Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1156: Wang Jian Wang

Wei Guangan's high-end combat power gathered around Huang Jianzhi one after another, and after greeting Huang Jianzhi this commander, they all retreated behind Huang Jianzhi and waited quietly for Huang Jianzhi's instructions.

"If you want me to say that you have to hit the iron while it's hot, and directly launch the general attack, with the commander in hand, our chances of winning are much higher here." Lin Xin suggested.

"I also think this method is feasible. It will kill their high-end combat power. The creatures in the ocean abyss below are mostly vegetables, and they are not a threat to us."

Some people compared the strength of the two sides and felt that they had a good chance of winning, and they suggested Huang Jianzhi to launch a general offensive.

"Tianzhi, you decide, we listen to you." Xia Chaoshan said.

"If you want to launch a general attack, you have to wait for all of their high-end combat power to come out. This is not their full combat power." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"What, this is not their full combat power!"

Wei Guangan and the others were shocked. With ten A-level spirit beasts and one killed by the commander, a total of eleven A-level spirit beasts invaded, which was already the largest invasion of marine life in history.

But they learned from the commander that this was not the full power of the creatures in the ocean abyss, which made them deeply taboo against this sea area.

"Commander, how many A-level spirit beasts do they have hidden in the dark?"

Wang Jianyuan and the others couldn't perceive the hidden A-level spirit beasts, and they all looked at the commander. The commander knew that there were A-level spirit beasts hidden in the dark, and they would definitely be able to clearly perceive the number of hidden A-level spirit beasts.

"Four or five," Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Four or five, that's okay, we should be able to deal with it if we cooperate."

When the crowd heard about four or five, they breathed a sigh of relief. They separated the A-level spirit beasts, dragged them, and cooperated with the commander to solve them one by one. It shouldn't be a big problem.

"No, I'm afraid you can't deal with it if you cooperate well, there is an S-rank Beastmaster." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"What, S grade,,,"

"This,, how is this possible..."


Everyone's pupils shrank, and they looked at Huang Jianzhi with horror. If it was an S-rank Beastmaster, what else would he fight? Only nine deaths would happen.

"Commander, you are not kidding us."

Others hope that this is the commander joking with them. In the face of the S-rank Beastmaster, they can only blast off the S-rank Beastmaster with a destructive weapon.

"Who is joking with you? I haven't seen these ten A-level spirit beasts calmly. Each of them is the overlord of one party, but they gather together so honestly not to quarrel."

"There is no leader. If there is no stronger presence to suppress them, would they be so honest." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Commander, facing the S-rank Beastmaster, we must at least have more than 20 great masters or A-ranks with the determination to die in order to contend with it."

"We are far from enough. There are many A-level spirit beasts in Shanghai, and we are probably not opponents." Wei Guangan and the others gritted their teeth and said complicatedly.

"With me, what are you afraid of? You are saying that the country has already sent the trump cards over, but you don't know it." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

Wei Guangan and the others were about to be curious about what Huang Jianzhi said.




The hearts of everyone on the scene are beating faster, their body organs are alarming, their instincts are terrified, and an unknown existence is about to appear.

The distant sea horizon, the ocean in the line of sight is trembling, the dark shadows in the depths of the sea are coming more and more, and something is coming out.


A final-level behemoth appeared, and the dark, hideous and terrifying body gradually lifted off from the sea. Its body covered the sky and the sun. The ten A-level spirit beasts on the scene were not half of its body.

The S-rank Beastmaster appeared

An invisible sense of oppression enveloped the entire world, and coupled with the pervasive horror of life and death, many soldiers could not resist the fear and fainted.

"Dark World Beastmaster, it is it, I will not admit it, its scope of activity is not in the ocean abyss, how can it invade the land."

Wei Guangan and the others recognized the identity of the S-rank Beastmaster, and because of this, they became more nervous and fearful.

An unlucky heavenly man from another country came across it when he passed by a certain sea area, and was tortured to death by this dark world beast king. Although the invincible detector captured only a few pictures, it has deeply proved the horror of this dark world beast king.

Now this terrifying S-rank Beastmaster is right in front of them, can they not be nervous and afraid.

"Big monster, peerless monster,,,"

"What kind of monster is this? My heart is beating so fiercely that my legs are trembling. Is this fear?"

"You can't look at it. If you look at it for a long time, your head will hurt so much that you can't look directly at it in horror."

Everyone on the defensive line was deeply shocked by the S-rank Beastmaster. This was the first time they saw such a terrifying monster. Many people trembled in cold sweat, and many others were even more unbearable.

At the moment when the S-Class Beastmaster appeared, all the marine creatures stopped attacking, and they lowered their heads to welcome the arrival of the S-Class spirit beasts.

Except for the A-level spirit beasts, the B-level spirit beasts no longer stay in the air, and all land in the sea with their heads low.

"Humans, you are very interesting. The deity wanted to quietly watch you humans struggling on the edge of life and death, but didn't expect you to find me, interesting and really interesting."

The dark world beast king showed up with four A-level spirit beasts, and two red moon pupils of more than 100 meters scanned Huang Jianzhi. He had a slight interest in this human being who could find it.

"You are really cold-blooded, and you die a lot, you don't care. Just for watching the show, you really don't take life seriously." Huang Jianzhi shook his head and said.

"They really don't care about their dead deity, even if they are all dead, it is a matter of no importance to me." The Dark World Beast King said indifferently.

"A tyrant who ignores life, he is really an alien."

"Hey, you don't seem to be paying attention to me, but someone in hiding." Huang Jianzhi looked at the Dark World Beast King and smiled.

"Hehe, I don't hate people with brains, you're right, I'm just a little interested in you, it's not necessary."

"The object of my attention is only one person, Fubo Tian, ​​who has been here for so long, will I have to wait until when I will show up." The Dark World Beast King's sound wave spread out all around.

"Ice Age"

At this time, a middle-aged man was standing on the surface of the sea.

I saw this middle-aged man open his arms, and Pang Pingcheng's power like a **** descended on the world, and the world was extremely frozen.

The heaven and the earth were pale, and the world was sealed by cold whiteness. When everyone came back to their senses, the endless ocean was sealed by ice.

Marine creatures below Grade B, including Grade B, are all frozen into ice sculptures, and the vast sea area becomes a cold world.

Everyone on the defense line was stunned, and the marine life that made them miserable was solved in this way.

Who on earth is this person, can actually seal the endless ocean, whether it seals the entire ocean, they don't know, at least they can see it like this, and they can prevent them from being invaded by the cold.

Wei Guangan and the others are different. As soon as they heard the name Fu Botian, they knew who came.

One of the three main pillars of the country and the only S-level ability, Fubo Tian, ​​who guards Kyoto, actually left Beijing to support them.

The people above are really,,, that's okay, there are S-level abilities here, they have the strength to resist the invasion of marine life.

Seeing that Fubo Tian solved the crisis on the ground with a single move to Fengtian Jedi, the strength of the S-level supernatural powers was simply terrifying.

The dark world beast king calmly watched Fu Botian act and did not stop it. As it said before, even if all the men it brought with him died, it was a matter of no importance. ..

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