What is a surprise, this is a surprise, everyone is extremely excited and exposed on their faces.

The strength of the Dark Night Empire is like the Black Cloud Town that wants to crush the whole city on their hearts, and it is like a sharp knife about to be placed on their necks.

Hearing that there are immortal strongmen in the Dark Night Empire, they have prepared for the worst, but they are not reconciled.

How could human beings be slaves!

They can't surrender either. The Dark Night Empire's invasion mode is to kill the original natives with vitality.

All warriors and abilities have become souls under the sword, and the Dark Night Empire is completely taking their world as nutrients to absorb, and human beings are all like sheep, which they absolutely cannot accept.

Now that it’s over, the president who was originally a celestial person and an S-level ability has broken through again. Whether it is martial arts or ability breakthrough, it is always the legendary realm of human immortality.

They were really excited and excited, and what was exciting was that their humans had the power to fight the Night Empire.

What's exciting is that in theory, it is almost impossible for them to break through the immortal realm, which was broken by their legendary president.

Very early on, they explored and came to the conclusion that it is difficult for their world to support the birth of the strong man in the immortal realm. In addition to the short time for aura recovery, there are many reasons.

A professional scientific research team predicts that it will take at least a thousand years before human beings want to give birth to a strong man in the realm of immortality.

Who wants their legendary president to create a miracle again, at this moment, they are all convinced by the president.

The people who had a small Jiujiu plan in their hearts before have no other ideas, the rest are only convinced by the president,,,

"President, take the liberty to ask, are you a martial art breakthrough, a power breakthrough, or both."

Fu Botian looked at Huang Jianzhi with strong hope. When everyone heard it, they looked at Huang Jianzhi with the same excitement, hoping that Huang Jianzhi would give them even greater surprises.

"Both are"

Huang Jianzhi knew what Fu Botian wanted to hear the most, so the corners of his mouth curled up to meet their expectations.

At this moment, the trace of pressure deep in the eyes of Fu Botian disappeared.

They were still a little worried that Huang Jianzhi had just broken through, and could not compare to the old immortal powerhouse. They could hear that Huang Jianzhi was not a single-sided breakthrough, but a double breakthrough of martial arts and abilities.

This is not as simple as one plus one. They don't know how strong Huang Jianzhi is, but they believe that Huang Jianzhi will not lose in the face of the old people and the strong.

"The most right thing the country has done is to invest in him. Although it feels like catching a duck on the shelves, it is precisely because of this that we humans have one more protector."

For the first time, Fu Botian felt that the most correct thing the country had done was to push Huang Jianzhi to the stage with all his strength. At this moment, he was thinking happily on the side.

"President, you won't be the reincarnation of a god, such a talent is simply..."

Someone recalled the shocking things that Huang Jianzhi had done from his birth to the present, and those things were not full of legends.

The most important thing is Huang Jianzhi's talent. This is what makes people most noticeable. Some people are about to reincarnate Huang Jianzhi as a god.

"What information is there to ask?" Huang Jianzhi asked Nightmare.

"I only know that in addition to stealing our intelligence, Soul Shadow is also trying to disintegrate or destroy the federation we just established, and nothing else can be asked." Nightmare replied.

"The Dark Night Empire obviously has such a powerful strength, and they still play tricks with us, they are not easy to deal with." Mesik Kai said.

"The enemy is indeed very cunning, but what about it, they don't even know that our president has broken through to the realm of human immortals."

"The powerhouses of their human immortal realm will not leave their Yancheng easily. Their commander, Yong Yewang, is just a half-step human immortal, as long as we attack with all our strength."

"We can completely kill the Eternal Night King, and even with a little effort, we can leave all the enemy's 50 million troops behind. Just imagine that the loss of the 50 million defense headquarters of the Dark Night Empire will also hurt your muscles and bones."

"This can give us time to relax, as long as we give us time to develop, it is enough to protect our world." Bei Wang said in a serious face.

As soon as Bei Wang spoke, many people nodded slightly.

"This is a good idea, but you have overlooked a lot of questions. Yongyewang is the younger brother of the Dark Night Emperor, and he must have a lot of protective treasures on him."

"With such a huge defense headquarters, there are countless masters, and they won't just watch their commander-in-chief be killed by the president."

"Maybe they have some special means to trap the president, or seal the president, if that's the case, we are really finished."

"We must not underestimate the heritage of the Wannian Dynasty, because everyone knows how many methods they hide, and we must never do reckless things." Fubotian said.

Fu Botian's words silenced everyone. The background of the Wannian Dynasty really cannot be ignored. The background can sometimes reverse many things.

"There is one thing we can't compare to the defense headquarters of the Night Empire, that is, our overall strength is a bit low, even with the help of aircraft and artillery, I still have a little gap with them."

"If we defend the headquarters with the enemy's 50 million yuan, we will not use destructive weapons, we will lose more and lose less."

"Using destructive weapons, our probability of winning is only four levels. These still don't consider the determinants of high-end combat power."

Fubotian’s words are true. They have aircraft cannons, the enemy also has warships, and key warships also have protective covers, as well as for long-range attacks on others. This has reduced the efficiency of their aircraft cannons a lot.

"The overall strength is poor, and the background is not good. It seems that I can't live without this world for a short time." Huang Jianzhi thought silently.

"If you give us time to develop, it would be great. With the president, we can completely eliminate the terrestrial beasts, fight back the creatures of the ocean abyss, and take back all the territory of mankind."

"Give us a few more years, and our overall strength will definitely rise very high."

"At that time, the creatures of the ocean abyss will not be a threat to us, and the night empire will be strong enough to resist. It is a pity that everything comes too early, and we have too little time to prepare."

Fu Botian complained that God gave them too little time to develop, and the invasion of the Dark Night Empire was too fast.

"Has the A-level energy agent been researched out?"

"It was secretly researched a year ago, and even the S-level energy agent was researched a week ago."

Huang Jianzhi asked, and replied to Tianyi.

"The S-level energy agent has just been researched, and there should be few. First, take 90% of the preparation and reserve A-level energy agent to those who have merits and A-level supernatural powers, so that their combat power will be stronger. ."

"Also, how many defense headquarters can we play?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"thirty million!"

"Thirty million? So little."

The global defense headquarters is unified, but when defending the headquarters, a total of 20 million is missing from the defense headquarters of the Dark Night Empire. This gap is a bit big.

"President, I also want to increase the number of defense headquarters, but cities all over us also need to defend headquarters to prevent spirit beasts from taking advantage of it. Thirty million is already the limit."

"However, we can solicit volunteers from all over the world. Hunting guilds, casual cultivators, etc. are all our soliciting objects. We will find a way to collect 40 million."

The Dark Night Empire is supported by a small world, and they can't compare, but they can pool 40 million to defend the headquarters, which is still more than 10 million behind the Dark Night Empire.

More than 10 million, some small countries do not even have a population of more than 10 million. The additional 10 million to defend the headquarters will definitely increase the pressure on the defense of the headquarters. ..

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