Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1169: Star Federation

"You're a busy person, it's not just as simple as asking me to drink tea, right?"

Within a few days of Huang Jianzhi's house, Fubo Tian came to his door, causing him to make tea for Fubo Tian to drink as soon as he woke up early in the morning. He was a bit disgusted with Fubo Tian coming to him, and it would be no good to find him.

"The outside world is about to shake up the sky, and you are the only one who has been in a house where you have nothing to do with yourself. Your lifestyle is really enviable." Fubotian said with envy.

"Skywarping? It's not that serious, right!"

Although Huang Jianzhi is very homely, he still passively understands the major events outside. No way, his two younger brothers squatted at the door of his room and talked as soon as they heard something outside.

Maybe he is too house, no matter what the world is, and he doesn't let his two brothers into his room, his two brothers can't stand it anymore.

They used the way of squatting at the door and talking to tell them that something big was happening outside and the people needed the big brother as a hero.

"The news that people get is often abbreviated version, and the real situation is really serious."

"Before the rejuvenation of Reiki, there were more than 300 countries in the world, and now there are less than 100 countries. Eight or nine countries were destroyed a few days ago."

"The world's eight lands, the smallest Tiannanzhou, was completely occupied by foreigners a few days ago."

"Yangkou Island is not as rumored outside. It is occupied by ocean abyssal creatures. A third of the land is occupied by ocean abyssal creatures. It may be completely occupied by ocean abyssal creatures in a month or two. "

"Chizhou's veins are broken, and there are none of the compatriots living in Chizhou, but the actual number of people who survived is really afraid to publish it."

"Northern California sank very early, so I won't mention this."

"There are four continents left, one continent is not suitable for human survival, and only three continents are left for our human beings."

"If it weren't for the rejuvenation of spiritual energy and our planet became bigger, then the place where we live is really fragile."

"Qinglong Ares God, isn't this situation serious! Fu Botian asked back.

"It's really serious. I didn't expect human beings to be forced into this way."

Huang Jianzhi did not expect that mankind would be pulled from the throne of the top predator in this way.

"If you don't talk about the others, just talk about strangers. The strangers who occupy Tiannanzhou and the strangers on the other side of the Northwestern Secret Land are not from the same dynasty."

"The strengths of these two dynasties are also in sharp contrast. If the foreigners in the northwestern secret land are from a middle dynasty, then the foreigners who occupy the Tiannan Continent are definitely from a powerful empire."

"What's the basis?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"Because it took them less than a year to capture Tiannan Continent. Although Tiannan Continent is our smallest continent, there are still three or four countries on Tiannan Continent that possess destructive weapons."

"During this period, human beings used a lot of destructive weapons to deal with foreigners, killing many of their strong men, but their strong men continued to send our world to invade us."

"From this, it is determined that the invading Tiannan Island must be an empire in a foreign land." Fu Botian said.

"Let's talk, what do you want me to do?" Huang Jianzhi went directly to the subject.

"We need you to stand up and lead us to fight back the aliens who occupy Tiannanzhou and clean up the ocean abyss creatures in Yangkouzhou." Fubotian said his purpose.

"How are you sure that I can do it?" Huang Jianzhi asked with a smile.

"There are only dozens of countries left in the world. At the moment when Tian Nan Continent was occupied by foreigners, our country, including other countries, realized that mankind must be united to overcome everything."

"Before I came, all countries had secretly communicated with each other to establish a unified federal system and unite all the forces of mankind to deal with the enemy together."

"The name of the federation is temporarily: Star Federation. As our country has the strongest power, we are responsible for the important power of the Star Federation."

"The Lingwu Society has not changed, but the Lingwu Society is no longer in charge of the warriors and abilities of a country, but of the world's warriors and abilities."

"The current strength of Lingwu Society has expanded to an unimaginable level, and it needs an epoch-making character to suppress and control it."

"And you are the one chosen by us. You will be the first president of the Century Lingwu Club."

"Assemble all the power of mankind, we believe you will lead us to defeat everything." Fubotian said.

"Knowing that I don't care about things, but still give me such a big position, you are not afraid that I will play Lingwu She collapsed." Huang Jianzhi said silently.

"Ling Wu She has been handed over to you, if you want to do that, I can't help it."

Fu Botian is not afraid of boiling water.

"I really convinced you. The position of president is just given to me, why not give me the position of first chairman of the Star Federation." Huang Jianzhi said boredly.

"The first chairman of the conference does not exist, but you have been nominated as the vice chairman. No surprises, you will become the vice chairman." Fubotian smiled.

"Forget it, just do whatever you like. I'm too lazy to deal with you, and I don't care what goes wrong." Huang Jianzhi said lazily, and it doesn't matter what Fubotian does by default.

"With your strength, it is difficult for Lingwu Society to think of trouble. However, before taking charge of Lingwu Society, you may have to stand up once." Fu Botian said suddenly.

"Do I still need Liwei?" Huang Jianzhi asked in a daze.

"The total number of celestial beings and S-ranks in the world totals 28 people. After the establishment of the Star Federation, these people are unified under the management of the Lingwu Society and belong to the elders or top combat power of the Lingwu Society.

"But these people are so arrogant, everyone almost says that Lao Tzu is number one in the world."

"They have your information and have a deep taboo against you, but it does not prevent them from doubting your strength. After all, they have not seen it with their own eyes."

"A week later, except for those who can't leave the place that needs to be guarded, all the devas and S-ranks will come to Kyoto for a meeting."

"You are the president, and you preside over the meeting. If you want them to be honest, you can show your strength to calm them. Otherwise, they don't work hard at critical moments and they like to paddle."

"I'm a little worried that you can't live with so many celestial powerhouses and S-rank abilities."

Fubotian is inevitably a little worried. The 28 bosses, except for those who can't come to guard important places, have at least a dozen bosses. Huang Jianzhi can really handle them.

"You are too worried, no matter who it is, I think it will be easy to calm him." Huang Jianzhi said nothing.

"Then I look forward to your performance that day."

Fu Botian got the answer he wanted and got up and left.

Less than half an hour after Fubotian left, a storm news swept all mankind, and all countries formed a united front to form the Star Federation.

Everyone has different attitudes towards the establishment of the Star Alliance, some agree, some oppose, and some are neutral.

However, the approval votes accounted for 60% to 70%. Human beings who have lived to this day know the importance of unity, and only unity can win.

"Brother, did you know that the Star Alliance would be established long ago, and the Lingwu Society has become the most transcendent power in the world, so you let me transfer to the Lingwu Society." Huang Tianyang asked his elder brother. ..

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