Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1158: Core of life

"Commander, five is just not too much."

Wei Guangan and the others knew that the A-level spirit beasts here, each of them could contend with three or four ordinary great masters, leaving five equal to the commander against at least fifteen great masters.

The commander is very strong, and there are multiple power bonuses. There is no doubt that it is strong, but they are still not very optimistic about fighting five A-level spirit beasts with one person.

"Be at ease, I will only solve them faster than you guys. You are worried about me, it is better to worry about yourself. I can't fight and can use the space ability to escape, so you can't do it." Huang Jianzhi hit soy sauce.

Hearing this, Wei Guangan and the others also felt that their worries were unnecessary. Indeed, if a commander with spatial ability wanted to escape, it would be difficult for an S-level spirit beast to stop it, let alone an A-level spirit beast.

Wei Guang'an and the others looked at each other and didn't hesitate anymore, they had to quickly solve the A-level spirit beasts to help Fubotian, and they all rushed to the A-level beasts.

The A-level beasts were not waiting, most of the A-level spirit beasts greeted Wei Guang'an, and there were no more than five A-level spirit beasts left in place.

These five A-level spirit beasts happened to be the strongest five of the group of beasts. At this moment, they were staring at Huang Jianzhi. It was obvious that they had been specially organized to deal with Huang Jianzhi.

"Oh, it's a coincidence, I was thinking of leaving five for soy sauce, but I didn't expect you to separate five specifically to deal with me."

"Two ancient marine creatures, they look weird and terrifying, and the other three are not simple. Although they have regained their ancestors, they can still clearly see your original body."

"Baby, the jellyfish also has a bullet shrimp. Tsk tsk, the hardest, softest and fastest are available, plus your unknown abilities, if most people encounter it, they will also have a headache to die."

"However, if you want to deal with me, I am still a little tender. Come on, warm up after the soy sauce. It's almost time to end. I should be able to go back and be my salted fish."

Huang Jianzhi is obviously here to make soy sauce. It is best for him to take the money and not work. The sky is falling and there is a tall man against it. There is really no way, he is a big Mac.

"Human, you are very powerful, but you are also very arrogant. Faced with the five of us joining hands, even if it is a deity, we can drag it for a while. Are you comparable to a deity? You are at most a half-step deity."

The five A-level spirit beasts are very confident in their abilities, but facing Huang Jianzhi, they are still vigilant.

The strength of the tentacles was not as good as that of them, but they were still killed by this human, and they couldn't tolerate them not being serious.

"There are fighting in other places. What are you waiting for? Are you expecting that the colorless and odorless poisonous gas released by you can kill me." Huang Jianzhi said with a grin.

"When he found out, I knew it was not so easy to deal with him, poisonous evil cloud from~"

Huang Jianzhi said it was broken on the spot, the jellyfish weirdness was no longer hiding, and when the body moved, the boundless mist appeared out of thin air and enveloped them, including Huang Jianzhi.

Mist is toxic and very toxic, and it will be poisoned as long as it touches the skin.

The other four A-level spirit beasts have long taken the antidote given by the jellyfish weird and are staring at Huang Jianzhi in the mist. Once Huang Jianzhi's condition appears to be wrong, they will attack fiercely.

"He has a mental protective film, and the poison gas can't touch his skin, attack him, and explode his mental protective film," said the jellyfish strangely.


An air-breaking sonic cannon shook towards Huang Jianzhi, the sonic waves shook the sky and the earth, and the sea level ice layer also broke apart due to the sonic layer.

"The sound is terrible"

Huang Jianzhi stretched out his fingers and swept across the two volleys in front of him, aiming at the jellyfish weird that released poisonous mist and the Liopleurodon that released sound waves.


The Wannian Dragon Turtle suddenly stood in front of the Liopleurodon, and forcibly cut Huang Jianzhi's space to block it.

"Huh, is it blocked?"

Huang Jianzhi's eyes looked at the Ten Thousand Year Dragon Turtle that blocked his space cut through the fog. His attacks were casual, and the power he used was weak.

But it doesn't mean that anyone can stop it, this tortoise shell can stop it, obviously a trace of basaltic blood has evolved.

The jellyfish weirdness was not so lucky. The body was cut in two by the space and fell into the seawater with cracked ice. The strange thing was that the fog did not dissipate.

"Almost broke my defense, human, I underestimated you."

The Wannian Dragon Turtle felt a tingling pain in its back shell. If it hadn't increased its vitality output instantly, I'm afraid its defense would have broken prematurely.

"It's dangerous, I almost thought I was going to die."

As soon as the jellyfish weird that was cut in two by the space hit the sea, the remnants on both sides quickly regrouped and recovered, turning into two smaller jellyfish weird and flew up.

"The ability is good, as long as it doesn't explode the core of life, how the body is being destroyed, as long as the residual limbs touch the sea water can be reborn, how can this ability be similar to a certain game character." Huang Jianzhi looked at the jellyfish with a weird smile.

"You, how do you know my abilities."

The two jellyfish were surprised with strange expressions, and they spoke in unison. They were inexplicably fearful in their hearts. They had always announced that they were immortal, but they had never revealed that they had the fatal weakness of the core of life.

How did this human know that it had this weakness, did it also know that its core of life was hidden in that part of the body?

"Of course it can be seen. If you have my information, you should know that I am particularly sensitive to energy. The energy in your body is concentrated on three pearl-like energy balls."

"This should be the core of your life, one in the heart of the left body, and two in the left paw and head of the other body."

"Break one, you should be badly injured, if all three are broken, you have to die if you don't die."

Huang Jianzhi smiled and looked at the jellyfish weirdly.

"Kill him, kill him..."

The jellyfish weird panicked completely. Whatever it feared would come from, and this human being knew its secrets, and even saw that the core of its life was in the body.

This makes it unable to accept it no matter what, it wants this human being to die, so no one knows where it transferred the core of life.

For a while, the fog became deeper, and the jellyfish took a strange shot. The object of its attack was not Huang Jianzhi, but another body of it.

The body that was attacked did not have a trace of resistance, and was directly beaten into countless pieces of meat and fell into the sea. Within a few seconds, countless jellyfish weirdness appeared.

Numerous jellyfish weirdness shrouded Huang Jianzhi from all directions through the mist, and stuck to Huang Jianzhi's protective cover, and the numerous jellyfish weirdness that stuck to Huang Jianzhi's protective cover reorganized and merged.

After the fusion is complete, the full version of the jellyfish weird appears. Huang Jianzhi seems to be in the belly of the jellyfish weird. The jellyfish weird is using its venom to corrode Huang Jianzhi's protective shield in an attempt to consume Huang Jianzhi.

"It's such a low-powered attack, let's give you a death."

Huang Jianzhi disappeared in place, and was already out of the mist when he appeared again, still holding three life cores in his hands.

"Also, give it back to me..."

The jellyfish was strangely frightened, and its core of life hidden in the small clone disappeared. Looking in the direction of perceiving the core of life, it was completely panicked when it saw the human being holding its core of life.

"Beer Miles"

Huang Jianzhi held it slightly, and the three life cores instantly turned into powder and drifted away in the wind.

The jellyfish's strange body shook, and all its energy was destroyed, and its huge body gradually turned into water into the sea.

The fog gradually dissipated.

The Dragon Turtles looked at each other, and they all found that each other's eyes were full of taboos. The jellyfish weirdness was discovered by the enemy's fatal weakness, and the jellyfish itself was poorly defensive, and the enemy took out the core of life.

They don't have the fatal weakness of the jellyfish weird, but the human space ability is so superb, they will be caught if they are not careful, and they are not allowed to be careless. ..

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