Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1157: Hard to deal with

"Is this something man did? It's not an exaggeration to say that he is a god."

"Is he the adult who guards Kyoto..."

"This is the strength of the S-level supernatural powers, the most powerful human being, such a majestic power is really fascinating."

Everyone on the ultra-long front came back to their senses, thought slightly, and it was easy to guess the identity of the person. After guessing the identity of the person, in addition to excitement or excitement, they finally saw the strongest man.

"Mr. Fu,,,"

Wei Guangan and the others saw Fubotian stop and float up to them, and they greeted Fubotian respectfully with their fists together.

"It's better to see it at first sight. It's really a young hero. How did you find me?" Fubo Tian Wenshan asked Huang Jianzhi.

"I'm particularly sensitive to energy. The energy in you is as dazzling as the sun. I think it's very difficult if you don't pay attention." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, why couldn't I meet you sooner? If I were to be your master earlier, it would be impossible to be your master now."

"You are about to reach the point where I am. With your talent, it is not impossible for you to surpass us old guys in the future."

The more Fu Bo Tian looked at Huang Jianzhi, the more satisfied he was. With such strength, he was not humble or arrogant. He was a piece of top-quality material. He moved the idea of ​​accepting disciples.

But as soon as this thought came up, it was extinguished by him in a blink of an eye.

Because Huang Jianzhi's many powerful special abilities protect him, he can't sense Huang Jianzhi's specific strength, but he has a hunch that Huang Jianzhi should touch his realm.

With such a terrifying strength at Huang Jianzhi's age, his talent is very predictable, and he may reach his realm in a few years. It seems the same whether he accepts it or not.

Huang Jianzhi smiled and secretly said: If you want to accept me as a disciple, you didn't wake up.

"You can't accept disciples, but you can communicate with each other. When the matter here is resolved, you will go back with me, and I will transmit my experience to you to help you break through to the S-rank supernatural being or heavenly person in advance." Fu Botian pondered for a moment. Said.

"I'm talking about this later." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"Order everyone on the defense line to retreat to a hundred kilometers away. They will not be able to intervene in the next war." Fu Botian said to Huang Jianzhi.

Huang Jianzhi nodded to Wei Guangan, Wei Guangan understood and arranged for everyone on the defense line to retreat.

"The commander ordered everyone to evacuate to a hundred kilometers away, repeat, the commander ordered everyone to evacuate to a hundred kilometers away..."

When everyone on the defense line heard it, they knew that it was unnecessary for them to stay. Maybe it would become a burden, and they followed the order to withdraw.

"Captain, let's go, it will be troublesome if you get caught late." The water ghosts quickly reminded them when they saw the captain standing still looking at the sky.

"I'm still too weak. Sooner or later, I will fight side by side with Big Brother." Huang Tianyang retracted his gaze, stopped staying, and quickly evacuated with his men.

"Fu Botian, after a few years of absence, you have become stronger again."

The Dark World Beastmaster is very patient and familiar with Fubotian. Even if Fubotian ignores it, it doesn't matter. When Fubotian is about to deal with it, it will not rush to speak.

"Dark World Beast King, the ocean is the most suitable place for your survival, why do you always want to invade the land?" Fu Botian asked calmly.

"The ocean is indeed the most suitable for our survival, but the king of the ocean is more than the deity, and the sea area occupied by the deity is not very rich."

"The sea kings surrounding the deity are very powerful, there is no way, you can only focus on the land if you want resources." The Dark World Beast King replied.

"Dark World Beast King, I remember that there is a foreign door in the sea area where you are. If you want resources, why not enter the foreign land to plunder." Fu Botian asked.

"The deity's urgent need for resources and territory is because of the foreign gates. There are 17 foreign gates in the world. The foreign gates on the deity's territory appeared the latest."

"As soon as the alien gate appeared, the deity also thought that there was a new opportunity and new territory. Who would think that the alien gate connects to an endless poisonous zone."

"Seeing that the alien gate is so useless, the deity didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the alien gate channel gave the deity a head-on."

"Because of the endless poisonous zone connected by the alien gate, the poison gas gradually pollutes the deity's territory through the alien gate."

"The alien door cannot be closed and cannot be destroyed. Over time, more and more sites will be contaminated, forcing the deity to find a new site."

"Hey, the kings of the surrounding seas are not easy to mess with. If you want a new land, only land is available. The land is not very suitable for our survival. We can still live by remodeling."

"Fu Botian, the deity doesn't want much. Just divide one-fifth of your land to the deity. When the deity solves the pollution problem, what will the land give you back?"

The dark world beast king seems to be discussing, but the tone is not like this. Obviously you agree to discuss it, if you don't agree, I will grab it.

When they heard about the pollution of the ocean, Fu Botian frowned. This is not a small problem. Excessive pollution can affect the world.

"Who do you think you are? If you say that you will be divided, you will divide it to you. You are taking yourself too seriously." Xia Chaoshan was irritable, and directly started back.

The attitude of others is the same. It is absolutely impossible for them to cede land to aliens. This is a question of sovereignty and there is no room for negotiation.

Besides, let the creatures of the ocean abyss live on the land, right next to them, can they sleep peacefully? I don't know if they are swallowed by the creatures of the ocean abyss accidentally.

There is no doubt about this matter, and there is no discussion.

"Dark World Beast King, you and I know that this is absolutely impossible." Fubotian coldly refused.

"I didn't discuss it, right? It depends on each other's methods. Fubotian, let the deity see how much you have improved in the past few years." The huge and incomparable body of the Dark World Beastmaster roared to Fubotian.

"Take out all A-level spirit beasts, and then come and help me."

Fu Botian fought against the Dark World Beast King a few years ago, and knew that the Dark World Beast King was not easy to deal with, and wanted to defeat the Dark World Beast King only if Huang Jianzhi and the others helped him.

When Wei Guangan heard Fu Botian say this, they knew how difficult the Dark World Beast King was to deal with, and they nodded in agreement, thinking: We must quickly solve the A-level spirit beast to support Fu Botian.

"Ice guns are superb"

Fu Botian also flew away at the Dark World Beast King, with his palms together, countless 100-meter-long javelins appeared out of thin air and stabbed at the Dark World Beast King.

The dark world beast king seemed to have not seen the javelin pierced at it, and completely roared towards Fu Botian.


As soon as it fired, countless javelins just touched the skin of the dark world beast king, and they all collapsed into ice.

"The animal's skin has thickened again." Fu Botian muttered.

"Fu Bo Tian, ​​is there any point in the temptation? It's not that you haven't played against each other, let's show your true ability." The dark world beast king slapped Fu Bo Tian fiercely.

"Don't look at them, solve them quickly, Fubo Tian needs your help, go, leave five for me." Huang Jianzhi said. ..

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