Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1171: Can advance or retreat

"Big cousin, he is so rich, even the A-level beast core is willing to give it out as a reward."

Even Xia Qingling's cousin felt that her eldest cousin was too arrogant and inhuman. She also had an A-level beast nucleus in her family. It was only one or two in her grandfather's body.

A-level spirit beasts are not easy to kill, so the A-level beast cores are extremely precious, but the elder brother doesn't take the A-level beast cores seriously, saying that if they are used as rewards, they will be used as rewards, the king of local tyrants.

"It's a big fuss, the A-level beast core is so happy, a group of buns, have you seen a basketball-big S-level beast core."

Huang Tianwu thought of the S-grade beast core that his eldest brother had given him earlier, and his entire face was full of smiles. It is cool to have such a eldest brother. If you don't need anything, you can get the best.

"It seems you are all ready, let's start."

As soon as Huang Jianzhi's voice fell, the replicas rushed up towards their respective bodies.

The students of the strongest Tianjiao class are all elites, and they won't stand and wait for the replica to rush up, but when their body moves, they take the initiative to greet them.

One-on-one, and then tore apart. Once they met, Huang Tianwu and the others still suffered from the copy. The replica is not afraid of death, and it is extremely cruel.

The front is tough, the momentum is directly lost by half, and many people are beaten steadily and retreat. A lot of color is still hanging on their bodies.

"Don't be afraid that the clone will kill you. As long as you fall or lie down, the clone will not attack you."

"Moreover, your injuries are only temporary. If you leave this space, your injuries will instantly recover. Even if you die, you will be resurrected immediately after you leave this space."

"In short, the injuries you have received in this space are all fake. You don't need to be afraid of your hands. Use your full strength for me to see." Huang Jianzhi reminded.

When the students heard what they were afraid of, they all let go of their hands and feet and attacked their clones.

"I don't know whether it's fake or not, but the pain is real. This **** brother didn't remove the pain." Huang Tianwu's nose was beaten and bleeding by the copy, and he complained that the big brother was deliberate.

"Jade Butterfly, be careful..."

Huang Tianwu saw the two rain butterflies tearing and killing, and he could still clearly see that it was the body and the copy. The eyes of the copy were dull, gray and gray, just like no life.

Seeing that Yudie was in danger, he stepped forward and knocked the copy of Yudie away. As soon as he smashed away, he guarded against the copy of Yudie and his copy to besiege him.

It's just that Yudie's copy didn't seem to see Huang Tianwu, and got up and continued to rush towards Yudie.

"It turns out that these clones only attack their own body, and others directly ignore it."

Huang Tianwu discovered the weakness of these replicas, not only Huang Tianwu discovered it alone, but many students have discovered it, but they are not sure whether they should help other students.

They worry that this is a one-on-one test for the instructor, and whether to interfere with other people's battles will violate the rules.

"I have noticed, I don't know if they will break the rules." Huang Jianzhi smiled and looked at it.

"Weaknesses are so obvious, why hesitate to kill them together."

Huang Tianwu didn't have so many worries. He was the first to eat crabs, dodge the attack of his copy, and kill the copy of his classmate in a sneak attack.

Seeing that there was no change on the tutor's face, other students didn't hesitate, and they all helped the students get rid of their copy. Soon the copy was killed by their cooperation.

"Yes, you have all passed the first level. Each person will be rewarded with a bottle of B-grade energy potion, which will be collected from Instructor He later."

"Next, proceed to the second level, which is also to kill your copy, but this time the copy is not as simple as the first level."

"It's not one-on-one, but one-on-three. The most important thing is that these replicas will still cooperate." Huang Jianzhi smiled old and bad.

"What, three, will cooperate, what else to fight, you can directly admit defeat."

"I know that the second level test is not that simple. The result is **** level as soon as it is up. Can I not participate in the second level."

"I know, the instructor is going to give us an impressive education before leaving. To put it bluntly, he will be fat and beat us."


Many people vaguely guessed the instructor's intentions, and gave them a severe social beating.

"Brother **** knows that big brothers bully the younger, but we can't escape this space, we can only let him bully." Huang Tianwu stared at his elder brother fiercely.

"I'm going to a meeting. I won't accompany you in the second stage. After two hours, this space will be automatically released."

"If you can't win within two hours, then you can only face the two-hour fat fight of your copy, come on, I am optimistic about you!"

Huang Jianzhi finally showed his bad standard smile, turned around and whispered a few words to He Caisheng, then disappeared and left the space.

"Classmates, I'm sorry, I can't help you, I can only cheer for you silently."

He Caisheng saw that all his classmates were looking at him, but he had no choice but to show that he was powerless.

"Big brother despicable, you are a flower that abuses the motherland. I will sue you to my father after I go out."

Huang Tianwu saw a copy of three times the number of them rushing up, shouting at his eldest brother as a nasty bastard.

"It feels great to bully them before leaving."

The meeting time was three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was too early to leave the meeting. Huang Jianzhi was not in a hurry to go to the meeting place, but wandered around in Kyoto. Because he was so famous, he had to wear a mask when he went out.

It was only ten minutes away in two hours, but Huang Tianwu and the others were all lying on the ground with bruises and swollen noses.

As long as they lie on the ground, the replica will not attack them. Knowing that they can't win, anyone who wants to be beaten will pass by lying down.

Soon more than ten minutes passed, the duplicates disappeared, they returned to the original classroom from the special space, and their injuries recovered in an instant.

"You all come here, after receiving your B-level energy potion and A-level beast core, school will be over."

When He Caisheng came back from the special space, a baggage appeared out of nowhere and fell at his feet. He was not surprised or delayed, and he was ready to leave after giving out the reward.

"A Grade Beast Core??"

"Teacher He, we haven't even passed the second level, where's the A-level beast core."

The students all looked at their tutor He in confusion.

"The A-level beast core is not a reward. It was given to you by the Azure Dragon God of War. He asked me to tell you that it is not shameful to lie on the ground. It is shameful that you can't recognize yourself. You must be able to advance or retreat. It is most important to live. "

After He Caisheng finished speaking, he opened the bag and asked the students to separate the Class B energy agent and the Class A animal core in the bag.

"It turns out that the second level of the instructor is teaching us the principles of being human. I am worthy of being my idol. I will remember these words clearly."

"There are not many things to teach us, but these are often what we need most. Is this the wisdom and mind of the world's strongest man? I am out of reach."

"A-level beast core, now the favors owed to the instructor are big enough, the instructor can't pay it back, and can only pay back the favor to the squad leader, this should be what the instructor wants."

The classmates looked at the Class B energy agent and the Class A beast core in their hands, their hearts were volatile, and many people transferred this kindness to the squad leader.

"Big brother is so good at life, I won't file a complaint." Huang Tianwu said proudly.

"Hehe, if you have one-thousandth of your eldest brother's ability." Lin Yudie snickered when she saw Huang Tianwu's arrogant appearance.

"One-thousandth? Don't be kidding, the big brother is abnormal, how can anyone compare it."..

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