Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1172: Ghost Shadow

"Cousin, don't be humble. Although you are not as good as your big cousin, you have already taken a big step forward compared to us."

"The best ones in the class are just the pinnacle of the martial artist, and you are already far ahead of the end of the martial arts stage. Within a few days, you may be the pinnacle of the martial artist."

"The nineteen-year-old martial artist's pinnacle has never existed in the records of Huawu Academy. Cousin, to us, you are another version of the big cousin. It's hard to stop." Xia Qingling mumbled a little mouth next to him. Said.

"Don't boast about me. I'm just drifting away when I'm boasting. It's the blessing of my elder brother that I can break through so quickly with a huge amount of resources."

"If you have massive resources like mine, you might break through faster than me."

Huang Tianwu is indeed humble. He is not a late martial artist at this moment, but a half-step master, only one step away from the realm of the master.

The distance of one step is different from that of others. The distance of one step of others may be very far away, and the distance of one step of others is different.

He felt that he wanted to make a breakthrough, so he broke a piece of thin paper with one poke, which was what his instinct told him.

He also trusts his intuition very much. Since his elder brother has improved his talent, this intuition has naturally existed just like he was born.

"Sister Die, take a look, his cousin is pretending again." Xia Qingling said.

"I'm telling you! In fact, your cousin is not the later stage of the martial arts, but the peak of the martial arts. In a few days, he may become the master."

Lin Yudie has a power link with Huang Tianwu, and naturally perceives the true situation of Huang Tianwu, and whispered mysteriously in Xia Qingling's ear.

"Hmph ~ cousin, you have lost me, goodbye!" Xia Qingling heard this, embarrassed and embarrassed to leave.

Huang Tianwu:,,,


"Wow, I was worshipped."

Huang Jianzhi, who came out shopping, saw many bronze statues about him. These statues were made by fans who admired him, and Huang Jianzhi understood them all.

It's just why someone offered incense to his bronze statue, one is okay, but a large group of people lined up to incense him.

"My friend, do you want incense, three incense for a thousand yuan, it is very spiritual. Don't ask why it is so expensive, this is a special recipe from my ancestors."

A young hawker brought a handful of incense to Huang Jianzhi to sell.

There is more than one person selling incense like this. Looking at the scene, there are a few people selling incense honestly.

"The Azure Dragon God of War is not dead yet, why so many people give him incense, is this a bit disrespectful to the Azure Dragon God of War?" Huang Jianzhi said.

"Friend, you are wrong. They are not disrespectful to the Azure Dragon God of War, but they do so because they are too respectful."

"The Azure Dragon God of War has done too much for us humans. We are infinitely grateful to the Azure Dragon God of War for what we have done. We have no way to repay. We can only ask the portrait or statue of the Azure Dragon God of War to go back and worship."

"Those who worship the Azure Dragon God of War are rumored to have received the gift of the Azure Dragon God of War. Some wives are pregnant, and some sows have given birth."

"There are countless rumors, and over time, people will worship the Azure Dragon God of War as a god." The young vendor explained.

On my day, what does it matter to me that other people’s wives are pregnant, and it’s not I who made her pregnant, it was the **** who passed it on.

Also, it's my business if the sow gives birth. I really think I am omnipotent, and everything will be pushed on me. Huang Jianzhi thought depressed in his heart.

"Is this nobody cares?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"The whole people worship the Azure Dragon God of War as a god. This is public opinion, who dares to control it."

"I'm talking about worshipping the Azure Dragon God of War. Even if the Azure Dragon God of War has opinions, it might be difficult to stop it." The young peddler looked at the masked Huang Jianzhi and said.

"Yes, if you love me, even the Azure Dragon God of War can't say anything." Huang Jianzhi smiled bitterly.

"Friend, the Azure Dragon God of War is admired by the world, buy three incense sticks to respect him." The young peddler suggested.

"I have no money!"


Young hawkers came and went quickly, and soon he found a tourist to promote his products.

Huang Jianzhi saw that the time was almost up, and walked towards the venue with an inch shrunk.

Lingwusha Headquarters

In the inhumane atrium meeting room, there are old people, children, and monks, and there are nineteen people of all kinds.

At the moment, the staff at Lingwushe headquarters are very restrained, because they know who is attending the atrium meeting.

Even if the old monsters in the atrium meeting room don't give off a trace of breath, they are young and uncomfortable and cautious, afraid that a little movement will disturb the old monsters in the atrium meeting room.

When Fu Botian saw that the people were all there, he was slightly relieved, except for the things that could not come by guarding important places, the rest was given the face of Qinglong God of War.

In the atrium conference room, some people talked happily, some were alone in a corner with their eyes closed and calmed down, and some had a fierce face, as if looking at no one was unhappy.

These people's actions were printed in Fubotian's pupils one by one. Fubotian knew that these people were arrogant guys, and it was really rare to be able to stay peacefully in the same room.

"Mexic Kay, change makes you different. We used to fight against each other because of the relationship between hostile countries, but now we are better and become colleagues."

A strong western man who didn't know where to bring a glass of red wine into the atrium meeting room, to have a drink for himself, saw an old acquaintance, and greeted him jokingly.

"If it weren't for my fellow citizens around the world, I wouldn't want to be a colleague with you at all." Mesik Kai said with a glance at the North King.

"No, you don't have to come, and no one is forcing you to come." The North King shot back.

"Too lazy to talk to you." Mesik Kai looked at Bei Wang and ignored him.

"White Dragon King, what are you doing? How do you feel that you are absent-minded."

Bei Wang didn't care when he saw that his old opponent ignored him. He just turned around and looked at a acquaintance, but the acquaintance was a bit strange. Unconsciously or intentionally, his eyes always remained on the other people in the atrium meeting room.

"Bei, Brother Bei, it's you, long time no see."

Suddenly, the White Dragon King was stopped by someone, and his heart became flustered. He looked at the person who stopped him, and he was relieved when he saw that it was someone he knew physically.

The White Dragon King has a big secret in his heart. He is not the real White Dragon King. His true identity is one of the generals under the commander of the King Yong Ye.

General Soul Shadow

He can devour other people’s souls, get their memories, occupy their bodies,,,

A few days ago, the White Dragon King was captured by the Yongye King and became a prisoner. The dying White Dragon King was easily swallowed by his soul, got his memory, and provided them with a lot of information.

Having obtained a large amount of information, they were still worried, and sent General Soul Shadow to sneak into the human camp to find out whether humans had any trump cards.

With the help of the memory of the White Dragon King, General Soul Shadow easily entered the atrium meeting room and saw so many human powers, of course he had to observe it carefully.

These humans are their great enemies, and it is very important for them to be able to understand the abilities and tricks of these humans.

"Brother Bailong, aren't you used to being free? How come you come to the meeting." The Northern King looked at the White Dragon King in confusion and asked. ..

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