Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1168: Global change

"Dad, I can be considered a strong person. I have my way, so I don't need my eldest brother to arrange for me..."

Huang Tianyang knows what his father is worried about, but he has grown up, has his own life plan, and does not want his elder brother to interfere in his life too much.

"If it were before, Grandmaster was indeed a strong person, but now it is different. Because of your eldest brother, we are now in contact with Grandmasters, A-level supernatural beings, and even celestial and other levels."

"Your grandmaster level is completely inadequate. Once your elder brother leaves, your own talents alone are enough to let some caring people look at you."

"Don't look at the fact that many people are flattering us now, it is all an illusion. Once your elder brother, the umbrella, is not there, many wolf ambitions will definitely eat you up in order to understand the talents of the two of you."

"You are still young and don't understand the gloom of society. Now that your eldest brother is here, everything goes well for you."

"But if your eldest brother is gone, do you think you will still have such a beautiful life."

"Everything comes from strength. Without strength, everything is fake. I just want our family to live in peace. There is nothing wrong with it."

Although Huang Chengde is not a warrior, he is a businessman, and he has experienced too many ups and downs. Apart from the abnormality of the eldest son, he knows that the talents of the remaining two sons are among the best.

The second son is twenty-three years old, in the realm of the master, and the younger son is almost 19 years old, in the realm of the martial artist, and both brothers have abilities. This talent is enough to be called the top enchanting evildoer.

With the eldest son, no one dared to move any thoughts, but if the eldest son is gone, who can hold back the ambitious man.

Huang Tianyang has nothing to say, he is not stupid, he can have a lot of resources to be promoted to the realm of Grandmaster, everything is because he has a good elder brother, otherwise, even if so many resources are credited, he will not be in his turn.

Once the eldest brother leaves, who still remembers that he is the younger brother of the Azure Dragon God of War, unless he reaches the realm of the Great Master, in this way he can be considered to have the ability to protect himself.

Huang Tianwu sat quietly without speaking. He knew that everything his father did was for them, what he could say.

"Old man, don't worry, what they are saying is my brother. I will arrange everything before I leave. No one dares to do anything to them!"

Huang Jianzhi nodded and agreed. Actually, he didn't need a reminder from his father. This was something he should have considered as an elder brother.

"Have you heard, in the past two years, no matter what your elder brother asks you to do, you must do it with your heart, and you are not allowed to perfunctory your elder brother's contribution."

Huang Chengde solemnly instructed the two children in front.

"Second, the military area is not suitable for you. After you go back, you can transfer to the Lingwushe." Huang Jianzhi said.

"But I have developed quite well in the military area. The officers value me, and I can't bear to let my brothers. Can I not leave the defense headquarters." Huang Tianyang said hesitantly.

"Listen to your brother, if your brother asks you to go to Lingwu She, you go." Huang Chengde shouted.

"Your chiefs value you, and it's not because of me that they are reluctant to let your brothers, so they all transferred to Lingwu She."

"Don't be afraid of too many people to defend the headquarters and not to transfer, directly report my name, I believe they will give me a face." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Okay, I'll let all the people from the God of War team change jobs when I go back." Huang Tianyang said with joy on his face.

"Big brother, I think..."

"No, you don't want to."

Huang Tianwu on one side was about to say something, Huang Jianzhi turned his eyes away and refused.

"Big brother, I haven't said anything yet, why didn't you refuse to listen." Huang Tianwu looked at his eldest brother aggrieved and said.

"What can you say, isn't it just discussing with a few people in the class to suspend school and form a hunting group to take a foreign adventure."

"You really think I don't know what's going on in the class at home, don't forget, I'm your head teacher, there are very few things in the class that can be hidden from me." Huang Jianzhi said with a glance at the third child.

"Big brother, you know all about it."

Huang Tianwu was a little surprised. Only a few of them who had discussed this matter knew about it, but he didn't expect his eldest brother to know so soon, but he was relieved when he thought that elder brother might have hidden powers he didn't know.

"Do you think your life is too long, or something? You don't have to find a foreign land if you want to die."

Huang Tianyang was very upset with the third child. His mother lost his life to give birth to him, but the third child did not cherish his life very much and wanted to go to a foreign land to die. This made Huang Tianyang very angry.

"Second brother, I know that you hate me, but I don't care, please leave my nostalgia, I just take risks, not die." Huang Tianwu said flatly to the second brother.

"Who wants to worry about your business, I just don't want my mother to die in vain. If you dare to go to a foreign land, I will break your leg." Huang Tianyang said angrily.

"Enough, have your two brothers quarreled enough? Whenever you meet, it is not a cold war or a quarrel. You can't calm down and have a good chat." Huang Chengde said helplessly.

"I have nothing to say to him!" Huang Tianyang said sternly.

"It sounds like I have something nice to say to you!"

Huang Tianwu replied unconvinced.

"You haven't experienced severe beatings in the society. You are very arrogant. Third, don't you want to venture into a foreign land? I'm allowed." Huang Jianzhi said suddenly.


Huang Tianwu stood up and looked at his elder brother happily. He didn't expect his elder brother to let go.

"Big Brother..."

"Tianzhi, why do you agree to let him go to such a dangerous place? No, I don't agree." Huang Chengde disagreed.

"You can stop it for a while, but you can't stop it for a lifetime. If he wants to, let him go, but he will bear all the consequences, and I won't pay him." Huang Jianzhi said.

"Big brother, you said so, why did you let him go? Didn't it hurt him!" Huang Tianyang asked incomprehensibly.

"You are sure to go to a foreign land to take an adventure. You must know that such a place will cause death if you are not careful. You are not worried about your own safety. What about your partners who go to a foreign land, have you considered their safety."

Huang Jianzhi did not respond to the second child's words, but asked the third child.

"I know that foreign land is very dangerous, so I don't plan to let my friends follow me. I will go in alone, only walk on the edge, and never go deep into it." Huang Tianwu said.

"Let you be reckless for a while, I don't care about you for the time being, remember, don't die."

"This is an S-rank beast core. I have turned the violent energy inside into a mild one. I can absorb it boldly, and it will be enough for you to be promoted to Grand Master."

"It's just that it takes a long time to absorb it, but it's not a big problem. One is for each person, and the father holds one as a family heirloom."

To Huang Jianzhi, the beast core is equivalent to an ornament and has no effect. He simply gave one to his family and he went back to his room when it was finished.

When he was in the room, he vaguely heard his father not letting the youngest take risks in a foreign land, but it was none of his business, he just wanted to play games.

Day by day, Huang Jianzhi’s prestige not only has not diminished, but has also multiplied day by day for no reason.

In addition to Huang Jianzhi's rising prestige, other news is also spreading wildly. For example, a certain country will be destroyed today and a certain city will be slaughtered tomorrow.

That's all, a major event that made the entire human race nervous is also happening. Tiannanzhou, one of the eight continents in the world, was invaded by foreigners.

One-third of Yangkou Island is occupied by ocean abyssal creatures.

The ground veins of Chizhou were broken, and there were no human beings living there.

The world is undergoing drastic changes. ..

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