lengthened and shortened. It is 100 meters in the first second and two to three kilometers in the next. It's hard to guard against.


As soon as he fell into the soul, someone was recruited, and three members of the Purple Moon Hunting Group and one member of the Bright Hunting Group were flew away by their tentacles.

"No, it's attacking us, quick, stop it..."

The A-level tentacles flew the four out, as if they didn't care much about the two hunting regiment members besieging him, and attacked the defense line destroyed by the tsunami at full speed, making it impossible for the two hunting regiment members to stop them.

How could the people on the line of defense let the Grade A tentacles attack in, and all energy weapons blasted at it, but instead of being avoided by it, it was blocked by its tentacles.

As the A-level tentacles got closer and closer, the Grandmaster and the B-level abilities in the defense were no longer patient, and they leaped at full speed and attacked the A-level tentacles.

The three tentacles suddenly became five kilometers longer and swept toward the line of defense. Good fellow, the length has become longer again.

The faces of the people in the line of defense changed drastically, and five kilometers just enough to sweep the line of defense buildings.

"No, Yujiao, be careful..."

Lin Mengqin, the head of the Rose Hunting Group's face suddenly changed, and the direction the tentacles swept across was Wang Yujiao, who was in charge of the long-range attack in the hunting group.

Seeing that Wang Yujiao was about to be photographed into fleshy mud, a figure flashed past, and Wang Yujiao was hugged and fell down not far away, avoiding the danger of being photographed into fleshy mud.

"Scared me to death, almost thought I lost you, this **** tentacles."

The members of the Rose Hunting Group breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Wang Yujiao had been rescued.

"Sir, thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would lose my most important partner."

Lin Mengqin had seen the young officer who rescued her partner. She had rescued the young officer's men casually before. She naturally had an impression of the young officer.

"You're welcome, you saved my team members. It's normal for me to save your partner." Huang Tianyang said calmly.

"One yard goes to one yard, sir, how do you call you?"

Lin Mengqin took a closer look and suddenly felt that she had seen Huang Tianyang and how this appearance gave her a weak sense of familiarity, but she was sure that she had never seen Huang Tianyang before and how this weak sense of familiarity came from.

The other members of the Rose Hunting Group were shocked when they saw that the group leader asked the name of a man. They were very disgusted with how the male group leader could be like this. Did the group leader meet the right person?

"My name is Huang Tianyang, ask your members to be careful, we are on the battlefield." Huang Tianyang replied and prepared to leave.

"What, you are Huang Tianyang, the younger brother of the Azure Dragon God of War."

Lin Mengqin finally knew why Huang Tianyang gave her a weak sense of familiarity. He turned out to be the second brother of the Azure Dragon God of War, and the similarity in appearance was quite high.

"No, get out of the way."

Huang Tianyang frowned. Few people knew that he was the younger brother of the Azure Dragon God of War. This woman directly determined his identity from his name and what identity this woman was.

He was just about to say something, when suddenly a huge antennae shot at them with extreme speed. This speed shocked him. He didn't know if his body's reaction could keep up with the brain's thinking and quickly avoid it.

Body: I ​​can do it, look, I'm moving quickly.

Brain: It's over, the body has another illusion.

"Captain (Tianyang),,,"

"No, the commander's brother is in danger, **** it, it's too late."

Everyone who knew Huang Tianyang became anxious and tried to rescue him, only to find that either he couldn't get out of his body, or it was too late. ..

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