Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1174: Empire of the Night

Upon hearing the Tianyuan Continent, the eyes of everyone on the scene gradually narrowed.

This information must be huge, and what the Azure Dragon God of War said was hammered by the nightmare.

The White Dragon King was really dead, or the soul was swallowed by a guy called Soul Shadow, which made them all feel sad.

The White Dragon King is not weak, he is one of only more than twenty strongest people in the world, and such an existence just died.

The biggest problem is that this guy named Soul Shadow comes from Tianyuan Continent, and Tianyuan Continent still knows a thing or two about people with status like them.

The foreigners who invaded Tiannan Continent came from the Tianyuan Continent, and the foreigners on the northwestern side also came from the Tianyuan Continent. There are 17 foreign gates, and they have determined that a small part of them are connected to the Tianyuan Continent.

It is impossible to determine that all the connections are from the Tianyuan Continent, because the places connected by some alien gates are not dangerous forbidden areas, or extremely weird places.

They couldn't tell whether the seventeen alien gates were all connected to the Tianyuan Continent.

But today they obviously felt that the nightmare would give them a definite answer.

"From the mouth of Soul Shadow, we understand that the foreign land is the Tianyuan Continent, and it can be said that the 17 foreign land gates are all connected to the Tianyuan Continent."

Without letting Fubotian and the others wait for a long time, Nightmare actually hammered another news. No matter how other people reacted, Nightmare's words continued.

"The Tianyuan Continent is obviously a vast and huge place than our world. For the Tianyuan Continent, we are equivalent to a small world."

"There are various intelligent creatures in the Tianyuan Continent, and foreigners dominate, equivalent to humans in our world. The existence of foreigners is dynasty, sect,,,"

"There are more than 90% of the dynasty, and less than 10% of the sect. The biggest power in the Tianyuan Continent is the five empires, followed by the duchy, the waiting country,...

"The five empires are the Black Dragon Empire, the Uth Empire, the Ming Realm Empire, the Divine Light Empire and the Dark Night Empire."

"Each of these five empires is a giant, with a life span of almost ten thousand years. The borders are too large to describe, let alone the number of people."

Over ten thousand years! ! !

Everyone in the atrium meeting room heard that the five empires of Tiantianyuan Continent had existed for more than ten thousand years, and their eyes became extremely solemn.

Among the ancient dynasties in their world, the longest existed for only 800 years, and there was a dynasty that existed for tens of thousands of years in the Tianyuan Continent.

The Wannian Dynasty, its background makes people feel terrified. There are not only one such terrible dynasties, but five.

This is enough to prove how terrifying the Tianyuan Continent is.

"Except for the five great empires, Tianyuan Continent has lived for no more than a thousand years in other principalities and waiting states."

"But the five empires have been there for tens of thousands of years. There are big secrets in this."

"Each of these five empires controls a small world. The small world can be said to be the cornerstone of their existence for tens of thousands of years."

"The most important thing is that behind each of their empires, there are our theoretically strong people in the immortal realm."

When Nightmare talked about strong people in the realm of human beings, his face became precarious.

"What, the realm of human immortality, nightmare, you are sure that they really exist in the realm of human immortal."

Everyone's expressions have also become panicked. At their level, it is very difficult for them to be killed by destructive weapons. In theory, it is not to mention the power of the human immortal realm, and they directly ignore the destructive weapons.

If the human immortal realm invades their world, it can be said that there are no strong people in the human fairy realm, and they have no ability to resist at all.

Huang Jianzhi's family knew Huang Jianzhi's specific situation, but they all chose to keep it secret. They also had selfish intentions and didn't want others to know that the realm of the eldest brother was breaking too quickly and was about to rise.

They didn't say that naturally no one knew the tip of Huang Jianzhi's iceberg.

Not to mention everyone at the scene, they know a hammer.

"This is questioned from the mouth of the soul, and it is true in all likelihood. Unfortunately, the one that occupies our Tiannan Continent is the Dark Night Empire, one of the five empires." Nightmare said.

As soon as the bad news came out, the faces of everyone on the scene became even more ugly. The five empires all have the cards of the immortal and powerful, which makes them unmoved.

"The people who occupy our Tiannan Continent are the people of the Dark Night Empire. Which country is the foreigner who secretly invaded us from the northwest?

"Where is the boundless virgin forest connected by Dongju Canyon?"

"Where are the other foreign gates connected?" Huang Jianzhi asked three times.

Huang Jianzhi has a slight interest in Tianyuan Continent. If Tianyuan Continent is good, he thinks he can stay for a few more years to play Raiders.

"The stranger who invaded us in the Northwestern Dark World is one of the top duchy of the Tianyuan Continent, Yunhai Park."

"Over the years, the Yunhai Park can't wait to invade us, probably because they want to capture our world, so that they can become the cornerstone of the sixth empire."

"East Giant Canyon is connected to the infinite mountain range. The endless virgin forest is just one of the characteristics of the infinite mountain range. There are many intelligent creatures in it."

"Most of the other alien gates are connected to the forbidden land of the Tianyuan Continent, the land of sleeping bones, the undead poisonous domain, etc."

"It is also thanks to the fact that most alien gates are connected to restricted areas, so that Tianyuan Continent knows that there are not many creatures in our world. Otherwise, our world would have been attacked long ago."

Nightmare and Fubo Tian cooperated with you to reply to Huang Jianzhi’s question one by one.

"Interestingly, I am more and more interested in Tianyuan Continent."

"Tell me about the intelligence of the Dark Night Empire?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"At this moment, the leader of the dark night empire to defend the headquarters is the dark night emperor's younger brother, Yong Yewang, who is a half-step human being in the realm of immortality, leading fifty million,,"

"Wait, fifty million? Are there so many defending headquarters? How many people does the Dark Night Empire have?"

Before the nightmare was finished, Huang Jianzhi interrupted and asked.

"Near Night Empire is roughly calculated with a population of about 3 billion people, which still does not include the population of the small world under its control." Nightmare said with difficulty.

"How many people do we have in the world?"

Others exclaimed that Yongyewang’s Qiangdongzhou National Defense Headquarters was huge, but Huang Jianzhi asked about the population problem.

"Although we have worked hard to restore the population, due to environmental impact, the population is also more than 3 billion." Fu Botian replied.

"That said, the population of one of our worlds is no more than the population of an empire, and there are four such empires."

"For Tianyuan Continent, our world really looks like a small world." Huang Jianzhi said, touching his chin.

"President, the people and immortals of the Dark Night Empire will not leave their Yancheng easily, but the Yongye King and his 50 million defense headquarters are enough to make us extremely nervous."

"Our federation has just been established, and many things have not yet been perfected, and Yongyewang is still a half-step human immortal," Fubotian said worriedly.

"Worry, what is there to be afraid of the little half-step human beings, even if they are strong human beings, we are not afraid." Huang Jianzhi smiled relaxedly.

"Could it be that you, President,..."

Everyone at the scene saw Huang Jianzhi's extremely relaxed smile, and a certain thought flashed in their minds, and the joy and excitement that could not be hidden in their eyes came out clearly.

"Well, I seem to have broken through again!"..

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